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The Star Wars Modpack

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  • The Star Wars Modpack

    The Star Wars Modpack is about 1/3 done. Here is a list of the new factions. Comments are welcome. I will add info as I proceed further.

    The Freelance Worlds:
    Led by: Captain Boba Fett
    Agenda: Turn Planet into a hub of scum and villany.
    Ideology: Simple
    Unique units: Bounty hunters (decient offense)
    Comments: versitle and fun

    The Galactic Republic:
    Led by: Supreme Chancelor Palpatine
    Agenda: Bring Planet into the Republic
    Ideology: Democracy
    Unique units: Republic Guard (weak but high armor)
    Comments: Peacekeeper clone with a twist

    The Trade Federation
    Led by: Viceroy Nute Gunray
    Agenda: Invade and conquer Planet
    Ideology: Wealth
    Unique units: Droid army (weak but clean and chea), MTT (transport 3, drop, armor 3)
    Comments: Picture Morgan + Yang. Lots of credits and cheap but weak units. Rather make treaties then fight wars

    The Jedi Council
    Led by: Jedi Master Yoda
    Agenda: Establish outpost to study Planetmind
    Ideology: Planned
    Unique units: Jedi Knight (PSI unit with a slew of special abilities)
    Comments: Almost the opposite of Trade Federation. Extreme builder faction

    The Naboo
    Led by: Queen Amidala
    Agenda: Save Planet from destruction in war
    Ideology: Green
    Unique units: Security volunteers (suprising effective against Droid armies)
    Comments: Gaians with guns. Hybrid.

    The Empire
    Led by: Darth Vader
    Agenda: Expand the Empire to Planet
    Ideology: Planned
    Unique units: Stormtroopers (weak and cheap attack units), AT-AT Walkers (excellent offense), Sith Lords (Jedi Knight counterparts), Death Stars (PB that can carry up to five PBs. Empire does not start with this)

    The Rebel Alliance
    Led by: President Mon Mothma
    Agenda: Usurp the Empire
    Ideology: Power
    Custom units: Echo Base Personell (stormtrooper couterparts), Snowspeeders (weak but can fly)
    Banned on Black Saturday in the name of those who went before him.

    Realizes that no one probably remembers that event.

  • #2
    Thing proceed well. However, I have two little problems I'm hoping you people can help me with.

    1) Something got messed up in Alphax.txt. Now every unit looks like that colony pod thing on the top of the Units picture file. This includes: scout patrols, mind worms, fungal towers. They also don't have any names. Please help!

    2) I need symbols for the following: Naboo, Trade Federation, Galactic Republic, Jedi Council, Freelancers. If anyone knows where I can get them, or what they might look like if I have to make them up, please post here.

    Back to work,
    Banned on Black Saturday in the name of those who went before him.

    Realizes that no one probably remembers that event.


    • #3
      Just use the republic's symbol
      chack out any good star wars site


      • #4
        Ok. I must hand my head in shame.

        I can't find that stupid Galactic Republic symbol ANYWHERE. Please help!

        On a more bizzare note, all the colony pod things are now Death Stars. Hmm...
        Banned on Black Saturday in the name of those who went before him.

        Realizes that no one probably remembers that event.


        • #5
          Galactic Empire faction revealed!

          The Galactic Empire
          LEADER: Darth Vader
          AGENDA: Convert the Planetmind to the dark side of the Force
          TECH: Industrial Base
          +1 INDUSTRY: {'Motivates' workers to work harder}
          +1 POLICE: {Strict Police State}
          FREE Command Centers when tech is discovered
          +25% PSI Combat: {Skilled in the Sith arts}
          -2 PLANET: {Couldn't care less about Chiron's ecosystems}
          120% Hurry Costs: {Rushing projects difficult}
          FREE Stormtroopers, AT-AT Walker, & Sith Lord

          HEADQUARTERS: Imperial Garrison
          FIRST SEA BASE: Executor

          Normal bases: Imperial Endor base
          Permimeter Defense: + AT-AT Walkers and overhead TIEs
          Tachyon Field: + Energy shield generator
          [This message has been edited by Jasonian (edited December 23, 1999).]
          Banned on Black Saturday in the name of those who went before him.

          Realizes that no one probably remembers that event.


          • #6

            1) Change the name "The Freelance Worlds" to "The Bountyhunters Guild".

            2) Change the leader of the Galactic Republic to anyone else but Palpatine.

            3) Get rid of the sith lord unit altogether unless it is absolutely essential to the storyline you are using for the mod.

            4) You might also want to give the Empire a free punishment sphere(or whatever you plan on calling it) at the start or when they have dicovered the appropiate tech. Remember the Empire tolerated no desention.

