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[C4:AC][XML]Map Creation

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  • [C4:AC][XML]Map Creation

    I have played with many programs and tried many thngs and for me the best for me seems to be:

    World Painter at for stating.
    Map view at for most editing.
    C4EV2 at;56326 for fine tunning. I find that 1.1 will do more for me then 1.2.
    BMP to WBS at You must follow exactly what it says and install it with Python. Even then there is a learning curve.

    Smart Map Script at This is easy to use in the setup of the game but one must put the py file where it belongs.

    I am trying to get the creator to let us use it in our MOD but if not then I have a back-up which is long and tedious for me but can be done.

    Basically I edit the XML files and ini file creating more menues and choices in the existing map creation page.
    You have two choices in life; Explore and learn or Vegetate.
    There is a reason for everything.

  • #2
    On retrospect I think I should also mention I looked at Atlas which I dumped in favor of WP and YAME which is nice if you are s spreadsheet type of person.

    On the SMS I will want the ability to edit it but I have a backup plan of just putting the link to the file in the readme for C4:AC and have them add the file on there own and all we have to do is edit the XML files.
    You have two choices in life; Explore and learn or Vegetate.
    There is a reason for everything.


    • #3
      Forester, are these for us, to create some maps to ship with the mod, or are they intended for the creation of better random maps?
      no sig


      • #4
        It is personal use for each.

        The info about the script is as it says.
        You have two choices in life; Explore and learn or Vegetate.
        There is a reason for everything.


        • #5
          no answer so posted in his thread.
          You have two choices in life; Explore and learn or Vegetate.
          There is a reason for everything.


          • #6
            Hi ForesterSOF,

            I'm replying here to both this note and the note in the forums.

            It would be fine with me if you'd like to include SmartMap
            with your mod distribution. I'd just ask that you keep
            SmartMap together with it's readme file (which contains the
            credits), and that you rename it to something like SmartMap_AC
            so that anyone who already has SmartMap, or decides to
            download a later version won't have a conflict.

            Editing it down to appropriate options for your mod is also
            fine (and really is the main reason to rename it: so that
            people can also be using the 'full' version of SmartMap with
            their regular games).

            Depending on your release schedule, you may want to consider
            waiting for the next revision (8.8, will be done some time
            this week) which will include a number of speed improvements
            and fix a few bugs that have been pointed out by various people.

            --doug (

            We are off to the races with a map script.

            I will wait for 8.8 and then see what I can do to put in a map generation fo rplanet and editing the menu.
            You have two choices in life; Explore and learn or Vegetate.
            There is a reason for everything.


            • #7
              For those interested in XML editing go to

              Recently I was dabbling with the game speeds, trying to create my own speed, and found that it was pretty difficult to find what I was looking for! After searching all the XML files, I finally found what I wanted, but I felt I had wasted too much time just trying to find what I wanted! So I...
              You have two choices in life; Explore and learn or Vegetate.
              There is a reason for everything.


              • #8
                .9 is out and here is a menu list.

                Although there will be another update the menue should not change mauch if any.

                I was thinking of trying to make a Planet generator but the Oasis one seems to be ok with a few minor changes.

                Era seems to be hard coded so may want to put the default to future in our ini.

                selection_titles = [unicode("Continents:"),
                unicode("Forest/Mind Worms:"),
                unicode("Land Style:"),
                unicode("Start Placement:"),
                unicode("Override Width:"),
                unicode("Override Height:"),
                unicode("Override Separation:"),

