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    you asked for it so....

    ATTENTION: please read the rules in this post before posting here. Particularly rule #3 is violated too often (probably because this rule was apparently dropped in the Civ3 forum).

    Rules of posting on this thread:
    1) You must post a common question.
    2) The subject could be anything smac related
    3) You must also post the answer to it. If you have a question that is not in this FAQ and you're looking for an answer, please post a new thread in which you ask the question, don't post your question here (if you do, it will be deleted, and (only) if you're lucky someone will repost it in a new thread for you and answer it there).
    4) Each question must be numbered and unless you post an addition to an existing point (add the number of the point you're referring to if this is the case), you must post with a new number. So if #25 is the last question, you must number your point #26 (this makes for easy referring when someone asks the question outside this thread).
    5) Corrections on the answers should not be made, only additions (e.g. dont try to correct other people, just add your perspective). (The best way to deal with incomplete/incorrect information is to email/PM the person who posted the question and discuss it privately - the person in question can edit his answer if needed).
    6) Let's try and keep the answers fairly short, if it's a very 'big' subject with many different aspects or opinions, find/post a seperate thread about it and link to it from here.
    7) This thread is for answering common questions, not for discussion! Irrelevant posts will be deleted without warning.

    Since we're trying to help people locate the info they need fast (while relieving the regulars of having to answer the same questions over and over again), it's important that this thread remains relatively short (not *too* short of course, then it won't contain the info people need), otherwise it would take too much time to locate the info and people will start their own threads anyway. So rules #1 and #6 are particularly important.
    Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
    Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog

  • #2
    1) Where are some general sites of SMAC/X interest?
    A: Try Apolyton's SMAC/X section at:

    Therein you'll find news, game specifics, strategies, files, modification tools, hall of fame challenges, files and fiction.

    Also worth a look is Firaxis's homepage for SMAC/X at:

    Amid columns of general interest is in-depth background information on the factions, concept artwork of the xenofungal native life, and the uploaded version of the episodic "Journey to Centauri" story by Michael Ely, chronicling the disintigration onboard the Unity during the final days prior to Planetfall.

    2) Where can I find patches for SMAC/X?
    A: Firaxis's homepage contains all up-to-date patches for SMAC/X, including the add-on Borehole scenerios, alternate color scheme, and patches for the mac version of SMAC.

    3) Where can I find Alien Crossfire?
    A: Alien Crossfire is out of print, and Electronic Arts, who controls distribution rights, has yet to re-issue it. Used copies may be found in retail shops and specialty outlets, or on Ebay (including the short lived SMAC/X bundled Planetary Pack). Online, British supplier still ships SMAX copies worldwide.

    The Macintosh version of SMAX can be found and sold here:

    4) How do I create new factions?
    A: The alpha.txt and alphax.txt files detail the mechanics of this process. The Faction Editor included in SMAX streamlines the process (but is buggy). opening the faction specific .txt files manually alters stats and descriptions. Custom factions in SMAC must replace one of the original seven under the #FACTIONS heading in the alpha.txt file. Custom factions in SMAX go under the #CUSTOMFACTIONS heading in the alphax.txt file. In both cases the faction should be listed twice and seperated with a comma.

    5) Where can I find some new factions?
    A: contains an archive of indepedantly created factions, faction creation tools, tutorials, and other resources for customization.

    6) Help, my custom factions locking up my faction-selection screen!
    A: Make sure your factions are installed in the proper locations in the alphax.txt file, and you're following Faction Editing and translation guidelines (See Question #4). The game may potentially freeze if you have more than 7 custom factions enabled. Additionally, if you delete a custom faction which was used in the LAST game you started (and is thus list in the Alpha Centauri.ini file) the game will choke when starting. Deleting the Alpha Centauri.ini file may solve this. Sometimes SMAX can't stomach manual edits of custom faction files, in which case it is better to confine your creation to the Facedit program. If a custom faction loads cleanly in Facedit (no Terranx crashes), it should load smoothly in the game.
    "I wake. I work. I sleep. I die. The dark of space my only sky. My life is passed, and all I've been will never touch the earth again." --The Ballad of Sky Farm 3, Anonymous, Datalinks