            Now I have two questions. How are you going to add unique units to the game? Do you have any idea when you might be finished?


            • #7
              Rebel Alliance faction revealed!

              The Rebel Alliance
              LEADER: Mon Mothma
              AGENDA: Establish a base on Chrion to oppose the Empire
              TECH: Applied Physics
              Unit flags invisible {Excellent at hiding true power of their forces}
              85% Hurry modifier {easily adapt to new threats}
              Gain techs possessed by three other factions they have inflitrated
              -1 INDUSTRY {Must keep industrial operations small and hidden}
              -1 RESEARCH {Rather steal weapons then design their own}
              FREE Yavin Base troopers, & Snowspeeder

              HEADQUARTERS: Yavin Base
              FIRST SEA BASE: Red 5's Landing

              NEW BASE GRAPHICS!!
              Normal bases: Yavin 4 ruins
              Permimeter Defense: + fence (same as normal SMAC cities)
              Tachyon Field: + yellow-colored fence

              [This message has been edited by Jasonian (edited December 23, 1999).]
              Banned on Black Saturday in the name of those who went before him.

              Realizes that no one probably remembers that event.


              • #8
                1) I didn't have any idea on what to call those guys! Since you seem to think that "The Bountyhunters Guild" is a more fitting name, I'll make the switch.

                2) I put Palpatine in there on purpose. Is he the same guy that is secretly controling the Trade Federation? Will he become the Emperor himself? Some of the (rather lame, but still apparent) mystery from Episode 1 asks these questions.
                Keep in mind that the Emperor himself isn't on Planet, and the Federation guys are in control of themselves, so there is only one Palpatine actually there. However, I'll keep that in mind.

                3) Well, the Sith Lord isn't VITAL to the game, but I thought I needed a balance for the Jedi Knight unit, which is almost the same thing.

                4) I debated giving the Empire punishment spheres. But that gets rid of any drones they might have, plus lowers their resrearch. Obviously, people rebel from the Empire and want to join other factions, and they do seem to have the best tech to build Death Stars and the lot. So, is it worth it?

                1) I'm debating some possibilities for unique units.
                A) Each faction starts with a tech that lets them build all their unique units.
                B) Each faction starts with several of their unique units, and any faction can build them when they become available later on.

                The first option means I need to make 7 more techs. The purpose of the mod was to change the existing things in AC and make them Star Wars themed, not add new stuff. However, the second option makes the units not very unique at all. The Naboo could have a Droid Army unit, and the Rebels could have a Death Star. But it's a lot easier on me and adds more fun to the game.

                The final decision hasn't been made yet.

                2) Ironicly, what's holding me back is symbols. The only two I can find are the Rebel and Imperial symbols. Once I get or create some more, things will proceed faster. I might even have it done by New Year's.

                - Jasonian
                Banned on Black Saturday in the name of those who went before him.

                Realizes that no one probably remembers that event.


                • #9

                  1) I got the name from an old Dark Horse comic featuring Boba Fett. The guild was an outfit he belonged to.

                  2) Interesting, I hope you handle it a little better than the movie.

                  3) Upon further examination, I retract my objection to the sith lord unit. I read some old Star Wars books and found that Dark Jedi did exist within the Empire.

                  4) Since you put it that way, I agree with you.

                  As to the problem of unique units, is it possible to give each faction a tech that allows them to build thier custom units but is not researchable by the other factions?


                  • #10

                    I FINALLY fixed the "All units are Death Stars" bug, so I was able to test out some of the custom units.

                    The Jedi Knight and the Sith Lord are treated like Mind Worms for some odd reason. Their moral ie in "boil status" Also, since their attack is PSI (the Force), they don't get their bonuses from Empath Song and Hypontic Trance. I'm debating chainging the force attack to A8 (which is lightsabers)

                    About the custom techs, I belive it would be possible to create a tech with no prerequisites and set it to "disable", but still give it as a starting tech. That way, no one could ever research it, and you would have to trade for it or steal it. That idea sounds better then what I have now (each custom unit has a pre tech, so all factions can have droid armies, stormtroopers, etc)

                    On another note, the mod pack is almost functional, but not near complete. I'll need some testers to get the bugs and spelling errors out of it. Sign up today and I'll send you what you need when I finish the major stuff.
                    Banned on Black Saturday in the name of those who went before him.

                    Realizes that no one probably remembers that event.


                    • #11
                      Two things:

                      1) Why not have just a general 'jedi' unit -- and whatever faction they belong to determines their alliegiance. The Sith Lords color would be black, and the Jedi Knights white (Spartans and UofP respectively), so there's your uniqueness right there.