                #dropdown list names and corresponding values used in code
                selection_names_and_values = [
                ["smartmap random pick","smartmap random pick",False],
                ["no continents (all fragments)",0,True],
                ["1 pangea",1,True],
                ["2 huge lands",2,True],
                ["3 large lands",3,True],
                ["4 continents",4,True],
                ["5 continents",5,True],
                ["6 continents",6,True],
                ["7 continents",7,True],
                ["8 continents",8,True],
                ["12 islands",12,True],
                ["18 isles",18,True],
                ["24 isles",24,False],
                ["36 islets",36,False],
                ["single tile isles",-20,False],
                ["north america",-31,False],
                ["south america",-32,False],
                ["1 per player",-7,True],
                ["1 per 2 players",-8,False],
                ["1 per 3 players",-9,False],
                ["1 per 4 players",-10,False],
                ["2 per player",-11,True],
                ["3 per player",-12,False],
                ["4 per player",-13,False],
                ["random 1-6",-1,True],
                ["random 2-5",-2,True],
                ["random 3-8",-3,True],
                ["random 4-12",-4,True],
                ["random 1-12",-6,True],
                ["random 2-7",-5,True],
                ["smartmap random pick","smartmap random pick",False],
                ["great plains","great plains",True],
                ["SmartMap Crazy","SmartMap Crazy",False],
                ["SmartMap no snow","SmartMap no snow",True],
                ["SmartMap no desert","SmartMap no desert",True],
                ["SmartMap no snow/desert","SmartMap no snow/desert",True],
                ["SmartMap no snow/desert/tundra","SmartMap no snow/desert/tundra",True],
                ["SmartMap only plains","SmartMap only plains",True],
                ["SmartMap only grass","SmartMap only grass",True],
                ["SmartMap extra grass","SmartMap extra grass",True],
                ["SmartMap extra plains","SmartMap extra plains",True],
                ["smartmap random pick","smartmap random pick",False],
                ["great plains","great plains",True],
                ["SmartMap Crazy","SmartMap Crazy",False],
                ["SmartMap Strict","SmartMap Strict",True],
                ["smartmap random pick","smartmap random pick",False],
                ["SmartMap Few","SmartMap Few",True],
                ["SmartMap Many","SmartMap Many",False],
                ["SmartMap Very Many","SmartMap Very Many",False],
                ["SmartMap Crazy","SmartMap Crazy",False],
                ["SmartMap Crazy Many","SmartMap Crazy Many",False],
                ["SmartMap Clump Happy","SmartMap Clump Happy",True],
                ["SmartMap Clump Health","SmartMap Clump Health",True],
                ["SmartMap Clump Both","SmartMap Clump Both",True],
                ["SmartMap Restricted","SmartMap Restricted",True],
                ["SmartMap Most Restricted","SmartMap Most Restricted",True],
                ["SmartMap Normal","SmartMap Normal",True],
                ["smartmap random pick","smartmap random pick",False],
                ["SmartMap Few","SmartMap Few",True],
                ["SmartMap Many","SmartMap Many",True],
                ["SmartMap Normal","SmartMap Normal",True],
                ["smartmap random pick","smartmap random pick",False],
                ["no ocean, no lakes",-5,False],
                ["no ocean",-4,False],
                ["central sea",-6,False],
                ["corner sea",-7,False],
                ["edge sea",-8,False],
                ["random sea",-9,False],
                ["few great lakes",-10,False],
                ["great lakes",-11,False],
                ["many great lakes",-12,False],
                ["minimal ocean",10,False],
                ["40% ocean",40,False],
                ["50% ocean",50,False],
                ["60% ocean",60,True],
                ["65% ocean",65,True],
                ["70% ocean",70,True],
                ["75% ocean",75,True],
                ["80% ocean",80,True],
                ["85% ocean",85,True],
                ["90% ocean",90,False],
                ["95% ocean",95,False],
                ["99% ocean",99,False],
                ["small ocean",-1,True],
                ["big ocean",-2,True],
                ["normal ocean",-3,True],
                ["smartmap random pick","smartmap random pick",False],
                ["no hills",0,False],
                ["2% hills",2,False],
                ["4% hills",4,True],
                ["6% hills",6,True],
                ["8% hills",8,True],
                ["10% hills",10,True],
                ["12% hills",12,True],
                ["14% hills",14,True],
                ["16% hills",16,True],
                ["18% hills",18,True],
