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[C4:AC] Official C4-->SMAC Thread - Prelude to a Mod

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  • [C4:AC] Official C4-->SMAC Thread - Prelude to a Mod

    The time has come to talk of many things.

    Despite my immediate instincts to gush about this subject constantly, I've tried to restrain myself until we got within a month of the American release. However, with a couple of threads appearing in the Civ4 forum I thought it was perhaps time to get a move on.

    The basic idea for SMACmod is that SMAC in Civ4s engine would be a good thing and the way to achieve this is for a group of players to make a mod. There are several varying visions of a Civ4 SMACmod, each with their differing reasons. I personally see the Civ4 engine as a better environment for modification, enabling the perfect multiplayer version of SMAC to be made. I know Darsnan is considering a more moddable SMAC as a starting point for player made sequels to the storyline. Open discussion on what SMACmod should be is a necessity at this stage.

    How to prepare for a successful Mod
    Good mods have dedicated staff, clear aims, good communication and plan ahead. I don't think its too early to start looking at all these things.

    People enthusiastic about SMAC are in no short supply in this forum, but what are really needed are programmers and graphics artists. If you have something that you wish to contribute please don't hide your light under a bushel.

    There is not a consensus on what the final goal of the mod should be. For some people its SMAC again, for others its SMAC2. This requires discussion by those participating.

    I've also given thought to how best the mod might be co-ordinated. Theres a limit to what email alone achieves. Ideally, the mod having demonstrated its serious intent would receive its own forum in the Civ4 group, augmented by an off-site wiki. Both these forms of communication are good for multiple users and exchange of ideas, but wiki articles are slightly more permanent and aren't going to fall off the front page during a period of no activity.

    Ok, now its everyone elses turn. This thread is for serious discussion of the aims of such a mod and the resources needed, especially human resources. Please, no one-line/smiley posts or replies saying "It can't be done because of X." Without knowing the specifics it is pointless to discuss such things at this stage. If you are desperate then please post a separate chat/spam/request thread.
    Last edited by Senethro; September 24, 2005, 12:59.

  • #2
    I should also clear up my own capabilities as well as I know theres been at least one misconception. I'm not a programmer myself nor have I ever exhibited artistic tendencies. I've dabbled in a bunch of basics as a kid (including amigabasic!) as someone of my generation does but thats not even close to whats required here. Even running various game servers with truly bad scripting languages and heinous configs is not preparation.

    What I am willing and able to contribute is time and money towards hosting and admining a wiki/forum, recruiting from other forums or internet communities and I'm sure someone will be needed to create XML files filled with SMAC data harvested from the present SMAC which I know well.

    I hope we can keep responses like mine to a minimum :/


    • #3
      And so it begins....

      Well, someone had to take the plunge, and your a better person than most for doing it Senethro.

      Originally posted by Senethro
      Despite my immediate instincts to gush about this subject constantly, I've tried to restrain myself until we got within a month of the American release. However, with a couple of threads appearing in the Civ4 forum I thought it was perhaps time to get a move on.
      I've of course seen the same threads. I guess currently from what I've read why I feel that waiting until some feedback from the community occurs before buying the disk is the best option for me, as the only reason I would buy the disk is for the ability to mod it to SMAC(X) (i.e. I will never play the game as cIV itself, so it'd be a complete waste of money for me if we can't pull this off...). However thats not going to stop me from contributing now to this project.

      Originally posted by Senethro
      The basic idea for SMACmod is that SMAC in Civ4s engine would be a good thing and the way to achieve this is for a group of players to make a mod. There are several varying visions of a Civ4 SMACmod, each with their differing reasons. I personally see the Civ4 engine as a better environment for modification, enabling the perfect multiplayer version of SMAC to be made. I know Darsnan is considering a more moddable SMAC as a starting point for player made sequels to the storyline. Open discussion on what SMACmod should be is a necessity at this stage.
      A clearly defined mission statement is critical to the success of any project. It is paramount that it is decided in the near term exactly what the goal of this project is, as this will then become the overlay which guides the team, as well as preventing a lot of squabbling later in regards to project direction....
      That said, why I believe that converting cIV to as close an approximation of SMAC(X) as possible is the ideal goal, as theoretically it should have the most support from our community, as well as being the simplest to perform.

