I've assembled the list, but be free to add/remove yourself from it.
1. Fosse - kylebenanderson at gmail dot com
2. GFC - girlfight_club at myway dot com / girlfight.club at gmail dot com
3. Lord Nword - eric at osagesoftware dot com/gertlex at gmail dot com
4. Vev - vevaphonic at hotmail dot com
5. Neophius - foreversax at hotmail dot com
6. OctavianX - octavianx at gmail dot com
7. Googlie - linfrew at aol dot com
1) Elect a leader/coordinator
2) Coordinate with [Programming] and write an article that will describe what would this project involve.
3) Coordinate with [Programming] and others and make a newer version of Mission statement
4) Catchphrases and slogans - make list of them (for propaganda purposes)
1. Fosse - kylebenanderson at gmail dot com
2. GFC - girlfight_club at myway dot com / girlfight.club at gmail dot com
3. Lord Nword - eric at osagesoftware dot com/gertlex at gmail dot com
4. Vev - vevaphonic at hotmail dot com
5. Neophius - foreversax at hotmail dot com
6. OctavianX - octavianx at gmail dot com
7. Googlie - linfrew at aol dot com
1) Elect a leader/coordinator
2) Coordinate with [Programming] and write an article that will describe what would this project involve.
3) Coordinate with [Programming] and others and make a newer version of Mission statement
4) Catchphrases and slogans - make list of them (for propaganda purposes)