    • #3
      7) I'm having trouble running SMAC/X under Windows 2000.
      A: This thread should troubleshoot your problem for you (thanks to Googlie):

      8) I'm having sound problems with SMAC/X; scratchiness, static, feedback, looping, etc.
      A: The most common cause with a SoundBlaster card is the surround sound program EAX. Try adding the lines EAX=0 and DS3D=0 to the top of your Alpha Centauri.ini file. This fixes sound issues approximately 75% of the time, with the minor side effect of making the alien sound somewhat dulled. You may also try downloading latest sound compatibility drivers, especially with later versions of Windows. Turning the software sound acceleration down to 'basic' from inside the DirectX DXDIAG tool is another option.

      9) Why does the progenitor music play with all the new SMAX factions?
      A: The ambient music used in SMAC/X is located in the fx folder in your SMAC directory. They are the .amb files; sset1.amb is for the Spartans, gset1.amb for the Gaians, and so forth. There is no new ambient music for the SMAX factions and the progenitor music (aset1.amb) plays for all of them (a bug in the expansion includes the Believers while under SMAX). If you wish to use ambient music from the original seven factions for the new factions, back up the aset1.amb file and replace it with a copy of one of the other .amb files, properly renamed. It's not a direct translation of the same ambient music, but it is close.

      10) How do I get SMAC/X to run in a higher resolution/window?
      A: Edit the Alpha Centauri.ini file and add 1024 to the Video Mode headings, e.g., Video Mode=800 or Video Mode=1024 forces the screen resolution to either of these two sizes(800 x 600 and 1024 x 768 pixels, respectively) . It isn't possible to run SMAC/X in anything other than a full screen.

      11) How do I disable the opening movie?
      A: Edit the Alpha Centauri.ini file and change the line DisableOpeningMovie=0 to 1.

      12) How do I become a SMAC/X master?
      A: Popular opinion varies wildly, but the consensus almost unanimously votes Christopher "Velocyrix" Hartpence as the guru of this area. Reputable strategy connoisseur, SMAC/X enthusiast, published author and aspiring game designer, he has produced four versions of his infamous SMAC Strategy Guide, the latest of which is sold on at:

      Version 4.0 of Velocyrix's SMAC Strategy Guide incorporates SMAX into his foundation of game theory. Earlier freeware versions (SMAC only, still a plethora of information on strategy and mechanics) can be found at the Chironian Guild (an excellent site unto itself) at:

      "I wake. I work. I sleep. I die. The dark of space my only sky. My life is passed, and all I've been will never touch the earth again." --The Ballad of Sky Farm 3, Anonymous, Datalinks


      • #4
        13) SMAC/X won't run under my Pentium 4, producing "Processor not supported" errors
        A:Edit the Alpha Centauri.ini file so that it contains the following lines at the start of the file:

        (Correct me if I'm wrong, of course)
        The church is the only organisation that exists for the benefit of its non-members
        Buy your very own 4-dimensional, non-orientable, 1-sided, zero-edged, zero-volume, genus 1 manifold immersed in 3-space!
        All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does. That's his.
        "They offer us some, but we have no place to store a mullet." - Chegitz Guevara


        • #5
          14) Is anyone up for a Multiplayer game?
          A: You bet! Check the Ac-MUltiplaying Forum for:
          • Tau Ceti's PBEM tournament
          • Several Googlie specials
          • Folk wanting to play however you like
          The church is the only organisation that exists for the benefit of its non-members
          Buy your very own 4-dimensional, non-orientable, 1-sided, zero-edged, zero-volume, genus 1 manifold immersed in 3-space!
          All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does. That's his.
          "They offer us some, but we have no place to store a mullet." - Chegitz Guevara