                      2) Keep the Jedi units as Psi. You can change the morale names in alpha.txt. For example, intead of:
                      Very Green, Hatchling
                      Green, Larval Mass
                      Disciplined, Pre-Boil
                      Hardened, Boil
                      Veteran, Mature Boil
                      Commando, Great Boil
                      Elite, Demon Boil

                      You could make it:
                      Very Green, Jedi Student
                      Green, Jedi Acolyte
                      Disciplined, Jedi 5th class
                      Hardened, Jedi 4th class
                      Veteran, Jedi 3rd class
                      Commando, Jedi 2nd class
                      Elite, Jedi Master

                      ...or whatever rank you decide them to be. Then your jedi units (and the aliens as well) will have jedi psi rankings.


                      • #12
                        Ya know, these blasted Jedi are nearing the point where they are more annoying then they are worth!

                        The two Jedi have slight differences. Sith Lord gets Empath Song, and Jedi Knight gets Hypnotic Trance + High Morale, in addition to all the shared abilities.

                        HOWEVER, the idea of just making a generic "Force User" unit is starting to sound good. I could give them the abilities of both Jedi.

                        The problem comes when they fight. Since you aren't supposed to be able to give PSI units Empath and Trance, they don't function in combat. I want these to work, but still have the PSI attack. Hmm...

                        Perhaps there is a good middle ground. I'll see. Otherwise, your idea looks like a nice way out.
                        Banned on Black Saturday in the name of those who went before him.

                        Realizes that no one probably remembers that event.


                        • #13
                          So just make both Jedi units have High Morale and Deep Radar (you know, ability to sense 'the force' and all). That would work.

                          What would be even really cool is if the psi caviar weapon was a lightsaber -- wow now your jedi would look AWESOME. Oh well.

                          What you could do is include two Jedi units at the start of the game for the Sith Lord and Jedi Knight factions, using each different custom graphics, complete with lightsabers, like the aliens and their Battle Ogre units. They might be something like this:

                          Jedi Knight, Infantry, Psi, Psi, 1, 0, 0, Disable, x, 000001000100000000000010
                          Abilities: High Morale, Hypnotic Trance, Deep Radar

                          Sith Lord, Infantry, Psi, Psi, 1, 0, 0, Disable, y, 000000000100100000000010
                          Abilities: High Morale, Empath Song, Deep Radar

                          The Jedi knight graphic would be a white figure with a light sabre, and the Sith Lord would be a black figure with a light staff (or whatever you call that thing). These units would only be available as a special bonus for choosing these factions, as they use graphics specific to that faction and they violate the two-ability-per-unit rule.


                          • #14

                            That IS what I am doing! The problem is that PSI units can not use the Trance and Empath abilities, if they have them or not.

                            Custom graphics are a definite possibility for those two.

                            I'll work on it and post results.
                            Banned on Black Saturday in the name of those who went before him.

                            Realizes that no one probably remembers that event.


                            • #15
                              Modpack update!

                              The Jedi/Sith units contine to not function as promised. I've decided to just leave them be. The Jedi and Empire will still start with them, and can build them at Centauri PSI.

                              The Empire is about the WORST fighter ever seen! The morale - is awful, the planet - counteracts their +25% in PSI combat, and the 110% hurry costs add salt to the wounds.
                              I've decided to ditch the morale minus and give them Command Centers at all when that tech is discovered. However, their police bonus is now at only +1, and their hurry modifier is at 120% to balance this.

                              The rebels also lost their morale modifier AND their free comlink ability (which NEVER works! Has anyone every gotten this to work?) but has gained the coolest special ability EVER. All of their unit flags are see-through! This means that when you are attacked by a rebel unit, the name is complety blacked out. Same when attacking them. This adds a whole new dimention to covert warfare!

                              Both the above profiles have been modified to show the new abilities.

                              The Bounty Hunters are quite excellent fighters and are nice force when under AI control. They lead swift and covert attacks on your bases, so watch out!

                              The Federation is rather weak, and gets killed rather often. They will be modified to increase their power.

                              The Naboo are the kind of people you HATE to kill. They're so nice and care only about the planet's ecology. They work well.

                              The modified Empire and Rebels are both very agressive and like to kill anything, even eachother. But they're both rather stupid and predictable.

                              The Jedi are fun to watch, but even more fun to kill. Picture a Miriam/Zak cross. Interesting, no?

                              The Republic are pacifists, but start with the third armor level, so they have some time to gain a foothold.

                              That's it. I'll keep posting new stuff. If you want the rebel file to see their awesome ability, email me at
                              Banned on Black Saturday in the name of those who went before him.

                              Realizes that no one probably remembers that event.

