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Adding NEW terraforming & units for SMAC!!!

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  • #46
    Greetings from America! It's good to hear that Jasonian's back with the Star Wars modpak! How long has it been? A year? Two years?

    Anyhow I don't have any technical knowledge to share, but would like to commend you on your efforts to take the game to bits and build something better!

    I have two questions for you designer elite bods out there - does anybody know where I can find a copy of SNAC? And the second question is - does anybody know of a way to make chopper units less powerful than they currently are? I am aware that infantry get a +25% when attacking a base, and that interceptors get a -50% when attacking ground units. Is there any way of altering these so a chopper gets, say, a -50% for attacking a base? I'm keen to keep penetrators as the main anti-base air unit, and choppers as a battlefield-sweeping unit if possible.

    Otherwise, great job guys - it's people like you who keep those design houses on their toes!
    Last edited by Alinestra Covelia; July 15, 2001, 17:14.
    "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


    • #47
      "Greetings from America?" Are you in the states right now or something? Your bio says you're British.

      The oft-requested but never found SNAC can be found here , at the Chironian Guild.

      Implementing the combat modifiers for the chopper is probably not possible. However, there are other ways to weaken the over-powered helicopter. SNAC severely limits choppers, for instance. There is an excellent discussion about this very topic in

      Vel's thread . Look for Blake's post. i will probably using his suggestions for my own SMAC Down: 2200.

      Many popular games have been almost completely reverse- engineered by their fans. Try going to . These guys have their own custom tools, and have actually created an unoffical add-on for Baldur's Gate! Incredible. The venerable Forgoten Realms: Unlimited Adventures has also been almost completey remade by dedicated fans.

      I'm not so sure if AC will be so easy to change, though. Baldur's Gate was deliberately made to make add-ons easy. FRUA was modular to begin with. SMAC has the text files, which are nice, but also limit what we can do. I guess time will tell.

      Also, has anyone tried ProvostB's monolith terraforming ideas? (they're on the first page of this thread). I couldn't make his trick work.


      • #48
        Havn't tried the Provost Monolith-terraform yet, but hope to make it work..I was concerned abut the key-recognition part and thought I might see if I could add it to another, less likely terraform, say, Drill to Aquifer (Q) and make it take twice as long.

        As to choppers..ditto to Tokamak..the special abilities are pretty much defined by the game apparatus. I can't even think of a way to use one of the available mods, like 'attack along road bonus' to sneak it into the chopper b/c there's not a way to access how the chopper thinks of's a's an air could I suppose make it a ground unit with bigger movement (movement triad options for chassis) though I'm not sure if that's possible (don't have the alpha open right now...I'm lazy).

        Oh, the Apolyton Download section (at the top of the site) is now working! SNAC is back. As is Alexander III's Going out to play.

        Visit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb


        • #49
          Bump for Nadexander
          Visit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb


          • #50
            ^ bump ^


            • #51
              The number tells the game how many rows of minerals it costs. This is done to make it easier to adapt to industry on the SE table (so it's 10 minerals for the normal faction, 11 for spartans, etc). So it would be 4000 minerals on average. Ascent cost 2000 if I'm not mistaken.


              • #52
                Originally posted by ProvostB View Post
                You can terraform a monolith. Just change the alpha.txt file to this under #TERRAIN:Monolith, AlphCen, Monolith, Disable, 10, Place Monolith, a, a,

                Hope this helps.

                -The Provost
                I've been trying to get this to work all day, but it doesn't, in either SMAC or SMAX. Are there any other changes that need to be made, in alpha(x).txt or any other files?