          • #6
            15) What do all those abbr. mean?
            Here is a small collection of them:
            AA - Alien Artifact
            CC - Cybernetic Consciousness
            CDF - Citizens Defense Force
            CP - Colony Pod
            grr - grr (common expression of anger)
            HGP - Human Genome Project
            HSA - Hunter-Seeker Algorithm
            ICS - Infinite City Strategy/Sleaze/... (Found as many bases as possible, don't care too much for development)
            IoD - Isle of Deep (the water mindworms)
            MCC - Marine Control Center
            ME - Merchant Exchange
            MP - Multiplayer
            OCC - One City Challenge
            ODP - Orbital Defense Pod
            PB - Planet Buster
            PBEM - Play by e-mail
            PK - Peacekeeper
            >pop< - Fungal Bloom
            PTS - Planetary Transit System
            RTS - Real-Time Strategy game
            SP - Single player, or Secret Project
            TBS - Turn-Based Strategy game
            ToE - Theory of Everything
            UoP - University of Planet
            VW - Virtual World
            WP - Weather Paradigm

            Edit: Added abbreviations.
            Last edited by Adalbertus; November 27, 2003, 14:36.
            Why doing it the easy way if it is possible to do it complicated?


            • #7
              16. In SMACX, I see a bunch of drones in the base screen. When I change to the "Psych" view from the "Resources" view to see where the drones are coming from, they aren't there. The base doesn't riot, even though it displays extra drones. What is going on?

              A: This is probably the largest bug in SMACX. There is no solution other than to review the Psych screen or to go to the F4 screen and select "Citizens". Otherwise, you cna just wait for drone riots and correct the situation after the fact. In some people's opinion, this bug alone makes SMACX unplayable and they prefer to stick with original SMAC.
              Creator of the Ultimate Builder Map, based on the Huge Map of Planet, available at The Chironian Guild:


              • #8
                17) How do I deal with ecodamage?

                The short answer is every Tree Farm, Hybrid Forest, Centauri Preserve and Temple of Planet built after the first fungal <pop> increases the clean mineral limit at every base by one. Each fungal pop also increases clean minerals by one.
                So you should force a pop ASAP by raising a bases mineral production above 16, then build lots of treefarms. Forcing a pop really is critical to getting the ecodamage reducing effect from treefarms.

                18) Whoa! My ecodamage just skyrocketed! why?
                Atrocities cause ecodamage. The exact amount for nerve stapling and nerve gassing is unknown. However for launching a planet buster or tectonic missile the ecodamage at every base is increased by the equivalent of producing 5 more minerals. This can be offset by building 5 Centauri Preserves for every PB you intend to launch. (you can sell the CP's and rebuild them)

                19) What are some ecodamage terms?
                <pop> - This is when fungus spreads, the first few are accompanied by a Book of Planet message. It's also referred to as fungal bloom.
                Clean Minerals - The amount of minerals you can produce before ecodamage at a base. Also known as clean mineral limit or clean mineral threshold.

                20) Where can I find more about ecodamage?
                For almost everything you ever wanted to know about ecodamage read this column:


                • #9
                  21) Can a Monolith Disappear?
                  Yes. Every time a unit visits at a monolith, it has a 1 in 32 chance of disappearing.


                  • #10
                    22) I get a huge fungal bloom despite of not producing any ecodamage. Why?
                    A: In the late game, when you complete "The Voice of Planet", you trigger "The Growth Dream, which kills most of the other lifeforms on Planet". (You trigger in terms of game mechanisms. In the story line, you start The Voice of Planet right at the moment when the Growth Dream happens.) This causes fungus to grow, with all the consequences (=Mind Worms etc.) you normally get from a . This is a part of the game, you can only avoid it when you refuse to win by Transcendence.
                    Why doing it the easy way if it is possible to do it complicated?


