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Adding NEW terraforming & units for SMAC!!!

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  • #16
    My e-mail address is

    As far as certain combinations that cause certain abilities, well, any combination is possible. The #UNITS section allows one to create custom units which violate the two-ability-only rule of unit design... read the beginning of this thread and follow the instructions. Be aware of the potential of unbalancing the game with such units, though (also at beginning of this thread.) If you want specifics, you'll have to wait till my modpack SNAX 1.0 comes out sometime next month (...just in time for christmas!


    • #17
      okay, I am waiting on it! I miss not having that Hydro. patch installed. It should be part of game. Thanks for checking out my faction. V2.0 is done. Updating text! Had to change it to be little stronger middle game.

      Originally posted by AlexanderIII on 10-09-1999 03:46 AM
      As the author of the Advanced Hydromechanics tech patch and soon to complete a newer version of the complete SMAC remod SNAC 1.0, which will be released soon, I have discovered how to add several new features to the game, making things VERY interesting.


      If you check out my tech patch, you will notice I added sea terraforming abilities, such as the Sea Sensor Array, the Kelp Enricher and the Minefield.

      I experimented with adding all the others to the sea, and some of them showed up on the map but the base would not recognize them when I would try to use, say a Condensor at sea, and some, like the Airbase, would not show up, renering them useless. The Kelp Enricher does not show up on the map, which is no great loss, and neither does the bunker, adapted for the sea, but I named it a Minefield, so it not showing up on the map is apt. In order to mark your Minefields, you can use the Name Landmark feature, or Put Cursor Here to see them. The AI, though, does not seem to use these new terraforming features.

      In the new SNAC I'm creating, I've added a borehole to sea squares, which does show up, and the base does know how to use it. It does look kind of strange, though, so I named it a Geothermal Borehole -- sort of a borehole at the bottom of the ocean floor into the earth (you need to use your imagination for that one).

      As for the Monolith, I have tried everything I could think of, from simply modifying the alpha.txt file to adding a new line in the menu.txt file, but to no avail -- there simply is no way for you to terraform a Monolith. Which would be cool with a tech like, say The Secrets of Alpha Centauri. Oh well.

      So the only terrain enhancements I've managed to be able to adapt for the sea are the Soil Enricher, the Sensor Array, the Bunker, and the Borehole.



      • #18
        Originally posted by AlexanderIII on 10-09-1999 03:46 AM
        In the new SNAC I'm creating, I've added a borehole to sea squares, which does show up, and the base does know how to use it. It does look kind of strange, though, so I named it a Geothermal Borehole -- sort of a borehole at the bottom of the ocean floor into the earth (you need to use your imagination for that one).
        Note: In SMAX, Geothermal Boreholes take much of the challenge out of playing the Pirates, since they solve the mineral deficiency problem rather decisively.

        Adding Abilities: The string of zeros after the unit descripts at the end of the line represent the abilities the unit has. The trick is to add the correct 1s in the right places representing the right abilities. How to determine that? Well through trial and error I discovered that: In the 0000... sequence, the first digit represents the LAST ability in the #ABILITIES list, and the last digit represents the FIRST ability in the #ABILITIES list. Then all you have to do is figure out where to put the 1s.
        Unfortunately for SMAX creators, initial inspection shows that the alphax.txt file has 26 0's after each unit, but 29 abilities on the list, breaking this correspondence. If and when I get around to experimenting here, I'll tell y'all what #s correspond to what SMAX abilities...

        -- ADDENDUM: In SMAX, the first zero corresponds to ability 26; the last number corresponds to ability 1. You can add three zeroes to the beginning of each line of numbers to have the first zero correspond to ability 29 and the last correspond to ability 1. --

        Now you would think that for the monster-like icon, that Morale would advance the unit in size, as in the Units.pcx file indicates. Alas this is not so.
        But in SMAX, it apparently does work like that -- at least in my initial test using the fungal tower graphic.
        [This message has been edited by SEE (edited November 27, 1999).]


        • #19
          Now you would think that for the monster-like icon, that Morale would advance the unit in size, as in the Units.pcx file indicates. Alas this is not so.

          quote: But in SMAX, it apparently does work like that -- at least in my initial test using the fungal tower graphic.

          Glad to hear that; good news for when I port my SNAX mod for SNAC-X.


          • #20
            Came up with a great idea for a hovering base; check out the 'Flying Mountains...' thread for details.


            • #21

              After reading this thread I started to get hopeful. I went back to my old Star Wars stuff and decided to make a new unit: The AT-AT. Basically, it's a 4-4-1 with Air Superiority, Non-lethal methods, and Deep Radar. I added the following line to alphax.txt:

              AT-AT Walker Infantry, Impact , Silksteel 0, 0, 0, Disable, 7, 00010000100000000000100000

              When I loaded up Crossfire, it said something like this:

              A bad CHASSIS key was found in the following file:


              The key that could not be read was:


              It appeared in this line:

              AT-AT Walker Infantry, Impact , Silksteel 0, 0, 0, Disable, 7, 00010000100000000000100000

              It is probably the attempt of some idiot to modify the file. You moron! If you don't know what you're doing, don't mess with the files.

              Or SOMETHING like that. Anyway, I wasn't aware that "Impact" WAS a chassis... huh. Seeing as you probably had this problem, can you, or anyone else, help me out?
              Banned on Black Saturday in the name of those who went before him.

              Realizes that no one probably remembers that event.


              • #22

                Ugh!! Never mind. Somehow, a comma was deleted from after the word "Walker" so it assumed "AT-AT Walker Infantry" was the name, and "Impact" was the chassis.

