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Deimos Experiment

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  • #31
    Yup, I am a casual player. I do not rent any time on the silicon valley machines to calculate my strategy...

    AI has:
    30 nutrient satellites
    20 mineral sats
    30 energy sats
    and they were not destroyed so far. With changes that I made, it is a bit difficult to compete with AI. And I did not pop boom yet, just keeping free market yet still. I have though 2 nice SP:
    Maritime Control Center
    Planetary Energy Grid

    Geo, if you have time, try to play it. That would be interesting to see yet one more view on the changes, and this scenario
    Map creation contest
    WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet


    • #32
      In my game I snagged the Cloning Vats, I also have the LLV and Supercollider. The AI's got the Cyborg Factory and CBA along with pretty much everything else.

      Since Lal got Spanked and is now reduced to a single base and Santiago is a low tech heathen, it's up to Dee to be the killer AI. She's outteching me & Morgan

      My pacts all fell apart too. Morgan is still a staunch ally but Miriam is being taught a lesson (on how to wipe out droves of my formers and crawlers, I suspect), I'd taken advantage of the pact to use base-spam to push back her borders and found a heavily fortified base 3 tiles from Bible Thumper HQ. Altough it does mean a wedge of my empire is kinda engulfed by orange.

      I've just about researched the 8r armor, running around with 16 defense units is going to be fun, the best attack around is 13.


      • #33
        Just got Supercollider. Third SP. I daubt, I will be able to get smth more in the near future.

        In my game Lal is slowly taking Santiago bases.
        Lal fights with Yang, bases go from one owner to the other, and then switch... Fusion copters are in use.

        I have 1 vendetta at the moment - Gaians. But since Deirdre is on the other side of Planet, there is no fighting. I have shard (13) and silksteel (8) Time for some army
        Map creation contest
        WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet


        • #34
          I probably shouldn't have tried running Demoracy. The war with Miriam is extremely taxing... I did manage to take Bible Thumper HQ for a turn but sadly forgot to rename it (Miriam took one of my bases and renamed it Hand of God. I shoulda renamed NJ "Finger of Blake")

          Miriam's attacks consist of smashing anything that's lightly armored with a HUGE swarm of noodles (and some interceptors and choppers) and probe-raping my bases. She Mind controlled one base (now Hand of God) and probe-raped my forward outpost - destroying most defensive facilities. Another annoying thing she does is destroy my artillery, with that +50% bonus a chaos unit beats the **** out of a tachyeon artillery. Also defense against her psi units is nearly impossible with that damn alien bonus, luckily she hasn't built many.

          Altough other than smashing all my crawlers and formers she isn't too dangerous, once i have more fusion probe teams I'll be able to hold off her probes then reclaim my base with elite infantry. Thought control will be a huge boon too, I'm about 10 years research from it.


          • #35
            I run Democracy too. Just when Miriam gets uneasy, I donate a tech to her.
            Map creation contest
            WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet


            • #36
              Meh I was giving her tech, fusion and stuff. But she got pissy anyway. And dee did too. I think it's a power thing. Morgy wont give me free tech anymore either.

              I'd quite like to stop running FM but I don't want to alienate Morgan. I guess it wont really matter once Thought Control comes along. Assuming Miriam hasn't crushed me like a bug. I have a sneaking suspicion she could just mind control half my bases if she felt like abusing AI hacks... I have to seriously consider doing pre-emptive strikes against her probes, with my own fusion probes. The fusion probes are the only reason I can keep her probes at bay.

              Gotta say I hate playing University. No fundie , pretty crappy bonuses when it comes to knuckling down and building stuff , icky probe penalty . Did you choose Univ as the faction to make it easier, harder or just as a wimsical choice?


              • #37
                Originally posted by Blake
                Did you choose Univ as the faction to make it easier, harder or just as a wimsical choice?
                more on the harder side, as Univ is good for ICS. However it is quite strong faction. So the faction should be balanced here. Especially with freshwater sea.
                Map creation contest
                WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet


                • #38
                  The year 2207. Miriam launches a surprise attack. She destroys 2 crawlers, empath rover - a garrison in a base using a missile.
                  A lot of production switched to Command Centers.
                  With +371 EC/turn income, I can hurry them fast. Over 1000 EC in the banks still. So then Bioenhancements. I count for Morgan either giving me MMI or donatind a copter. I still need drop ability...
                  Map creation contest
                  WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet


                  • #39
                    Meanwhile Yang enters vendetta against me.
                    In 2124 I take the first base on his continent. It was a bit costly. I had to use one B-13, upgraded from B-4 for 140EC in order to "soften" the defenses like 2-16-1*2 unit. Then it was a matter of several attacks. I wonder if Yang finally uses the Support copters from nearby base. He has a bunch of them there.

                    I might add:
                    Demo/Planned/Power/Thought Control
                    All my units come out elite.
                    Map creation contest
                    WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet


                    • #40
                      Well, just taking a look into 2224. Morgan has 19 bases. Lab points 3336/turn. Cost 3780/tech. There is no way I can prevent him from reaching Transcendence very soon. He is at level 13 techs. Discovery path on 100%.
                      I might have exagerated with bonuses for AI. Anyway play is like against a good human player, game ends close to 130 turns. Each turn must be well thought off.

                      I have some more ideas to test and probably launch both Nexus 2 and Deimos 2.

                      Anyway, if someone can win this one... I may return to it, when feeling like hard game against an AI.

                      Just let AI to continue to 2241. Morgan let his research down to 1700 labs/turn. I think, I could continue from 2224 and try to prevent him from completing Voice of Planet.
                      Last edited by Mart; October 15, 2005, 06:43.
                      Map creation contest
                      WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet


                      • #41
                        I've downloaded it, and I plan on using it for exacting my stress duties. Mid-term weeks coming up, but I do hope to get to this soon