      Originally posted by Senethro
      How to prepare for a successful Mod
      Good mods have dedicated staff, clear aims, good communication and plan ahead. I don't think its too early to start looking at all these things.
      True. I think one thing the SMAC(X) Community has going for it is that we are a relatively tight knit group and for the most part already get along quite well (example: absence of a dedicated mod for many years here in our forums). I also think the dedication is already there to a large extent, as we are all still playing a game that is now 7 years old!?! (Has it really been that long? ). As far as the clear aims are concerned, why a good agreed upon up front mission statement is of prime importance, IMO, and here again I will stump for us ideally seeking to make as close an approximation to the original SMAC(X) as possible.

      Originally posted by Senethro
      People enthusiastic about SMAC are in no short supply in this forum, but what are really needed are programmers and graphics artists.
      I don't program, but I should be able to figure out how to use Python in a couple of months usage (I'm a hands on type individual, so I won't be able to start learning till I actually get the cIV disk). I already have picked up a book on C++ and Python coding btw....

      Originally posted by Senethro
      There is not a consensus on what the final goal of the mod should be. For some people its SMAC again, for others its SMAC2. This requires discussion by those participating.
      A decision on this should be reached early on in this project, if it is to succeed. Another reason that motivates me towards building a SMAC(X) clone is that, if the process is documented well (and I am relatively meticulous in this area), why then everyone's visage of a SMAC2 will then be much more achievable afterwards, than if we all tried to do it seperately.

      Originally posted by Senethro
      I've also given thought to how best the mod might be co-ordinated. Theres a limit to what email alone achieves. Ideally, the mod having demonstrated its serious intent would receive its own forum in the Civ4 group, augmented by an off-site wiki. Both these forms of communication are good for multiple users and exchange of ideas, but wiki articles are slightly more permanent and aren't going to fall off the front page during a period of no activity.
      I'd rather the forum be in SMAC Land, as this is where the heart of our community lies.
      As far as a wiki is concerned, why yes, this sounds like a very good idea!

      Originally posted by Senethro
      I should also clear up my own capabilities as well as I know theres been at least one misconception. I'm not a programmer myself nor have I ever exhibited artistic tendencies. I've dabbled in a bunch of basics as a kid (including amigabasic!) as someone of my generation does but thats not even close to whats required here. Even running various game servers with truly bad scripting languages and heinous configs is not preparation.

      What I am willing and able to contribute is time and money towards hosting and admining a wiki/forum, recruiting from other forums or internet communities and I'm sure someone will be needed to create XML files filled with SMAC data harvested from the present SMAC which I know well.
      I am not a programmer nor a graphics artist. However I work closely with programmers in RL (I test systems, and provide feedback to the programmers as to what I observe as far as issues with the systems involved), and having used programming languages in the past why I should be able to pick up Python relatively easily.
      From a personal perpsective why in RL I am a veteran of many intense, difficult, and long projects, and as such why I am not daunted by taking on such a large and lengthy task as a C4--->SMAC(X) mod. I can also dedicate time and money to the project.

      So, you now have your first disciple, Senethro......



      • #4
        Re: And so it begins....

        Originally posted by Darsnan
        the only reason I would buy the disk is for the ability to mod it to SMAC(X) (i.e. I will never play the game as cIV itself, so it'd be a complete waste of money for me if we can't pull this off...).
        In that case you'd better wait until January to buy the game. That's when the SDK should be released (if Firaxis keeps their promise).

        That said, why I believe that converting cIV to as close an approximation of SMAC(X) as possible is the ideal goal, as theoretically it should have the most support from our community, as well as being the simplest to perform.
        If you want something as close as possible to SMAC, why not play SMAC itself?
        Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
        Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


        • #5
          Re: Re: And so it begins....

