I'm in complete euphoria. After a week of unfruitful efforts, I've managed to beat AC classic for the first time with Morgan on Transcend difficulty. With random generated large map and standard ruleset.
Then I tried to extract the strategic lessons and I came to the conclusion that I maybe just got lucky.
I've beaten transcend only with gaians, but many times over and I can do it with impunity. Just have to do large initial expansion and be aggressive early on.
That seems not to be working for Morgan.
Every time I tried to play like gaians with Morgy, I failed miserably. I had even one game that I used chemical warfare on Gaians and emptied huge continent for myself very early on. I don't know, but it seemed that inefficiency (beurocracy) killed me with drone riots (not to mention 300+ years of sanctions) and I lost the tech race no matter I was having more than 20 cities.
Sitting in one place and trying to make "super science city" with crawlers (other game) almost worked to the point I refused for the first time to give tech to sister Miriam (she was on my border and was regularly bulying me for techs). I (and my crawlers) were overrun by particle impactors/needlejets.
This time I did it differently.
1. City spacing - 3/4. Slightly overlaping and headquaters right in the middle.
2. Number of cities. Strictly below 9 in the initial expansion.
3. Govt: Green/Wealth
4. Accent on defense (Perimeter defenses, prepared bunkers/sensors on choke points, AAA and ECM defense (weapon chosen to not lift price of the troops) and most importantly - every new city built ON the sensor array).
5. Priority of improvements - Recycling Tanks (bought immediately, if possible), Recreation commons, Energy bank, Network node, Hab complex
6. Terraforming - Forest and Forget
I started tech research with Explore and after E1 i switched to conquer. Next I builded 9 cities in place where I normally would do 4-5 with Gaians. Just finished recycling tanks and Rec commons when I traded my tech for maps (I was desperate from the unsuccesful week before and I did this absolutely incidentally with the idea that I've probably already screwed. It was a good move, because I noticed that I have incidentally been cutting brother Lal from expansion and he has 4 cities. Waited a turn or two and I got Nonlinear Mathematics. Then built 3 particle impactors and sent them with my formers as designated defenders (I wanted to be quick). At that point I took his first city only to see how his probes bought my entire army in 2 turns. After reload I sent a probe with them and I started to move my troops only two by two. For like 4 turns I had him with one city left. Switched to democracy and talked. He surrendered.
Here the interesting part. I had many free space beneath me. Having decided to play differently from the game I had 20 cities, I started rushbuilding colony pods and built like 10 cities and turned them to Lal. Then gave to him all my techs.
Then Yang poped up on my other border. He was wanting techs so I gave him two. Started building bunkers like crazy and I builded one city on choke point. Gave one to Lal to maintain the cities under efficiency limits. Switched Merchant Exchange for Citizen Defense Force (was lucky, right) and in several turns I had defensive infrastructure. Just in time, because Yang again tried to bully me.
War with Yang. For my great surprise he attacked with infantry trough vast fungus area so I had just the time to prepare offensive particle imactor rover without armor.
He was beaten and surprisingly easy, after loosing like 5-6 troops he sued for peace.
Peace lasted like 20 turns and in that time he turned on Miriam (he and Miriam were the two biggest factions at the moment). Now Miriam was trying to bully me on grounds that Lal was my pact brother (Lal refused to whithdraw his vendetta on Miriam (I started wandering If he had been eradicated and restarted whitout I notice at all)).
She was loosing cities fast to Yang, so I gave her all of my techs. Again surprise. It seemed to slow Yang which turned on Spartans and Gaians too. I gave techs to the Spartans and I created a city in one of my corners and gave it to Gaians, which otherwise would be eradicated.
Spartans and University lasted no more than 20 turns, but Miriam recovered and I again was in war with Yang (he is kind of predictable. As soon as truce exipres he sneak-attack).
He landed like 20 troops but he was stacking them right before my choke city which by that point was armed with 6/1/1 infantry which teared his to shreds. For the rovers I had some ECM. Luckily my city was just out of range of his needlejets.
Orbital Spaceflight. Courtesy of Brother Lal. Switch in strategy. Everybody rushbuilding punishment spheres/hydroponic labs. At that point I started building tech lead and the fate of Yang and Miriam was sealed.
By the time he managed to get 10/3/X i was having of them too. Very soon afterwards 10/4/X and 13/4/x (actualy 13/1/X/Clean and 1/4/X AAA, ECM). Next choppers. 13/1/Chopper DOES wonders as counter attacking troop.
Soon after locust of chiron and quite a lot after DREAM TWISTER.
Rest is history.
So. I want more of this and I want to get to the level I can do it 3 in 4 cases. Any ideas how to improve? Any universally working tricks with Morgan? Help!!!