                Let this be a lesson to the rest of you: pay attention to stupid commas!
                Banned on Black Saturday in the name of those who went before him.

                Realizes that no one probably remembers that event.


                • #23
                  Jasonian, you also forgot the comma after "Silksteel". You REALLY need to watch out for those commas!! And unless you're giving the unit away free to a faction at the start of the game, you'll need to associate a Tech with it or it'll never appear in the game.

                  So the correct unit would read:
                  AT-AT Walker, Infantry, Impact , Silksteel, 0, 0, 0, [insert tech abrev. here], 7, 00010000100000000000100000


                  • #24

                    Yeah... I found out about that one next. But the little "you screwed up" message was better at telling me about it, and I fixed it.

                    The way things work, the Empire gets two of them at the begining of the game. I'm thinking of making a tech "Empire Ethics" that gives you access to them later on, but I haven't put it in yet, so I left it as "disable."

                    Thanks for pointing that out though.
                    Banned on Black Saturday in the name of those who went before him.

                    Realizes that no one probably remembers that event.


                    • #25
                      New Unit Here:
                      Stegausorus, Speeder, Fusion, Plasma, 1, 400, 0, User2, 6, 000001100001100100100000
                      Comes from new Tech "Jurrasic Engineering".
                      Is there anyway to set what reactor each unit has?

                      -Chiron Creators-


                      • #26

                        400? That's twice the cost of the accent to trancedence, I believe. That had better be one HECK of a fusion speeder!

                        Oh, by the way, could you list the abilities below the line. It's annoying to have to go into alpha.txt and match all those 1's with the chart.

                        About the reactors, I have no idea. In fact, I've asked the question myself on another thread.
                        Banned on Black Saturday in the name of those who went before him.

                        Realizes that no one probably remembers that event.


                        • #27
                          I figure we're posting our new units here now, so I'll share a couple.

                          Death Star,Gravship,Planet Buster,Stasis,5,0,5,EmpEth,-1, 00000000000000000010000000
                          Special Ability: Carrier Deck.

                          This is basically just a heavly armored air-unit carrier with a nuke. The idea was for it to wander around Planet (moving 12 spaces a turn) and shoot Planet Busters it can carry (i.e. it's superlaser) at enemy bases. Of course, it can sacrifice itself for one last nuke bang.

                          Comes from the "Empire Ethics" technology (Empire faction starts with this!) The high cost reflects the cost of building one in the movies, so you'd better be willing to keep a base busy for a while or fork over a LOT of credits!

                          Sith Lord,Infantry,Psi,Psi,-1,0,0,None,-1,10000001100100100000000100
                          Special Abilities: Cloaking Device,Empath Song,Blink Displacer,Hypontic Trance, Dissociative Wave

                          The ultimate PSI unit! Combined with the Empire's +25% in PSI combat, this guy is about as hard to kill as Vader. It's also amusing to see it go up against it's counterpart, the Jedi Knight (lacks Empath Song and has only +20% PSI, but has high-morale and non-lethal methods) because he is the only unit that really has a chance against him!

                          The Empire starts with 2 Sith Lords and the Jedi Council starts with 2 Jedi Knights. Neither can be created during the game.
                          Banned on Black Saturday in the name of those who went before him.

                          Realizes that no one probably remembers that event.


                          • #28
                            Sith Lord,Infantry,Psi,Psi,-1,0,0,None,-1,10000001100100100000000100
                            Special Abilities: Cloaking Device,Empath Song,Blink Displacer,Hypontic Trance, Dissociative Wave
                            Jasonian, if you put 'None' in the prerequisite tech, then all factions will be able to build this at the start of the game. I think you are looking for 'Disable', and then give the unit to the faction as 'UNIT, x,' as a part of faction.txt.


                            And heardie that stegasaurus is a great idea. Along with the 'Jurrasic Engineering' tech. My thought would be to call it Jurrasic Genetics, personally. WAYYY too expensive though. Bear in mind that for whatever number you put there, the true cost in minerals will be 9x that number (I thought it would be 10x that, put aparently not I discovered).

                            And do you have unit graphics for it/them? Love to see them. IDEA: make a few 'Jurrasic' techs complete with units and come out with a small mod for SMACX -- there are all too few small mods out there.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by AlexanderIII on 12-11-1999 04:29 PM
                              Sith Lord,Infantry,Psi,Psi,-1,0,0,None,-1,10000001100100100000000100
                              Special Abilities: Cloaking Device,Empath Song,Blink Displacer,Hypontic Trance, Dissociative Wave
                              Jasonian, if you put 'None' in the prerequisite tech, then all factions will be able to build this at the start of the game. I think you are looking for 'Disable', and then give the unit to the faction as 'UNIT, x,' as a part of faction.txt.
                              Sorry, the cost is not 400!, my mistake.
                              The Jurrasic Mod is a good idea might think about that.
                              I do have new unit graphics, if you want to find them go to and find the file, which is the upgrade for the Civ2 Stonehnege mod. Thi is what I have used.

                              -Chiron Creators-


                              • #30
                                Both of you,

                                I'm aware of the "None" for the tech name. I had origionally put it as "EmpEth" (Empire Ethics), but changed it to "Disable". Now it's on "None" so I can build some Jedi in case mine get whacked, and also so I can see how much they would cost. Just a little testing thing.

                                Just out of curiousity, if it doesn't cost 400 for that dino-of-a-fusion-speeder unit, what does it cost?
                                Banned on Black Saturday in the name of those who went before him.

                                Realizes that no one probably remembers that event.