          Originally posted by Maniac
          If you want something as close as possible to SMAC, why not play SMAC itself?
          Because I have delved too deeply into the game, and know that more is possible....

          Anyways, some of the observations I've made to date on a possible C4--->SMAC(X) Mod:

          1. Do we develop an accompanying manual, or just ensure everything is covered by the Datalinks?

          2. For our C++/ Python subroutines, what format should we follow for consistency from subroutine to subroutine?

          3. 3-D graphics for leaders? If so, how construct, and using what graphics generator?

          4. Document all interactive keystrokes via Datalinks, or in seperate notepad file?

          5. document all necessary functions in SMAC(X) to see what matches up against existing C4 functions.

          6. document the process of the mod so that others can follow the same path for their own mods.

          7. other languages (French, German, Chinese) support question....

          8. How are we going to generate 3D SMACX units?

          9. build the SMACX mod such that a SMACX2 mod would be much easier.

          10. Documenting how the AI thinks: should be somewhat apparent via the Python code.

          11. Format of new subroutines: follow Firaxis approach, or invent our own?

          12. Reference material to help with this project: what can we get?

          13. and the Vaults of Parnassus: Python is free, and the Vaults have a good selection of free subroutines, including gaming AI models.

          14. Need to itemize and prioritze everything that needs to be done for the mod.

          15. Goal: what is the goal? To play SMACX with C4 software?

          16. desired option for mod: to have all relevent files imprinted onto a game.

          17. Scenario Designer subsection: get rid of the "need to save constantly" bug.

          18. document all sounds in SMAC(X) to include detailing where they occur.

          19. identify all files in SMAC(X) and detail what they stand for.

          20. Can we expect any help from Firaxis on this project?

          21. AI negotiation: need to improve for SMACX.

          22. Mod is being built for Windows platform only?

          23. Support from Apolyton: would this mod gets its own forum, either during development, or after completion? I know Illuminatus has expressed some interest in this.

          25. cheating: how will it be detected, how countered?

          26. Firaxis patches for C4: how impact ongoing mod?

          27. "Useless" subroutines: comment out or delete?

          Observations: we have few resources, and little support for this project at this point. Also, I anticipate several patches over the first 3 months after C4 comes out, which could impact areas we've already recoded/ decided to ignore, meaning we will have to cover the same ground several times over....
          Therefore it would be my observation that we really don't even begin "serious" work on a mod (i.e. coding) for 3 months after C4's initial release, as this could be a serious waste of effort. What we can do during thes first 3 months are the peripherals (which I have detailed above to a certain extent) such as detailing the SMAC(X) files/ sounds available to us today, as well as detailing all of the C4 subroutines (when they become available), and working on the graphics mods.
          Feel free to comment on the above, as well as expand with your own thoughts.



          • #6
            Senethro beat me by mere days...

            Originally posted by Darsnan

            I'd rather the forum be in SMAC Land, as this is where the heart of our community lies.
            As far as a wiki is concerned, why yes, this sounds like a very good idea!

            Actually, it is a Civilization IV modification, so it should be in Civ$ group. I would prefer it having in SMAC group too, but it is natural to have a Civilization IV modification in Civ4 forums. We should have a mirror thread in AC-Creation though, if anyone interested comes around.

            Originally posted by Darsnan

            23. Support from Apolyton: would this mod gets its own forum, either during development, or after completion? I know Illuminatus has expressed some interest in this.
            Actually, I am quite sure Mark will gladly dedicate a forum to us. We should organize ourselves before that though.

            Where did point 24 go? I made some notes, I'll post them in a few days (need to type it to computer first ).

            Does anyone think this should go to Creation forum? It is after all, a creation, and I doubt that someone who doesn't check the creation forum would contribute.
            Last edited by Illuminatus; September 24, 2005, 02:47.
            SMAC/X FAQ | Chiron Archives
            The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw


            • #7
              I can program (not Python, but can't be too hard) and am dedicated to helping this mod.