I'm in complete euphoria. After a week of unfruitful efforts, I've managed to beat AC classic for the first time with Morgan on Transcend difficulty. With random generated large map and standard ruleset.
Then I tried to extract the strategic lessons and I came to the conclusion that I maybe just got lucky.
I've beaten transcend only with gaians, but many times over and I can do it with impunity. Just have to do large initial expansion and be aggressive early on.
That seems not to be working for Morgan.
Every time I tried to play like gaians with Morgy, I failed miserably. I had even one game that I used chemical warfare on Gaians and emptied huge continent for myself very early on. I don't know, but it seemed that inefficiency (beurocracy) killed me with drone riots (not to mention 300+ years of sanctions) and I lost the tech race no matter I was having more than 20 cities.
Sitting in one place and trying to make "super science city" with crawlers (other game) almost worked to the point I refused for the first time to give tech to sister Miriam (she was on my border and was regularly bulying me for techs). I (and my crawlers) were overrun by particle impactors/needlejets.
This time I did it differently.
1. City spacing - 3/4. Slightly overlaping and headquaters right in the middle.
2. Number of cities. Strictly below 9 in the initial expansion.
3. Govt: Green/Wealth
4. Accent on defense (Perimeter defenses, prepared bunkers/sensors on choke points, AAA and ECM defense (weapon chosen to not lift price of the troops) and most importantly - every new city built ON the sensor array).
5. Priority of improvements - Recycling Tanks (bought immediately, if possible), Recreation commons, Energy bank, Network node, Hab complex
6. Terraforming - Forest and Forget
I started tech research with Explore and after E1 i switched to conquer. Next I builded 9 cities in place where I normally would do 4-5 with Gaians. Just finished recycling tanks and Rec commons when I traded my tech for maps (I was desperate from the unsuccesful week before and I did this absolutely incidentally with the idea that I've probably already screwed. It was a good move, because I noticed that I have incidentally been cutting brother Lal from expansion and he has 4 cities. Waited a turn or two and I got Nonlinear Mathematics. Then built 3 particle impactors and sent them with my formers as designated defenders (I wanted to be quick). At that point I took his first city only to see how his probes bought my entire army in 2 turns. After reload I sent a probe with them and I started to move my troops only two by two. For like 4 turns I had him with one city left. Switched to democracy and talked. He surrendered.
Here the interesting part. I had many free space beneath me. Having decided to play differently from the game I had 20 cities, I started rushbuilding colony pods and built like 10 cities and turned them to Lal. Then gave to him all my techs.
Then Yang poped up on my other border. He was wanting techs so I gave him two. Started building bunkers like crazy and I builded one city on choke point. Gave one to Lal to maintain the cities under efficiency limits. Switched Merchant Exchange for Citizen Defense Force (was lucky, right) and in several turns I had defensive infrastructure. Just in time, because Yang again tried to bully me.
War with Yang. For my great surprise he attacked with infantry trough vast fungus area so I had just the time to prepare offensive particle imactor rover without armor.
He was beaten and surprisingly easy, after loosing like 5-6 troops he sued for peace.
Peace lasted like 20 turns and in that time he turned on Miriam (he and Miriam were the two biggest factions at the moment). Now Miriam was trying to bully me on grounds that Lal was my pact brother (Lal refused to whithdraw his vendetta on Miriam (I started wandering If he had been eradicated and restarted whitout I notice at all)).
She was loosing cities fast to Yang, so I gave her all of my techs. Again surprise. It seemed to slow Yang which turned on Spartans and Gaians too. I gave techs to the Spartans and I created a city in one of my corners and gave it to Gaians, which otherwise would be eradicated.
Spartans and University lasted no more than 20 turns, but Miriam recovered and I again was in war with Yang (he is kind of predictable. As soon as truce exipres he sneak-attack).
He landed like 20 troops but he was stacking them right before my choke city which by that point was armed with 6/1/1 infantry which teared his to shreds. For the rovers I had some ECM. Luckily my city was just out of range of his needlejets.
Orbital Spaceflight. Courtesy of Brother Lal. Switch in strategy. Everybody rushbuilding punishment spheres/hydroponic labs. At that point I started building tech lead and the fate of Yang and Miriam was sealed.
By the time he managed to get 10/3/X i was having of them too. Very soon afterwards 10/4/X and 13/4/x (actualy 13/1/X/Clean and 1/4/X AAA, ECM). Next choppers. 13/1/Chopper DOES wonders as counter attacking troop.
Soon after locust of chiron and quite a lot after DREAM TWISTER.
Rest is history.
So. I want more of this and I want to get to the level I can do it 3 in 4 cases. Any ideas how to improve? Any universally working tricks with Morgan? Help!!!