The Planetary Datalinks: XML complete, modified functionality
Prereq: Cyberethics
Cost: 2000
Grants all technologies acquired by any 2 known civilizations
as of v212
I personally Prefer the civ version so it moves the project from being a stop the other guys gettig it... to I gotta have this!! I think 2 techs is about the right number
Original Smac function:
(SMAC VERSION) Grant 3 Tech Known by all
Prereq: Cyberethics
Cost: 2000
Grants all technologies acquired by any 2 known civilizations
as of v212
I personally Prefer the civ version so it moves the project from being a stop the other guys gettig it... to I gotta have this!! I think 2 techs is about the right number
Original Smac function:
(SMAC VERSION) Grant 3 Tech Known by all