              I don't know all non-documented features (bugs) of SMAC though and certainly not which ones we should recreate and which ones not.
              no sig


              • #8


                GOAL NUMBER ONE: Organization

                A. Creating a thread

                Senethro has already created the thread for initial organization. We might and will create more of them in future. I expect Markos to top this as soon as he sees it.

                B. Creating a roster list.

                Interested should sign up. It would be preferred if they could state how can they contribute (programming, graphics, suggestions, other…). We should also decide where rooster list would be located. I volunteer my next post.

                C. Promoting the idea

                Spread the word! We need to inform other people about our initiative. The best way to do this is by putting links to this thread in our signatures, just like I did. Considering the fact that many of us regulary browse other parts of Apolyton Civilization Site, this is the most efficient way.

                D. Creating a mission statement

                There are many visions of SMAC mod and it would be impossible to follow them all. I propose that everyone shares his opinion of the mod first, and that we reach the consensus then.

                Personally, I think we should strive for a pure SMAC clone, but attempting to make as customization friendly as possible. By building a pure SMAC clone, we would enable everyone to make their preferred adjustments to SMAC. Advantage of a SMAC made in cIV engine is that now possibilities for customization are near endless. We would be able to create new facilities and modify abilities of the old ones, enable 14+ factions per game session etc. That would be the real building ground for everyones vision of SMAC 2.

                E. Compete with Firaxis?

                It is rumoured that one of expansions for Civilization IV may be a SMAC sequel. We should decide do we wish to "compete" against it if it turns to be the truth.

                Based on current information there is certainly some ground to this, but it doesn't have to be truth. I think we should continue the work regardless of this fact. Firaxis would certainly value our opinion if it starts to make a SMAC sequel and there is also the danger that Firaxis version of SMAC sequel may not quite live up to our expectations.

                GOAL NUMBER TWO: Identification of all mod related tasks

                A. Organizing the task

                Civilization IV is not out yet, and we have to wait for SDK until January, but we can start identifying major and minor problems now. This will be a long and a hard job. Darsnan has already posted some concerns, and I would invite others to share their opinions too. First task would be to create different categories for suggestions. More on this soon.

                B. The list of tasks

                I volunteer to create and manage the list in my next post, after the categories have been agreed. When we have the list of tasks, we can start assigning work, and perhaps draw a crude timetable.

                1) Creating categories to organize tasks

                2) Refer to list of known bugs and find ways to avoid them

                3) Seek for any faulty elements from SMAC that could be improved (not fixing exploits, but obvious problems with AI diplomacy or SE overflows)

                4) Identification of files and their use in original SMAC

                5) Comparing game mechanics of Civilization IV and SMAC

                C. Organization

                By this time, there should quite some work and one thread would not be enough. We should decide the following:

                1) Where to situate our threads? Possible solutions are to be in AC-Creation, cIV-Creation, be present in both forums, or to ask for a special forum, probably located in the cIV group. I would opt for a special cIV subforum, with a mirror thread somewhere in cIV to post general status reports for those not reading the project forum.

                2) Project wikipedia - It would sure be useful to have one, and it doesn't take much skill or time to learn how to create or edit articles. I strongly suggest that all interested in creation and maintance of the project wiki state so.

                3) Naming project leaders and official positions would be suitable at this point.

                4) Creating a chatchannel on Apolyton server or CivChat service for realtime discussion? We could also use GoogleTalk, ICQ and similar services.

                5) Getting a catchphrase per Darsnan's suggestion.

                D. Deciding on major issues

                By now, we should be organized and ready for really complicated tasks. With a prepared list of tasks we could start discussion on major issues: What to do with Unit Workshop? How to create 3D models for units like in SMAC? How to alter Civics to match SMAC effects etc.

                Warning: Post under construction
                Last edited by Illuminatus; September 24, 2005, 13:08.
                SMAC/X FAQ | Chiron Archives
                The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw


                • #9
                  Warning: Post under construction
                  Be free to note of any errors.

