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New ROBOT-Faction

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  • New ROBOT-Faction

    My personal playing style is to play one large maps with only few factions(at least in single player mode).
    So i tried to make a faction that supports that playing style(build and expand)

    Faction of the ROBOTS:
    They are a ALIEN nation!
    INDUSTRY +2 (automated factories)
    SUPPORT +1 (no luxury goods)
    EFFIC +1 (rational machines)
    PLANET -3 (huge industry)
    PROBE -2 (reprogramable)
    Free RobotFactory when u discover Industrial Nanorobotik
    -1 DROHNE in each base
    IMPUNITY to Eudemony
    PSI-COMBAT +30%
    no GREEN Politic
    Some thoughts:
    - I wanted to make a balanced faction, with a look to play on a huge map with only few factions.
    - Main characteristic is huge INDUSTRY, bad PLANET and less DROHNES
    - As u might see this faction and 'The Drones' have some identical settings.
    - The -3PLANET is a huge disadvantage on fungus(native lifeform) rich planets and a smaller disadvantage on planets with low fungus
    - Dont forget that -3Planet inherits a -30% PSI-Combat(this is why i gave them +30% PSI-Combat)
    - Because of -3PLANET and +2INDUSTRY u are asking for environment problems with this faction
    - IMPUNITY to Eudemony is only a small advantage.
    - Free NANOFACTORY when u discover Industial Nanorobotik is also only a smaller advantage.
    - ALIEN-Setting is a good advantage when u play on large maps with few factions
    - GREEN is one of the best Politics and NOT allowed
    Possible changes without changing the main characteristics of the faction
    To make the faction weaker:
    - Take out or lower the +30% PSI-Combat
    - Play on fungus rich planets
    - Take out the +1 SUPPORT or +1 EFFIC
    - Turn off ALIEN-Setting
    To make the faction stronger:
    - Give a MORAL modifier instead of the PSI-Modify
    - +3 INDUSTRY or -2 PLANET
    - -1 PROBE
    - -2 DROHNES per base
    - allow GREEN-Politic

    Ok, thats enough, what do u think about that faction?


    P.S. I am an Austrian and play a german version of the game(v1.0 Crossfire). Please excuse some bad spelling

  • #2
    Whoa! Way to many modifers . Try kep it to 3-4~

    -Chiron Creators-


    • #3
      INDUSTRY (automated factories)
      SUPPORT (no luxury goods)
      EFFIC (rational machines)
      PLANET -3 (huge industry)
      PROBE -2 (reprogramable)

      I *think* you are only allowed to modify 5 social settings. The way it is set up, the Probe rating won't do a thing.

      Note: This is untested, and it might actually work.
      Banned on Black Saturday in the name of those who went before him.

      Realizes that no one probably remembers that event.


      • #4
        Its easy to say to keep the mods low

        i tried it, when i play a standard game with the ROBOTS and look at the sozial screen i see all 5 social changes.
        As far as i know u can have up to 8 changes.
        I will test soon what parameters can u change free(i think the not allowed GREEN politic doesnt count against this 8 changes)

        I forgot to say that the ROBOTS get the free TECH 'Industrial Base'.

        If anyone has a nice pic for this faction, and i can use it free, plz send it to ''



        • #5
          you can have up to as many social changes as the length of the line will allow, however in the SE screen, under where all of the SE levels are shown there is a box that will show 6 SE modifiers. so i feel that 6 modifiers is what you should keep it to. for one thing i think fewer modifiers make for a more balanced factions, and most of the time you can create a good faction with 6 modifers



          • #6
            Ha. The SE mystery is put to rest.

            I agree that there are too many moderators. Each moderator makes you play a faction a certain way. The more you have, the less freedom is given to the player. I suspect a faction such at this, while interesting, will become boring faster then a more balanced faction.
            Banned on Black Saturday in the name of those who went before him.

            Realizes that no one probably remembers that event.


            • #7
              I don't think you can flat out delete a drone, but since it rounds up, Talent, 50 should do the trick.

