Originally posted by weirwood
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For now, we should focus on the basics. If the AI can get some good balance in early terraforming, that would already be of great help.
I liked some of your suggestions re:terraforming, as I wrote on codex. I will certainly look into that sensor = no condenser issue you mentioned. That is invaluable point by itself, I wasn't aware of the problem. Please keep making these all important small points and notes on possible AI amendments. My general strategy = lots of nudges to the AI leading to a visible overall improvement.
One other thing: from the same game I mentioned earlier: Lal was stuck on a small island, barely large enough for 3 bases. But after some attempts to expand were defeated, (he lost a city he had built on the mainland), all he did was build scout rovers - so many that he didn't have and mineral production left due to upkeep.
HELP list (for those who wish to contribute)
a) Advance terraforming choice algorithm
b) faction social engineering, short list with ideas for each faction (early, midgame, late game, War options)