                  Project personnel:

                  1. Senethro - Hosting and admining a wiki/forum, Recruiting - senethro at gmail dot com
                  2. PJayTycy - Programming
                  3. Darsnan - Programming, Feedback, identification of game files
                  4. Illuminatus - Feedback, Identification of game files - Illuminatus at apolyton dot net
                  5. Maniac - Feedback
                  6. Gavin Berchler - Hosting and admining a wiki/forum
                  7. Cataphract887 - Feedback - william at pembrook dot net
                  8. Chaos Theory - Programming, Feedback, Game Mechanics
                  9. binTravkin -
                  10. Blake - Feedback (unreliable)
                  11. Mart7x5 - Feedback

                  List of tasks

                  Mission statement
                  1. Decide if our goal is to make SMAC clone or SMAC 2
                  2. Decide if we are willing to run parallel to any possible Firaxis efforts for SMAC 2.
                  3. Decide if we want to fix bugs already existing in SMAC.
                  4. Should we expect any help from Firaxis?
                  5. Should we develop an accompanying manual, or just ensure everything is covered by the Datalinks?
                  6. Reference material to help with this project: what can we get?
                  7. Mod being built for Windows platform only?

                  Comparing SMAC to cIV
                  1. 3-D graphics for leaders? If so, how construct, and using what graphics generator?
                  2. Document all interactive keystrokes via Datalinks, or in seperate notepad file?
                  3. Document all necessary functions in SMAC(X) to see what matches up against existing C4 functions.
                  4. Document the process of the mod so that others can follow the same path for their own mods.
                  5. What to do with support for other languages?
                  6. How to generate 3D SMACX units?
                  7. Document how the AI thinks: should be somewhat apparent via the Python code.
                  8. Format of new subroutines: follow Firaxis approach, or invent our own?
                  9. desired option for mod: to have all relevent files imprinted onto a game.
                  10. Scenario Designer subsection: get rid of the "need to save constantly" bug.
                  11. Document all sounds in SMAC(X) to include detailing where they occur.
                  12. Identify all files in SMAC(X) and detail what they stand for.
                  13. AI negotiation: need to improve for SMACX, especially base trading.
                  14. Firaxis patches for C4: how impact ongoing mod?
                  15. Useless" subroutines: comment out or delete?
                  16. What to do about culture/religion?
                  17. Fixed border distance as in original SMAC or create options that allow modders to easily modify it?
                  Last edited by Illuminatus; September 25, 2005, 08:24.
                  SMAC/X FAQ | Chiron Archives
                  The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw


                  • #10

                    Originally posted by Illuminatus

                    B. Creating a rooster list.
                    A "rooster is an adult male chicken in english. I think you mean "roster".

                    Originally posted by Illuminatus
                    D. Creating a mission statement

                    There are many visions of SMAC mod and it would be impossible to follow them all. I propose that everyone shares his opinion of the mod first, and that we reach the consensus then.

                    Personally, I think we should strive for a pure SMAC clone, but attempting to make as customization friendly as possible. By building a pure SMAC clone, we would enable everyone to make their preferred adjustments to SMAC. Advantage of a SMAC made in cIV engine is that now possibilities for customization are near endless. We would be able to create new facilities and modify abilities of the old ones, enable 14+ factions per game session etc. That would be the real building ground for everyones vision of SMAC 2.
                    I of course am voting for the perfect SMAC(X) clone.

                    Originally posted by Illuminatus
                    E. Compete with Firaxis?

                    It is rumoured that one of expansions for Civilization IV may be a SMAC sequel. We should decide do we wish to "compete" against it if it turns to be the truth.

                    Based on current information there is certainly some ground to this, but it doesn't have to be truth. I think we should continue the work regardless of this fact. Firaxis would certainly value our opinion if it starts to make a SMAC sequel and there is also the danger that Firaxis version of SMAC sequel may not quite live up to our expectations.
                    I think we should go ahead with the thought that we are the only ones making a C4--->SMAC(X) mod. If it turns out we're wrong, then great, as if the mod doesn't turn out well, then we won't get the blame!