                    • #11
                      23) How many nutrients can I get from a land square?
                      I think this already has been posted somewhere by somebody else, but I think it was more fun to test it myself. It was tested in the scenario editor. And so it is to calculate:
                      • First, you get 0 nuts from an arid square, 1 from moist and 2 from rainy (including the raininess effect from condensors).
                      • Then add 1 for a farm, and also if in jungle. If there is a nutrient bonus, add another 2. Then you'll have a number between 0 and 6.
                      • Multiply this number by 1.5 and forget decimals, if you have a condensor on the square.
                      • Do the same if you have soil enricher in the square.
                      • Before the discovery of Gene Splicing (i. e. before restriction lifting), a nutrient special or a condensor lift the restriction for their square, otherwise you cannot get more than 2 nutrients per square.

                      For those who don't like to calculate, the table with the experimental values:

                      arid 0 1 1 - - -
                      moist 1 2 3 1 3 4
                      rainy 2 2/3 4 3 4 6
                      arid/nut 2 3 4 - - -
                      moist/nut 3 4 6 4 6 9
                      rainy/nut 4 5 7 6 7 10
                      arid/jungle 1 2 3 - - -
                      moist/jungle 2 2/3 4 3 4 6
                      rainy/jungle 2/3 2/4 6 4 6 9
                      arid/jungle/nut 3 4 6 - - -
                      moist/jungle/nut 4 5 7 6 7 10
                      rainy/jungle/nut 5 6 9 7 9 13

                      plain - no terrain enhancement
                      F - Farm only
                      S - Farm + Soil Enricher (the scenario editor allows also soil enricher without farm but I don't think it works inside the game)
                      C - Condensor
                      FC - Farm + Condensor
                      SC - Farm + Soil Enricher + Condensor.
                      nut - nutrient bonus.
                      If an entry has two numbers, x/y, then x is pre-restriction lifting, and y after. I didn't look at Soil Enricher before restriction lifting because Gene Splicing is in the research path for Enricher. The fact that condensors are available before restriction lifting through the Weather Paradigm secret project is one of its major strengths.

                      The most one thus can get from a normal square (without special luck) is 6 nutrients.

                      EDIT: some corrections and beautifications thanks to MariOne and Straybow.
                      Last edited by Adalbertus; July 20, 2003, 10:00.
                      Why doing it the easy way if it is possible to do it complicated?


                      • #12
                        24) How can you starve a base to death?

                        By reducing the base size to one and then building a colony pod.


                        • #13
                          And how do you reduce a base pop size to 1?


                          • #14
                            How to reduce a base pop size to 1

                            CoffeeBreath asked:
                            25) And how do you reduce a base pop size to 1?
                            One way is to make as many citizens Specialists as is necessary so no Nutrients are being gathered outside the base square. As turns pass, you will be informed by your
                            Psych Chaplain:
                            Our citizens are starving at $BASENAME0! Factories abandoned by hungry workers.
                            The base will eventually have only one citizen, which you eliminate by producing a Colony Pod.

                            If you feel bad about starving them, another option is to reduce Nutrient production only enough to stagnate growth, then produce only Colony Pods, hurrying them if possible, and send them off to boost other bases' population or establish new bases elsewhere.

                            Still another option is to convoy nutrients to another base or bases.

                            Of course, you could combine any or all of these methods to reduce the population even more rapidly.
                            Last edited by gwillybj; February 19, 2003, 03:37.
                            I am on a mission to see how much coffee it takes to actually achieve time travel.


                            • #15
                              Great, I will try that line in Alpha Centauri about the
                              "Does not support this processor".

                              Let you know later, as I uninstalled it. After that error message. Running a Celeron processor, and never could get it to work.


                              Like to include it on the new computer. Should run fast now.

                              Wrote Firaxis about it, but never received a replay back, but, now feel kind of foolish.

                              You have made my day!!!!!

                              Back later, to confirm that!!

                              Now for Alpha Centauri II and whatever!!

