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Newbie Help and Strategies wanted!

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  • #61
    Congrats on getting Crossfire! It is very hard to find, with ridiculously high prices on EBay. I’d be curious what you think of the new factions and the new features. I have to admit I rarely play a standard AC game anymore.

    I looked up Ayn Rand on Wiki to get an overview and perused some of the provided links. She does sound cultish and a bit of an extremist. While appealing from a selfish point of view (get what you can by any means necessary, keep what you can acquire, and everyone else can go to ***), her ideas seem quaint and hysterically ideological. So yes, she does sound a bit like Morgan! I wonder if there are some Randish quotes hidden in the Morganite datalinks?



    • #62
      My initial impression of the new factions is that I think some of them are kinda cool, but they seem to be slight modifications on the original seven. Like the Drones seem similar to the Hive, and the Data Angels are like University but with better probing. And I have no clue about the Cult or the Progeniters (sp?).

      Haven't been able to play much of SMACX right now, but I plan on doing it soon. I'm torn between this and Romance of the Three Kingdoms 11 for the PS2 with some Battlefield: Bad Company thrown in.

      I wouldn't be surprised if there was some Rand quotes associated with Morgan, but I haven't noticed any so far. I see how you can get those things from Rand, but it's all how you look at it. The basic thing of her philosophy is that men should deal with the world in a rational manner, not emotional or spiritual. Sorta libertarianism/laissez faire economics with a machine gun.
      "Who's John Galt?"


      • #63
        I wouldn't be surprised if there was some Rand quotes associated with Morgan, but I haven't noticed any so far.
        Although, IMO, Rand has a flair for iconic imagery, she's not really that quotable due to being pretty long-winded. I will say though that many of Morgan's quotes are very Rand-like.

        Sorta libertarianism/laissez faire economics with a machine gun.
        Meh, not really. Rand hated the military. She was all about free will and enlightenment over force and ignorance. That's one of the primary reasons she defends capitalism so staunchly, because she believes its the only economic system based on free will.

        Bioshock vaguely mimics this sentiment in Andrew Ryan's death speech: "A man chooses! A slave obeys!". The great thing about that scene from Bioshock is that it parallels one in Atlas Shrugged where either Dagny Taggart or John Galt (can't remember which) uses reason and philosophy to talk some guards out of killing them.
        Last edited by QuixotesGhost; July 25, 2008, 13:41.


        • #64
          Well, got around to playing SMACX some, and I think I like it better than the original. Mainly because you get more options and with the two aliens the game plays a little differently.

          I say "with a machine gun" because it's fairly militantly capitalist. Not so much using force to enforce, but using force to protect. Lots of ideologies tend to be more subjective and relative about that part.

          Managed to get Civ3 from my friend's stash. I can't stand to play it. Mainly because the damn screen doesn't fit in my laptop. HAH! Sucks I can't play in 800x600, otherwise it would probably be good.
          "Who's John Galt?"


          • #65
            Personally I thought Civ3 was pretty bad, it made some changed from Civ 2 which were a step back.


            • #66
              Well, even though I liked playing Sid Meier games, I never really heard much about Alpha Centauri. You, of course, hear more about the Civilization series. What drew me to wanting to play Civ3 was the fact that there were finally actual REAL borders. That's what pissed me off the most about Civ2...that other civs would just wander all in your territory and when you called them on it, they would get pissed and declare war on you or something. Also, the cultural thing sounded cool too.

              I didn't know AC had borders. I had heard about it and thought about getting it back in the day, but my PC was quickly getting old and not able to run things. So PC games took a back seat. Now with my newer laptop (former military model with rifle strap, metal body, and touch's cool) I can play a lot of the games I wanted to 5-10 years ago. The one thing I miss though is being able to form NATO like pacts like you could in a degree.
              "Who's John Galt?"


              • #67
                I bet you don't worry about dropping the laptop. Was it actually used by the military?
                Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network


                • #68
                  Yeah. I got it from a guy I know that basically sells crap on Ebay. He got a few of these from someone that deals in military surplus and offered me one at a reduced price. I paid $400 for it while he sold the rest for around $800. On the bottom it's got all kinds of barcode stickers. It looks like something pre-2000, but it's a 2004-ish model. That's because of the heavy metal casing. Also, it has an antenna attached to the screen that's used to catch and receive signals from other units like this. Lastly, on the bottom, instead of the typical rubber non-skid things it has a big felt patch to keep it in place on the humvees. I think it was used at training centers, not actual operations over seas.

                  Damn right I don't have to worry about dropping it. If I didn't know better, I'd bet this thing could take bullets or grenade shrapnel and keep going. If I can find batteries for my camera (I never have enough AAAs) I'll snap some pics and load them if anyone wants to see it.