                    Originally posted by Illuminatus
                    GOAL NUMBER TWO: Identification of all mod related tasks

                    A. Organizing the task

                    B. The list of tasks

                    I volunteer to create and manage the list in my next post, after the categories have been agreed. When we have the list of tasks, we can start assigning work, and perhaps draw a crude timetable.

                    4) Identification of files and their use in original SMAC
                    I'll start doing that today. One question that comes up immediately in regards to files (and folders) is that do we change the existing cIV directory structure to reflect SMAC(X)'s, or leave as is? Also, files such as the tech icon files may be easier to keep track of if we were to rename these with the tech they are related to. Example: the pic file "tech038" would be easier to recognize if it were called "SFF" or "Synthetic Fossil Fuels". Any thoughts on renaming these files?

                    Originally posted by Illuminatus
                    C. Organization

                    By this time, there should quite some work and one thread would not be enough. We should decide the following:

                    1) Where to situate our threads? Possible solutions are to be in AC-Creation, cIV-Creation, be present in both forums, or to ask for a special forum, probably located in the cIV group. I would opt for a special cIV subforum, with a mirror thread somewhere in cIV to post general status reports for those not reading the project forum.
                    I vote AC Creation, or somewhere in SMAC Land.

                    Originally posted by Illuminatus
                    2) Project wikipedia - It would sure be useful to have one, and it doesn't take much skill or time to learn how to create or edit articles. I strongly suggest that all interested in creation and maintance of the project wiki state so.
                    I've never dealt with wiki's befoer, however in RL I've just taken on the task of developping a training program for my group, and a wiki sounds like a great idea ther as well. So, bottom line is I don't know how to build/ manipulate a wiki, but I probably soon will. Can anyone give some reference material here?

                    Originally posted by Illuminatus
                    3) Naming project leaders and official positions would be suitable at this point.
                    Senethro's in charge. That way if things go wrong, why its all his fault!

                    Originally posted by Illuminatus
                    4) Creating a chatchannel on Apolyton server or CivChat service for realtime discussion? We could also use GoogleTalk, ICQ and similar services.
                    I have a communal computer at my house, and so am on at odd times usually. I'd say personally talking to me via E-Mail and in forums is best.

                    We also need a catch phrase. How about "The C4--->SMAC(X) Mod: teaching cavemen to wear environmental suits and fire Chaos Guns"?



                    • #11
                      Thank you for your input Darsnan.

                      Senethro's in charge. That way if things go wrong, why its all his fault!

                      I agree. Blame Senethro!

                      I vote AC Creation, or somewhere in SMAC Land.

                      I would prefer that too, but Markos's vote is final, and he'll probably follow the logic -> cIV mod to cIV land. One possible benefit is that we might get attention of people willing to mod, but who are not SMACers.

                      I think we should go ahead with the thought that we are the only ones making a C4--->SMAC(X) mod. If it turns out we're wrong, then great, as if the mod doesn't turn out well, then we won't get the blame!


                      We also need a catch phrase. How about "The C4--->SMAC(X) Mod: teaching cavemen to wear environmental suits and fire Chaos Guns"?

                      My suggestion: cIV to SMAC Mod: So that spearman can defeat Singualrity DeathSpheres

                      I'll update with all your suggestions and fix the rooster.
                      Last edited by Illuminatus; September 24, 2005, 13:22.
                      SMAC/X FAQ | Chiron Archives
                      The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw


                      • #12

                        B. Creating a rooster list.
                        Heh, I edited one into the OP at the same time you posted.

                        Oh, and regards Gavins participation in the mod, lets wait till he signs up. Hes also newly registered so I don't think its unfair to say that we can't be sure he'll stick around.

                        D. Creating a mission statement

                        I think you nailed what I've been thinking there as coherently as possible. If I've understood correctly, Darsnan and binTravkin agree.

                        E. Compete with Firaxis?

                        Rumours, rumours rumours. Until we've more solid details I don't think we need worry ourselves about this. Indeed, Firaxis announcing a SMAC sequel isn't completing one, nor will it necessarily make a SMAC1 mod redundnant, nor will it be guarenteed to be any good.

