Iniswap for SMAX in Windows
Version 2 for download
Changes in version 2:
- After selecting ini file, terranx.exe starts automatically
- Iniswap now checks for this file only:
Alpha Centauri.ini
Previous test of folder did not work properly on some machines. I hope this one runs with no problems
- upload service might attach garbage
This small utility stores Alpha Centauri.ini files in a separate folder "Iniswap" in the root game directory. Each file is supposed to have correct "FACTION X=" declaration for a specific game. It can swap the correct ini file just before the given game to ensure correct graphics in game. It is designed to make fixing this Smax bug as effortlessly as possible.
Should work under Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000 and XP, although not all of these operating systems have been tested yet.
For security of your Alpha Centauri.ini file, make its backup. I strongly urge you to do so.
Unzip the file and place iniswap.exe into the SMAX root game folder. During its first execution, the utility will ask you for permission to create "Iniswap" folder. If you refuse it will quit. It is designed to work only in the main game root folder. There is a detection if it is so, though not very elaborate. The utility will not work otherwise.
Use of Iniswap
1. QUIT - does just that
2. Add current - copies current Alpha Centauri.ini file to the Iniswap folder with the addition of a short name. You will be asked for it in a separate dialog box. Do not make the name too long - Windows has this file feature limitted. "Pbem one" or "Acdg3" are good examples.
3. Delete - Select a desired ini file from the list to the left so it is highlighted and push "Delete" button. This will delete the selected ini file from Iniswap folder.
4. About - just tells a little bit more about Iniswap
5. In order to replace an ini file from root folder with the one in your list in the Iniswap folder, just doubleclick the file in the list. It will be copied to the main root folder of the game overwriting the previous one.
6. Remember that ini files in the Iniswap folder do not get automatically updated as the ini file in the main root folder gets changed. Do not be surprised that your Latest Map option or Latest Save option are different that those before the swap made by Iniswap. This might be corrected, but writing to ini file would be necessary. It might be a topic for a new small project in the future.
7. A practical note. Make a shortcut to Iniswap on your desktop next to Terranx.exe shortcut. Start it just before you "fire up" the game. Replacement should take you just 3-5 seconds. That's it. In order to build the "library" of ini files in Iniswap folder, you will have to have first the correct ini file in the root game folder, this utility does not build ini file from scratch. You can make the correct ini file by previously advised methods. Starting the game with correct factions for example.
8. Finally - License. It is freeware. It is NOT designed to screw up your system or game installation, but use caution. Thus, please use it on your own risk. It has not been also created to infringe SMAX creators and owners rights to the game, but it helps to go around some not yet fixed "bug" in the game, which for some players significantly detorirates the experience of playing it.
If anyone would like to test it, I will appreciate it.
Also if anyone finds it usefull, that's great.
Attached file removed, as there is new version 2 linked for download in the begining of the post.
Version 2 for download
Changes in version 2:
- After selecting ini file, terranx.exe starts automatically
- Iniswap now checks for this file only:
Alpha Centauri.ini
Previous test of folder did not work properly on some machines. I hope this one runs with no problems
- upload service might attach garbage
This small utility stores Alpha Centauri.ini files in a separate folder "Iniswap" in the root game directory. Each file is supposed to have correct "FACTION X=" declaration for a specific game. It can swap the correct ini file just before the given game to ensure correct graphics in game. It is designed to make fixing this Smax bug as effortlessly as possible.
Should work under Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000 and XP, although not all of these operating systems have been tested yet.
For security of your Alpha Centauri.ini file, make its backup. I strongly urge you to do so.
Unzip the file and place iniswap.exe into the SMAX root game folder. During its first execution, the utility will ask you for permission to create "Iniswap" folder. If you refuse it will quit. It is designed to work only in the main game root folder. There is a detection if it is so, though not very elaborate. The utility will not work otherwise.
Use of Iniswap
1. QUIT - does just that
2. Add current - copies current Alpha Centauri.ini file to the Iniswap folder with the addition of a short name. You will be asked for it in a separate dialog box. Do not make the name too long - Windows has this file feature limitted. "Pbem one" or "Acdg3" are good examples.
3. Delete - Select a desired ini file from the list to the left so it is highlighted and push "Delete" button. This will delete the selected ini file from Iniswap folder.
4. About - just tells a little bit more about Iniswap
5. In order to replace an ini file from root folder with the one in your list in the Iniswap folder, just doubleclick the file in the list. It will be copied to the main root folder of the game overwriting the previous one.
6. Remember that ini files in the Iniswap folder do not get automatically updated as the ini file in the main root folder gets changed. Do not be surprised that your Latest Map option or Latest Save option are different that those before the swap made by Iniswap. This might be corrected, but writing to ini file would be necessary. It might be a topic for a new small project in the future.
7. A practical note. Make a shortcut to Iniswap on your desktop next to Terranx.exe shortcut. Start it just before you "fire up" the game. Replacement should take you just 3-5 seconds. That's it. In order to build the "library" of ini files in Iniswap folder, you will have to have first the correct ini file in the root game folder, this utility does not build ini file from scratch. You can make the correct ini file by previously advised methods. Starting the game with correct factions for example.
8. Finally - License. It is freeware. It is NOT designed to screw up your system or game installation, but use caution. Thus, please use it on your own risk. It has not been also created to infringe SMAX creators and owners rights to the game, but it helps to go around some not yet fixed "bug" in the game, which for some players significantly detorirates the experience of playing it.
If anyone would like to test it, I will appreciate it.

Also if anyone finds it usefull, that's great.
Attached file removed, as there is new version 2 linked for download in the begining of the post.