Is this forum still alive? I have recently discovered SMAX after 750 hours of Civ 5 and this game is amazing and it aged very well while keeping a lot of original stuff that I never experienced in Civ 5. I got a decent grip on most of the games tactics except for forcing myself to ICS, which i really dislike.
I got a few questions related to SMAX:
Naval Warfare
Is there any deep tactics behind naval warfare in terms of attack vs defense? On the ground there a lot of available modifiers which allow defense to stand a chance against weapons of comparative tech levels: ECM, Sensor, rough terrain, bunkers.
What does naval defense offer in this regard? Most of the times, enemy ships are out of line of sight and assuming similar tech levels their best weapon will be stronger than my best armor (and vice versa) which will always lead to who attacks first = wins.
PSI Weapons and Armor
When are these weapons appropriate to use instead of regular ones? I guess it probably depends on what regular weapons and armors you have compared to your enemy. Psi Armor on ground forces will enforce a 3:2 attack:defense ratio, will air and ground will enforce 1:1. It depends on whether you got the psi defense secret project and of course on your troops having max morale. However, you cannot grab Trance/Empath if you get Psi Armor/Weapon, which your enemy can take advantage of by putting it on a regular weapon.
Related to text above, is psi armor good for ships? You get a 1:1 attack defense ratio, assuming neither of you have any psi combat secret projects, you are both elites and your enemy having empath, you get a 2:1 defense ratio, less in favor but you are still better than if you had to fight a 30 attack ship with your 12 defense.
What about dissociative wave? What about sopporific pods (enemy morale penalty)? Can these help on defense? If I get a psi weapon with dissociative wave (disables enemy trance) and a sopporific pods will I get better results than a standard 30 string disruptor vs 12 armor scenario?
People would probably ask why not go natives if you want to engage in psi compbat, but I noticed that better reactors give you more health and thus in the long term you regular troops should be better in psi combat than natives.
Thanks for any answers
I got a few questions related to SMAX:
Naval Warfare
Is there any deep tactics behind naval warfare in terms of attack vs defense? On the ground there a lot of available modifiers which allow defense to stand a chance against weapons of comparative tech levels: ECM, Sensor, rough terrain, bunkers.
What does naval defense offer in this regard? Most of the times, enemy ships are out of line of sight and assuming similar tech levels their best weapon will be stronger than my best armor (and vice versa) which will always lead to who attacks first = wins.
PSI Weapons and Armor
When are these weapons appropriate to use instead of regular ones? I guess it probably depends on what regular weapons and armors you have compared to your enemy. Psi Armor on ground forces will enforce a 3:2 attack:defense ratio, will air and ground will enforce 1:1. It depends on whether you got the psi defense secret project and of course on your troops having max morale. However, you cannot grab Trance/Empath if you get Psi Armor/Weapon, which your enemy can take advantage of by putting it on a regular weapon.
Related to text above, is psi armor good for ships? You get a 1:1 attack defense ratio, assuming neither of you have any psi combat secret projects, you are both elites and your enemy having empath, you get a 2:1 defense ratio, less in favor but you are still better than if you had to fight a 30 attack ship with your 12 defense.
What about dissociative wave? What about sopporific pods (enemy morale penalty)? Can these help on defense? If I get a psi weapon with dissociative wave (disables enemy trance) and a sopporific pods will I get better results than a standard 30 string disruptor vs 12 armor scenario?
People would probably ask why not go natives if you want to engage in psi compbat, but I noticed that better reactors give you more health and thus in the long term you regular troops should be better in psi combat than natives.
Thanks for any answers