                ["20% hills",20,True],
                ["25% hills",25,False],
                ["30% hills",30,False],
                ["40% hills",40,False],
                ["50% hills",50,False],
                ["60% hills",60,False],
                ["few hills",-1,True],
                ["many hills",-2,True],
                ["normal hills",-3,True],
                ["smartmap random pick","smartmap random pick",False],
                ["no peaks",0,False],
                ["1% peaks",1,False],
                ["2% peaks",2,True],
                ["3% peaks",3,True],
                ["4% peaks",4,True],
                ["5% peaks",5,True],
                ["6% peaks",6,True],
                ["7% peaks",7,True],
                ["8% peaks",8,True],
                ["9% peaks",9,True],
                ["10% peaks",10,False],
                ["15% peaks",15,False],
                ["20% peaks",20,False],
                ["25% peaks",25,False],
                ["30% peaks",30,False],
                ["40% peaks",40,False],
                ["few peaks no block",-4,True],
                ["many peaks no block",-5,True],
                ["normal peaks no block",-6,True],
                ["few peaks",-1,True],
                ["many peaks",-2,True],
                ["normal peaks",-3,True],
                ["smartmap random pick","smartmap random pick",False],
                ["No forest,light Mind Worms", (-400,-200),True],
                ["No forest,normal Mind Worms", (-400,0),True],
                ["No forest,heavy Mind Worms", (-400,200),True],
                ["No forest,2X Mind Worms", (-400,400),True],
                ["light forest,light Mind Worms", (-200,-200),True],
                ["light forest,normal Mind Worms", (-200,0),True],
                ["light forest,heavy Mind Worms", (-200,200),True],
                ["light forest,2X Mind Worms", (-200,400),True],
                ["normal forest,light Mind Worms", (0,-200),True],
                ["normal forest,normal Mind Worms", (0,0),True],
                ["normal forest,heavy Mind Worms", (0,200),True],
                ["normal forest,2X Mind Worms", (0,400),True],
                ["heavy forest,light Mind Worms", (200,-200),True],
                ["heavy forest,normal Mind Worms", (200,0),True],
                ["heavy forest,heavy Mind Worms", (200,200),True],
                ["heavy forest,2X Mind Worms", (200,400),True],
                ["smartmap random pick","smartmap random pick",False],
                ["few rivers, few lakes", (80,33),True],
                ["few rivers, normal lakes", (80,100),True],
                ["few rivers, many lakes", (80,200),True],
                ["normal rivers, few lakes", (100,33),True],
                ["normal rivers, normal lakes", (100,100),True],
                ["normal rivers, many lakes", (100,200),True],
                ["many rivers, few lakes", (300,33),True],
                ["many rivers, normal lakes", (300,100),True],
                ["many rivers, many lakes", (300,200),True],
                ["smartmap random pick","smartmap random pick",False],
                ["least round, extreme fragments", (-800,800),False],
                ["least round, heavy fragments", (-800,600),False],
                ["least round, many fragments", (-800,400),True],
                ["least round, some fragments", (-800,200),True],
                ["least round, no fragments", (-800,0),True],
                ["somewhat round, extreme fragments", (-400,800),False],
                ["somewhat round, heavy fragments", (-400,600),False],
                ["somewhat round, many fragments", (-400,400),True],
                ["somewhat round, some fragments", (-400,200),True],
                ["somewhat round, no fragments", (-400,0),True],
                ["very round, extreme fragments", (0,800),False],
                ["very round, heavy fragments", (0,600),False],
                ["very round, many fragments", (0,400),True],
                ["very round, some fragments", (0,200),True],
                ["very round, no fragments", (0,0),True],
                ["smartmap random pick","smartmap random pick",False],
                ["SmartMap Player Inland","SmartMap Player Inland",True],
                ["SmartMap Player Coastal","SmartMap Player Coastal",True],
                ["SmartMap All Inland","SmartMap All Inland",True],
                ["SmartMap All Coastal","SmartMap All Coastal",True],
                ["SmartMap New World","SmartMap New World",True],
                ["SmartMap New World Inland","SmartMap New World Inland",True],
                ["SmartMap New World Coastal","SmartMap New World Coastal",True],
                ["smartmap random pick","smartmap random pick",False],
                ["wrap y - central pole",(False,True,True),False],
                ["wrap both - central pole",(True,True,True),False],
                ["no wrap - central pole",(False,False,True),False],
