(The "creative team" being anyone who can spell decently, but I imagine the active members will be those who lack computer skills and need something halfway productive to do.)
1) New factions; also, old factions can get multiple leaders!
2) Resources.
3) New technologies. This can be done with some autonomy from the gameplay side of things - work out all sorts of things that fit with the thematics and kludge with them until they fit the tech tree gameplay demands. Or just do spot work on some of the incoherent higher-end technologies.
4) Little things, like the names of Great People. (In this I could imagine a few interesting Random Name Generators for each of the factions, which could have applications elsewhere).
1) Interludes, if we want them.
2) Tech/facility/SP quotes, if we're coming up with any new ones. The voice acting is so fun that I figure most will just be rejuggling, to the extent that we change their referents, but I there's likely to be some room for this.
3) Script. Are we porting the AC script over in such a way that it requires the old .txt file, in the way we're requiring the old voice files, or are we rewriting as required from the C4 script? Either way, there's room for:
a) Leader-specific dialogue: obviously, tripe about Ceasar making his own salads is right out, but more AC-thematic individual dialogue could be awesome.
b) SE *****ing/praising, if we add any new social models.
Also: what else?
1) New factions; also, old factions can get multiple leaders!
2) Resources.
3) New technologies. This can be done with some autonomy from the gameplay side of things - work out all sorts of things that fit with the thematics and kludge with them until they fit the tech tree gameplay demands. Or just do spot work on some of the incoherent higher-end technologies.
4) Little things, like the names of Great People. (In this I could imagine a few interesting Random Name Generators for each of the factions, which could have applications elsewhere).
1) Interludes, if we want them.
2) Tech/facility/SP quotes, if we're coming up with any new ones. The voice acting is so fun that I figure most will just be rejuggling, to the extent that we change their referents, but I there's likely to be some room for this.
3) Script. Are we porting the AC script over in such a way that it requires the old .txt file, in the way we're requiring the old voice files, or are we rewriting as required from the C4 script? Either way, there's room for:
a) Leader-specific dialogue: obviously, tripe about Ceasar making his own salads is right out, but more AC-thematic individual dialogue could be awesome.
b) SE *****ing/praising, if we add any new social models.
Also: what else?