Endgame, I'm going to need as much help as you can give r/e the Dos problems, because I can't re-create the problem on my end. I will do some clean-up (compact some of the .bats), and add comments (::comment), and further avoid environment variables. I'll post this clean edition late tonight I hope.
I'm just stuck on:
from swapmotor.bat. I don't see what would be causing :MUNCH to be continuously called unless the errorlevel was always 1. I'll research error levels a bit further.
I'm just stuck on:
PAUSE copy .\data\%file%.txt .\data\%file%2.txt :MUNCH copy KEEPME.txt + .\data\%file%.txt DATA.BAT > NUL call DATA.BAT type DATA.BAT | find /v "FILESWAPPER.BAT" > .\data\%file%.txt copy .\data\%file%.txt NUL | find "0" > NUL if errorlevel 1 goto MUNCH :DONE