                  Oh, and in AC news...I still suck with anyone other than Morgan Industries. I don't know why. I can't seem to play to the strengths of the other factions. It was easy with Morgan...plant some forests (especially in bonus squares) get some crawlers out there and nab up minerals and nutrients. All while buying anything I need. Being poor sucks, and it REALLY sucks on Alpha Centauri.
                  "Who's John Galt?"


                  • #69
                    Obviously, Morgan fits your playing style.
                    Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network


                    • #70
                      Well, I know that. But I want to play the Spartans or something. Going for the Economic victory all the time gets boring. I COULD do a military victory, but a lot of the time is if Miriam isn't taken out quickly then she basically becomes the USSR circa 1950-1975 to my USA. I'd spend most of my time trying to fight her to a stalemate...which would suit me, because I don't have to win large areas of land to win the war (Korean War style). When that happens another large faction (usually PKs) start acting up and demanding ridiculous stuff and wants to start wars with me. Fighting two wars with factions that have large borders with me isn't fun. Spartans sound cool because they do the builder and fighter thing at the same time.
                      "Who's John Galt?"


                      • #71
                        I always find conquer victory hard if you don't get good start position. Getting stuck on a small island by yourself in the corner of the world or getting stuck between the two most antagonistic factions etc. can make things difficult.


                        • #72
                          I tend to get stuck between Yang and Miriam. Also, a lot of the time when I have the Peacekeepers next door they tend to be warmongering bastards for some reason. Even though I'm usually running Democracy as Morgan. Being stuck like that when I'm Morgan isn't too bad. Because I may not be able to project power from my borders, but I can usually defeat anything within.

                          Like I said, I'm thinking about being the Spartans next. I think I might be able to overcome their production shortfall once I get the crawlers. Also, they're easier to pop boom than Morgan and don't get too cranky when you have units out of country.
                          "Who's John Galt?"


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by StealthKab
                            Fighting two wars with factions that have large borders with me isn't fun.
                            With armored drop speeders and choppers it isn't that problematic. Though, wait until you have a decent army at both fronts before starting it. Use the choppers to clear bases and take them with drops.

                            It's preferable if you can take out several bases each turn. Be a bit selective about wich bases to take - bases with few defenders and lots of supported units are goodies. When you take such a base, these units support are moved to one of the neighboring bases - done right, several bases units can be moved to a very weak supporter and the excess will be scrapped next turn without you getting a scratch. For the same reason, don't kill formers - you'll just hurt your unit and give the opponent mins.

                            Drop units that drop into a city doesn't get damaged and can continue this way from one end of your empire to the other.

                            If you are in danger of being probed, then have some drop probes that can follow your attack, but note that they can't move after the drop, so they must be able to reach the target in one drop.

                            If you don't have much money, then let the newly conquered city hurry a scout and upgrade it to a armoured defense unit next turn - that's cheaper.

                            If you want to practise a little drop action, then you have here a game that screams for it. It's Aki on transcend, but is actually a bit of a cheat - the AI is pretty hogtied
                            Attached Files
                            With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.

                            Steven Weinberg


                            • #74
                              Dammit, even zipped, two save was too much - here are the start.
                              Attached Files
                              With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.

                              Steven Weinberg


                              • #75
                                Welcome, StealthKab. I commend you on your choice of factions, Morgan and Sparta are two of my all-time favorites.

                                I've been playing Morgan for quite some time now and I've got their opening game down to a science. First of all, contrary to some advice you've received here, I would not start out researching centauri ecology. Formers are good, make no mistake, but with the Morganite support penalty, building them early can choke your mineral production.

                                The gambit I use instead is to start the game off with my first base(s) accruing minerals (set to Merchant Exchange), and research biogenics as your first tech. Once you've discovered biogenics, switch production to recycling tanks in every base, and use your 100 EC startup funds to rush build them both.

                                Using this trick almost immediately puts your 100 EC bonus to work, giving you extra mineral income, population growth and energy. Now you proceed normally with early research toward industrial automation, grabbing centauri ecology as soon as it's available.

                                On garrisons: Don't make anything but scouts for early garrisons. The object of the garrison is to keep your bases from being clipped by stray mindworms, and to keep the AI from walking into unoccupied bases. You can always upgrade your scouts to Synth garrisons later as you see enemy troops on the horizon. Remember, your primary aim in the early game should be to maximize the number of bases you have built, above all else. Spending turns on fancy garrisons that will likely do nothing but stand around is a huge waste of resources.

                                I understand if you're finding economic victory somewhat dull, but there's no reason Morgan can't duke it out mid to late game with the best of your rivals. Your energy income should insure a solid technological advantage over your rivals, and if you switch your SE choices to Fundy/Green/Wealth, you can still maintain a respectable income at home while kicking ass abroad. Just make sure you build children's creches in every base to counteract the negative morale hit from wealth, and your troops will be just as tough as everyone else's save Sparta and Miriam, who should be at a severe technological disadvantage to you.