                        GOAL NUMBER TWO: Identification of all mod related tasks

                        B. The list of tasks

                        Broadly I agree, but this isn't yet the time for specifics. That can be our second step.

                        C. Organization

                        1) Where to situate our threads?
                        I'd strongly desire a sub-forum in the Civ4 group, if only because people aren't likely to scroll down as far as SMAC and a new forum always gets people looking in.

                        2) Project wikipedia - Definite yes to this.

                        3) Naming project leaders and official positions would be suitable at this point.
                        I see I've been voted in as being nominally in charge
                        I'm happy to accept but I see my role as being more to manage our materials and encourage discussion as I'm not qualified to tell you want to do!

                        4) Creating a chatchannel on Apolyton server or CivChat service for realtime discussion? We could also use GoogleTalk, ICQ and similar services.

                        I already make some use of IRC. I've heard good things about googletalk but haven't yet used.

                        D. Deciding on major issues

                        Very much part of our second step. Lets allude to things in this thread but not speculate without knowing details.
                        Last edited by Senethro; September 24, 2005, 13:25.


                        • #13
                          C. Organization

                          By this time, there should quite some work and one thread would not be enough. We should decide the following:

                          1) Where to situate our threads? Possible solutions are to be in AC-Creation, cIV-Creation, be present in both forums, or to ask for a special forum, probably located in the cIV group. I would opt for a special cIV subforum, with a mirror thread somewhere in cIV to post general status reports for those not reading the project forum.
                          please please please dont put this in cIV land. all the n00bs pouring in off google searches will constantly be through there.we or i at least want smacers on this.

                          2) Project wikipedia - It would sure be useful to have one, and it doesn't take much skill or time to learn how to create or edit articles. I strongly suggest that all interested in creation and maintance of the project wiki state so.
                          i mess about with a wikipedia on my own site so i suppose i could be of some use in this. i tend to make articles and then abandon them.this would mean actually keeping them current?

                          because of RL and all the stuff i am doing right now,all i can offer is being a mod\offering input\wiki modding :/

                          I would prefer that too, but Markos's vote is final, and he'll probably follow the logic -> cIV mod to cIV land. One possible benefit is that we might get attention of people willing to mod, but who are not SMACers.
                          markg? would he be opposed to adding a new forum in ac section?


                          1) Where to situate our threads?
                          I'd strongly desire a sub-forum in the Civ4 group, if only because people aren't likely to scroll down as far as SMAC and a new forum always gets people looking in.
                          i seem to be swimming against the current here,but i would discourage mass numbers of people potential dilluting the project.i probably sound like an elitist ***** that wants 'our project' and selfishly preventing other people...but the way i see it,if your willing to give money and time to smac2,then the effort to find the forum wouldnt be that tough.
                          if you want to stop terrorism; stop participating in it

                          ''Oh,Commissar,if we could put the potatoes in one pile,they would reach the foot of God''.But,replied the commissar,''This is the Soviet Union.There is no God''.''Thats all right'' said the worker,''There are no potatoes''


                          • #14
                            Cataphract887 does have a point about diluting the project, as much as it sounds offensive to potential newcomers. But I've seen others projects thrive with constant newbie questions. Perhaps we should ask for a hidden forum where important threads are located and leave the rest to open forum for discussion by anyone?

                            markg? would he be opposed to adding a new forum in ac section?

                            We are talking about a modification for Civilization IV that would make it Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri. We are basically modifying one Sid game to another. . I don't know what he will do, but he might put a cIV mod along with other cIV related things. We must not forget that this modification is above all based on Civ IV.
                            SMAC/X FAQ | Chiron Archives
                            The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw


                            • #15
                              I think thats what our wiki is for. And as long as we've got a couple of people with mod status in our own forum I think it won't be hard to keep on topic. I do agree that if we had to share a Civ4-creation forum it would be too crowded, especially at first.

