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Aldebaran 2: Smax

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  • #16
    Originally posted by smacksim
    It requires only a single Smax game, and preserves both versions of the game. Not that Smax takes up much room. Certainly it's easy enough to have two+ directories for most of us, but it'd be one step easier for the average Joe to have a swapping system.
    Heah smacksim,

    If I understand your above statement correctly then one of the previous observations to the method of "swapping" in a single SMAX directory was that it would be relatively easy to make a mistake and load a SMAX PBEM turn into a mod (Aldebaran or otherwise), as once the turn is opened the first thing that is computed is growth, energy, and mineral production for the turn, which is computed differently for Aldebaran as for SMAC(X). This would then require the player to explain a reload warning, as the player would have to close out the game, perform the "swap", then reload the PBEM turn.
    Since I am heavily into PBEM and CMN'ing games, I prefer 2 (or more) loadings of SMAC(X) on my machine, with different desktop icons pointing to the different versions. My $0.02 on the subject.



    • #17
      This is good that the installer is being heavily discussed before I go and compile Aldebaran-2.0 .

      As to your concerns, this is part of why I'm planning on overwriting the splash screen and menu screen. It will boldly say 'Aldebaran', so there will be little chance of accidentally loading an MP game or even an SP game.

      Secondly, there is a convenient crash that happens if you try to play with non-Aldebaran factions. This is because the tech names in each faction, as well as SE proclivities, do not match with the Aldebaran alphax.txt. It is feasible to eliminate this bug (rename the key-names for SE choices and techs to match Smax), but I actually like it as is. There just isn't a way to accidentally play a Smax game with Aldebaran. It is possible to design a faction that would get around this bug, but it would have to have no starting tech (well, a few have the same names), and no SE leanings, like the pirates.

      So anyways, I'm going to make a stock 'Aldebaran' logo in photoshop for the splash screen and icon. I'd be happy to have an artiste drop in and re-do them at a later date, but I'm too excited not to have a custom icon for the very first release into the wild.

      Spent part of the morning surfing for more faction graphics. I still can't find a decent picture of a man-in-nature for the Planetlover faction. Lady Deirdre's Lover should be handsome, black or hispanic, and wearing natural garb. It's a fun part of the project. I got sidetracked downloading supermodels for the Galactic faction. Hehe....

      Aldebaran 2.1 for Smax is in Beta Testing. Join us for our first Succession Game


      • #18
        ignore this
        Last edited by smacksim; July 25, 2004, 01:24.
        Aldebaran 2.1 for Smax is in Beta Testing. Join us for our first Succession Game


        • #19
          Wrote some help text in conceptsx.txt to ID the restriction lifting and prepare for further writing, including the long-ago-talked-about incorporation of the 'REAL' ecodamage formula by Blake + Ned + ? from a few years ago.

          Now I'm going to compile an installer and test it out on a fresh install of Smax.

          The project is now open for beta testing.

          Aldebaran 2.1 for Smax is in Beta Testing. Join us for our first Succession Game


          • #20
            Using Inno Setup Compiler, which is excellent freeware. It's tested and works well for the install. Now working on a batch file to do a fancy little file-swapping as we discussed above.


            1. User Downloads Aldebaran
            2. Clicks Install
            3. Files and graphics loaded into user-specified Aldebaran directory, which goes inside the Smax directory.
            4. Creates two shortcuts: Aldebaran and Smax-vanilla.
            5. Each icon triggers a batch file (see below)
            6. Gets a nice readme and installer launches batch-file for Aldebaran, if the user wants. Otherwise Aldebaran just sits there, not touching any Smax files.

            Batch file: Aldebaran

            1. Checks flag 'Is_Aldebaran'. If it already is, runs terranx.exe. Otherwise,

            2. Swaps in the Aldebaran files and launches terranx.exe, setting a flag to 'Is_Aldebaran' in a log.

            Batch file: Smax-Vanilla

            Swaps back in the original Smax if the flag currently says 'Is_Aldebaran'. If it's not, it just runs terranx.exe like a regular shortcut.

            I'm using batch files because it'll be a snap to rewrite for any mod. It's basically a mod-installer generalist.

            I know all that sounds complicated, but it just means that a user will not have to think at all about it. Just click the Aldebaran icon for Aldebaran, and the Smax icon for Smax.

