Originally posted by smacksim
It requires only a single Smax game, and preserves both versions of the game. Not that Smax takes up much room. Certainly it's easy enough to have two+ directories for most of us, but it'd be one step easier for the average Joe to have a swapping system.
It requires only a single Smax game, and preserves both versions of the game. Not that Smax takes up much room. Certainly it's easy enough to have two+ directories for most of us, but it'd be one step easier for the average Joe to have a swapping system.
If I understand your above statement correctly then one of the previous observations to the method of "swapping" in a single SMAX directory was that it would be relatively easy to make a mistake and load a SMAX PBEM turn into a mod (Aldebaran or otherwise), as once the turn is opened the first thing that is computed is growth, energy, and mineral production for the turn, which is computed differently for Aldebaran as for SMAC(X). This would then require the player to explain a reload warning, as the player would have to close out the game, perform the "swap", then reload the PBEM turn.
Since I am heavily into PBEM and CMN'ing games, I prefer 2 (or more) loadings of SMAC(X) on my machine, with different desktop icons pointing to the different versions. My $0.02 on the subject.