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[C4:AC] Sound solutions

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  • [C4:AC] Sound solutions

    It is possible to use all the default SMAC/X sound files without any need for converting the audio format. The coding for this is simple xml changes and the implementation only requires very little copy&paste of the original SMAC/X files--either from a SMAC/X installation or from a SMAC/X CD.

    There are a few issues to consider:

    What kind of unit selection sounds do we want?
    Civ4 uses different languages for different civilizations. SMAC/X uses just a few non-language sounds depending on unit type.

    How do we add music?
    We have access to all the files used in the SMAC/X music, but currently we do not have the ability to recreate the music using these files. Would it be possible to record the SMAC/X ingame music and use such recordings for the mod (background music, diplo music, etc.)?

    The SMAC/X music is composed dynamically ingame; I assume certain ingame actions trigger certain ambient music variations. Additionally, the music may depend on faction.

    The ambient files (at least the ones accessible in the fx folder) seem to hold information like:

    note on fx\big strings c2.wav key : 36, channel : 2
    note off fx\big strings c2.wav key - 36, channel : 2
    fx\peace drone c5.wav

    ...and the name David Evans.

    Some of this may be information on which specific set of sound files are used for specific factions. Perhaps we could do some composing ourselves (using a sequencer and the wave files in the fx folder)? Perhaps we can somehow access the "composing code"?

    Facility quotes?
    Civ4 does not use facility quotes. Do we want to add sound quotes for facilities (only the first facility of its kind, of course)?

    Interface sounds?
    Any suggestions on which sounds to use for the different interface actions?

  • #2
    It would be great if we could add the facility guotes but i am not sure if it is possible or not..
    A university faculty is 500 egoists with a common parking problem


    • #3
      On the faction languages, it could be fun to link each faction to the native tongue of it's leader. Chinese to Yang, American english to the Believers, Spanish to the Spartans, and so on.

      If it is possible to link a soundfile to the first facility build within a faction, I would go for it.

      On the music: I never figured out the differences myself, not much help I can give here I'm afraid.
      He who knows others is wise.
      He who knows himself is enlightened.
      -- Lao Tsu

      SMAC(X) Marsscenario


      • #4
        Originally posted by GeoModder
        On the faction languages, it could be fun to link each faction to the native tongue of it's leader. Chinese to Yang, American english to the Believers, Spanish to the Spartans, and so on.
        I think I agree with this. My only concern is if using the Civ4 "voices" could spoil the atmosphere of the game. I find this very difficult to judge--and to me, the sound has always played an important part of the gaming experience. In Civ4 languages are a part of different cultures and matches the general idea of playing through history very well (with different civilizations). In SMAC/X languages no longer signify (human) differences.

        Originally posted by GeoModder
        If it is possible to link a soundfile to the first facility build within a faction, I would go for it.
        Another idea could be to have an audio quote attached to the Datalinks entries. This way the quote audio would still be in the game but only played when you "select" the audio entry in the Datalinks.


        • #5
          I think you could write a python event that plays a sound when the facility is built.
          Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
          Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


          • #6
            It doesn't take long to "activate" the SMAC/X audio quotes in the xml files--it is just a tedious affair of copy&paste and I've only done the tier 1 technologies. The files involved are:

            CIV4TechInfos.xml, Audio2DScripts.xml and AudioDefines.xml.

            Some of the SMAC/X quotes are rather long and I haven't figured out if we are able to mute the quote audio if it has not finished before a new technology is discovered (e.g. multiple technologies in technology trading).

            Civ4 has shorter audio quotes for multiplayer. I like this and I am wondering if we would be able (and interested) to record our own short MP quotes (You have discovered [TECHNOLOGY]).


            • #7
              Or else, if the recording goes through, you could use the short tech quotes of SMAC.
              He who knows others is wise.
              He who knows himself is enlightened.
              -- Lao Tsu

              SMAC(X) Marsscenario


              • #8
                Does anyone know of an easy way to record the SMAC/X audio while playing the game?


                • #9
                  I'm afraid not.
                  He who knows others is wise.
                  He who knows himself is enlightened.
                  -- Lao Tsu

                  SMAC(X) Marsscenario


                  • #10
                    Instead of trying to mute the audio if a tech quote is already playing, could we add a "Play Quote" button... at least the user chose the mismashed overlap then...

