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[C4:AC][Programming][Graphics] Terrain textures

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  • #46
    We need a programer, over here, now.
    Don't rule me out when I'm losing. Save your celebration until after I'm gone.


    • #47
      Originally posted by wgabrie

      In Civ 4 I can't create an arid tile then overlay rocky/rainyness/height. There's no implementation for that, which I know about.
      By overlay I was suggesting that moisture be considered as another type of terraforming. One present in a tile depending on its position relative to water sources (sea, condenser, river). It wouldn't be a type of terraforming that you would be able to build.

      I was also suggesting that rockiness would be a part of the "blend" files.

      Whats your opinion on how good the heightmap files will be?


      • #48
        The heightmaps are important. Look what I did playing with them.
        Don't rule me out when I'm losing. Save your celebration until after I'm gone.


        • #49
          Well... it's a start of sorts I guess.
          He who knows others is wise.
          He who knows himself is enlightened.
          -- Lao Tsu

          SMAC(X) Marsscenario


          • #50
            OK, I simply cannot get the heightmap tests to show up in Civ 4 now. I tried deleting the Civ 4 Cache file. But that isn't helping this time.

            I think this is the folder that has several subfolders including flats and hills.
            assets -> art -> terrain -> heightmap

            The flats folder has files flat1_1-flat1_7. These image files are all flat dark-grey. They're used for, well, the flat terrain types (grasslands, plains, tundra).

            Now in the Hills folder there are many more types. There's hill1_1-hill1-15 (linking pieces), and then 'hill_01_#' (where # is a number)->ect (variations). These files are used when linking adjacent hills.

            In my original heightmap test above I took some of the hill files and renamed them flat. Then I added solid areas of lightness which is why my first try above was so jagged looking. Something I can't remember is if I replaced the "flats1_#" files, or, if I added additional files using the "flats_01_#" type. I think there's a differance between the "1_1" files and the "_01_01" files. I can't seem to test this out right now though.
            Don't rule me out when I'm losing. Save your celebration until after I'm gone.


            • #51
              Rubin, Here are the terrain textures I promised.

              Last edited by wgabrie; December 22, 2005, 02:11.
              Don't rule me out when I'm losing. Save your celebration until after I'm gone.


              • #52
                Although this is prob already out how about making the forests the Fungas areas and they can be represented by a Red Moss dds.
                Last edited by ForesterSOF; January 1, 2006, 10:05.
                You have two choices in life; Explore and learn or Vegetate.
                There is a reason for everything.


                • #53
                  wgabrie, I did a quick test using your new textures and I was particularly curious as to how the recolored (fungal) tundra looked. The new color is quite, hm, outstanding

                  Here's a screenshot to compare with previous textures.

                  Edit: Image deleted.
                  Last edited by Rubin; November 20, 2006, 07:36.


                  • #54
                    Overall, it looks quite good. The xenotundra is indeed, interesting. Looks more like a kind of pink desert than a xenofungus mat.
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                    The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw


                    • #55
                      The fungus looks too "dense" IM(H)O. Overall nice though.
                      I gather that a specific tile-type (tundra thus) is used for fungus? Isn't that asking for trouble later on? I would have expected that for instance jungle could take the place for the fungal overlay of a tile?
                      He who knows others is wise.
                      He who knows himself is enlightened.
                      -- Lao Tsu

                      SMAC(X) Marsscenario


                      • #56
                        This is the closest to map size I could find so.

                        In playing with xml files I made a MOD to make a square at 10,16,24,32,48,64 that I can use in multiplayer.

                        Now to see if there is any way to put a Civ4 map in the MOD and have it recognized for multi.

                        I know to many that is a "so"; but, to me it is improvement.

                        This seems to be the area that I can do something.
                        You have two choices in life; Explore and learn or Vegetate.
                        There is a reason for everything.


                        • #57
                          Is there any way to force multi to recognize the World Builder.
                          You have two choices in life; Explore and learn or Vegetate.
                          There is a reason for everything.


                          • #58
                            Think it can be done with the combo of

                            1. This mod I made so size can be made. I want to add the ability to make a map like Atlas does but use the mod
                            2. While in the MOD make a PBEM and save. This is in the Civ4 format so.
                            3. Use Map View to edit the terrain and place resources and starting positions etc.
                            You have two choices in life; Explore and learn or Vegetate.
                            There is a reason for everything.


                            • #59
                              This will help CMNs in setting up maps in Civ4 and C4AC so we can have a richer gamplay experience.

                              As for the C4AC MOD this process could be added to the how to area of a help file.

                              What could help is if MapView lets you edit and/or rebuild the map info.
                              You have two choices in life; Explore and learn or Vegetate.
                              There is a reason for everything.


                              • #60
                                Forester, you are always posting about "this", but what exactly are you talking about?? I completely lost you here in your last 4 posts...
                                no sig