            Aldebaran 2.1 for Smax is in Beta Testing. Join us for our first Succession Game


            • #21
              Well, it's 99% done! But the last 1% is giving me a headache. I've written a batch file (actually a set of batch files) that will swap any mod into any game, no matter how many files.

              It has an installer, uninstaller, modlaunch and originallaunch function, keeps track of all files (which are which, and where), and it even makes tea.

              The problem is in the actual launching of terranx.exe. First I tried just calling it, then on a blank line, then with start (all dos commands), then I did what I thought I should do in the beginning, I made a shortcut to the .exe, placed it nearby, and launched that. That seems to work the best, gets the farthest. But it's funny. The problem really seems to be in the display, that having the dos program (batch file) still running when it calls the shortcut, somehow makes it tough for poor old terran.exe to gain enough control over display to be stable.

              Of course, I can still launch the game with the original icon, (modded or un-modded), but I'm holding out for perfection on this one.

              Aldebaran 2.1 for Smax is in Beta Testing. Join us for our first Succession Game


              • #22
                fixed the launch problem by using a shortcut. Am doing all testing on the CD-dependent variety assuming will work better/faster with CD-independent.

                next problem was DOS memory space. Seems you can't use many 'environment variables' without causing and 'out of environment' error. So much for streamlining the batch file! I had worked out a nifty variable passing routine, but had to go back to using literal commands for much of the gruntwork.

                currently am double checking all the possible error failures for abusing the install. IE, if you move stuff around by hand, the fileswapper should complain. Etc.

                Aldebaran 2.1 for Smax is in Beta Testing. Join us for our first Succession Game


                • #23
                  Screens from Aldebaran.

                  Modswapping utility is done. See it's thread here. It's called Fileswatter 1.0 for now.

                  Aldebaran 2.1 for Smax is in Beta Testing. Join us for our first Succession Game


                  • #24
                    It's done. Well, you know, until the first bugs creep up.
                    I do hope someone comes along and actually plays this. I can't wait for a PBEM. Beta testers will be forever named in the readme!

                    Here's Aldebaran 2.0.1

                    (removed: why keep something not quite right?)

                    Last edited by smacksim; July 5, 2004, 19:39.
                    Aldebaran 2.1 for Smax is in Beta Testing. Join us for our first Succession Game


                    • #25
                      Forgot to mention that I got rights to use these fantastic pictures. If anyone wants to work on splash screens, Icons or faction graphics for Aldebaran with these, please let me know:

                      Hi Smacksim,

                      Yes, you may use any of my online Computergraphic Vistas without charge per
                      the terms below.


                      Walter Myers
                      Aldebaran 2.1 for Smax is in Beta Testing. Join us for our first Succession Game


                      • #26
                        Like this:
                        Attached Files
                        Aldebaran 2.1 for Smax is in Beta Testing. Join us for our first Succession Game


                        • #27
                          Or this:
                          Attached Files
                          Aldebaran 2.1 for Smax is in Beta Testing. Join us for our first Succession Game


                          • #28
                            The title, ah. Got it uploaded. Nevermind
                            Last edited by smacksim; July 4, 2004, 15:36.
                            Aldebaran 2.1 for Smax is in Beta Testing. Join us for our first Succession Game


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by smacksim
                              It's done.

                              I do hope someone comes along and actually plays this.
                              I will be downloading it tonight and playing with it.

                              I can't wait for a PBEM.
                              I may not understand the finer nuances of the Aldebaran yet , but you can count me in! I'll have to figure out which are the green Factions, and go from there.
                              btw did you add that one unit to the alphax.txt file like I recommended?



                              • #30
                                There's a funny mistake in the installer. Seems it doesn't include the files...hold on while I fix it.

                                No, it was basically fine. I did change it to not create a new 'Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri' folder if not installing in default location. I'll be uploading it again in a moment. Also I'll upload the plain files for those wishing to do all this by hand. I probably won't have enough upload space for everything though...

                                Edit again: Actually there was a DOS compatibility error, which was fixed.

                                Last edited by smacksim; July 5, 2004, 17:07.
                                Aldebaran 2.1 for Smax is in Beta Testing. Join us for our first Succession Game

