I just had something weird happen. I was playing as the Morganites (Thinker difficulty), and Santiago pulled up in a transport foil with two powerful units (5-1-1) on it. I gave her 2 techs to pledge blood truce. Next turn she landed the two units, and the turn after that she violated the truce and attacked my base once. My base only had 1 defender which she easily beat... but then, she didn't take the base with the second unit; in face, the other unit seemed to disappear, and transport foil left. I assumed the second unit was on the foil. Next turn I had managed to get a second unit to the base, and rush-build an offensive unit. Her unit killed my second unit, but I then killed her one unit that was there. I just checked the foil, and it is empty. The only conclusion I can come to is that she took mercy on me and instead of taking my base with the second unit when it was defenceless, she disbanded it!
Anyone seen this happen before?