                ["wrap x - central pole",(True,False,True),False],
                ["wrap y",(False,True,False),True],
                ["wrap both",(True,True,False),True],
                ["no wrap",(False,False,False),True],
                ["wrap x",(True,False,False),True],
                ["smartmap random pick","smartmap random pick",False],
                ["40 (duel)",10,True],
                ["52 (small)",13,True],
                ["64 (standard)",16,True],
                ["84 (large)",21,False],
                ["128 (huge)",32,False],
                # ["560",140,False],
                # ["640",160,False],
                # ["720",180,False],
                # ["800",200,False],
                # ["880",220,False],
                # ["1000",250,False],
                # ["1200",300,False],
                # ["1400",350,False],
                # ["1600",400,False],
                # ["1800",450,False],
                # ["2000",500,False],
                # ["2400",600,False],
                # ["2800",700,False],
                # ["3200",800,False],
                # ["3600",900,False],
                # ["4000",1000,False],
                # ["5000",1250,False],
                # ["random 64-256",-4,False],
                # ["random 32-128",-3,False],
                # ["random 16-64",-2,True],
                ["don't override",-1,True],
                ["smartmap random pick","smartmap random pick",False],
                ["24 (duel)",6,False],
                ["32 (tiny)",8,False],
                ["40 (small)",10,True],
                ["52 (standard)",13,True],
                ["64 (large)",16,True],
                ["80 (huge)",20,True],
                # ["560",140,False],
                # ["640",160,False],
                # ["720",180,False],
                # ["800",200,False],
                # ["880",220,False],
                # ["1000",250,False],
                # ["1200",300,False],
                # ["1400",350,False],
                # ["1600",400,False],
                # ["1800",450,False],
                # ["2000",500,False],
                # ["2400",600,False],
                # ["2800",700,False],
                # ["3200",800,False],
                # ["3600",900,False],
                # ["4000",1000,False],
                # ["5000",1250,False],
                # ["random 64-256",-4,False],
                # ["random 32-128",-3,False],
                # ["random 16-64",-2,True],
                ["don't override",-1,True],
                ["smartmap random pick","smartmap random pick",False],
                ["0 sealevel low-no separation",0,True],
                ["1 single coast separation",1,True],
                ["2 coasts touch",2,True],
                ["3 frequent coast crossing",3,True],
                ["4 sealevel medium-rare coast crossing",4,True],
                ["5 no coastal crossing",5,True],
                ["6 developing culture touch",6,True],
                ["7 sealevel high",7,True],
                ["8 refined culture touch",8,True],
                ["9 refined+influential touch",9,True],
                ["10 influential culture touch",10,True],
                ["11 influential+legendary touch",11,True],
                ["12 legendary culture touch",12,True],
                ["13 no culture touch",13,True],
                ["don't override",-1,True],
                You have two choices in life; Explore and learn or Vegetate.
                There is a reason for everything.


                • #9
                  You do realise that civ4 shipped with a "planet" map?

                  Its already playable!
                  Come visit the SMAC Mod
                  You can download the latest mod by
                  Fan of the original SMAC? join us and help


                  • #10
                    planet is a Civ4 not a py

                    The less people have to think and bush buttons the more likely they are to use it and think good thoughts of it.
                    You have two choices in life; Explore and learn or Vegetate.
                    There is a reason for everything.


                    • #11
                      Also, whilst there is a planet map, some people don't use it even in SMAC... We need to teach the game scripts how to handle the terrain, as there are some differences from normal terrain (fungus for example). That will keep the random map people happier (such as myself )
                      Ceeforee v0.1 - The Unofficial Civ 4 Editor -= Something no Civ Modder should ever be without =- Last Updated: 27/03/2009
                      "Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean there's no conspiracy"


                      • #12
                        The fungus will be done by the jungle so with the updated XML to put jungle all over there should not be any problem.
                        You have two choices in life; Explore and learn or Vegetate.
                        There is a reason for everything.

