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Treatise on Hurrying

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  • Treatise on Hurrying

    The first part of the two-hundred-and-twenty-sixth edition of "The Column" is now online. Written by Apolyton Civilization Site`s forum user `Maniac`, it is the start of his "Treatise on Hurrying" in Alpha Centauri. Being in a hurry can have its vantages on planet Chiron, so Maniac starts guiding you down this path in SMAC.

    Comments on this piece are welcome in the related forum thread and/or via email in communicating directly to the author. The article was originally published in full on 13 October 2004.


    "Energy is the currency of the future."

    -- CEO Nwabudike Morgan, "The Centauri Monopoly"


    Hurrying is an important part of the game for anyone who wants to rise above beginner level, as it is one of the methods available to gain turn advantage when wisely used. Therefore of course a treatise about the subject cannot be absent from the ultimate Survivalist's Guide.

    Hurrying involves the use of energy credits to gain minerals and speed up the production of a certain item being constructed in your base. The amount of credits you need to spend per mineral depends on what kind of item you are building: a unit, base facility or secret project. The exact formula are all very well explained in this document, but to make it easier for the reader I will also provide a short summary here.

    For secret projects the energy costs for hurrying are as follows:
    • Four credits per remaining mineral if at least four rows of minerals have been accumulated.
    • Eight credits per remaining mineral if less than four rows of minerals, but ten or greater minerals have been accumulated.
    • Sixteen credits per remaining mineral if less than ten minerals have been accumulated.

    For base facilities the equation is even simpler:
    • Two credits per remaining mineral if at least ten minerals have already been accumulated.
    • Four energy per remaining mineral if less than ten minerals have been accumulated.

    For units the matter is a bit more complex, as the hurry cost is not linear. Instead the energy cost per mineral depends on how many minerals are still missing for unit completion. You could of course have a look at the reference chart I provided a link to, every time you want to partially hurry a unit, but personally I find it easier to just have a calculator nearby and do the following: take the full hurry cost, divide it by the number of minerals still missing, multiply it by the number of minerals you want to hurry, and then round up to the next integer number. Voilà, you've got your hurry cost!

    The main purpose for this treatise is certainly not giving yet another summary of hurry costs though. I rather wanted to discuss tricks and methods that make the hurry costs lower than those you see described above. While these methods - some might say exploits - were probably not intented by the game desigers, the good news is that they have become commonplace and accepted in the SMAC multiplayer world, so you can use them freely as much as you want! Those "tricks" I talk about all involve either using crawlers, using unit upgrading, or both of them combined: upgraded crawlers!

    Calculating unit upgrade cost

    So before I begin to explain some cheaper hurry methods, let's first explain what affects the upgrade cost of units, on which the cheaper hurry methods are largely based on.

    The formula is pretty simple: to upgrade a unit you must pay in energy credits the following amount:
    • Ten credits per mineral row the unit design to which you upgrade, is worth.
    • Ten credits per weapon and/or armour level the upgraded unit design has more than the old unupgraded unit design.

    Two things that should be noted:
    • Your SE Industry rating doesn't play any role for the upgrade cost. This makes upgrading a relatively more lucrative method for Industry-poor factions (like Sparta) than for Industry-rich factions (eg the Drones).
    • The mineral cost of the old unit design doesn't matter at all. Neither do special abilities in the old design have any effect. So only the weapon and armour of the old unit have an influence for the upgrade cost.

    To give an example, upgrading a 0-1-1 supply crawler to a 0-2t-1 trance synthmetal crawler (8 min rows) would cost 90 credits.
    • 80 credits because the new unit costs 8 mineral rows.
    • 10 credits because the armour level rises by one: from one to two.
    • The "weapon" - the crawler module - stays the same, so no extra cost fort that.

    Now we are aware of this, we can move forward to actually discussing the cheaper hurry methods.

    Hurrying Secret Projects – the use of upgraded crawlers

    Let's begin with the simpliest and most commonly known: hurring secret projects!

    While it is possible to hurry secret projects directly with credits, it is very expensive: four credits per mineral, and only if you have already accumulated four mineral rows.
    For that reason cashing in crawlers is a more preferred method for hurrying SPs: while units normally only provide half their mineral cost when disbanded, for crawlers their full mineral cost is added when cashing in for a secret project or unit prototype production. As one mineral -> one mineral is considered a better exchange rate than four credits -> one mineral, the choice how to hurry secret projects is quickly made.

    But there is a way to hurry secret projects faster than by having to build and cash in a whole bunch of 3-row crawlers. Namely by upgrading your crawlers before cashing them in!

    This method makes use of the very favourable credit->mineral exchange rate you usually get by upgrading units. Consider the example I gave above: a 0-2t-1 crawler. To upgrade the unit from a 3-row to a 8-row model, you have to pay 90 credits. That's 90 credits for an extra 5 mineral rows. Or in other words: 1.8 credits per mineral assuming you're running 0 SE Industry. That's a whole lot less than the 4 credits per min you usually have to pay, and even less than the 2 credits per min you have to pay when hurrying base facilities. This favourable exchange rate even improves as you can (due to special abilities, higher armour etc) design more and more expensive crawler models. As a result, after getting IndAut (crawlers), IndBase (synthmetal armour) and SotHB (hypnotic trance - usually the first ability you can put on crawlers), building secret projects usually merely becomes a function of having enough credits in reserve and getting the required tech first.

    Hurrying unit production – the use of Skunkworks

    Besides secret projects, there are also methods to get units faster and cheaper than you would get by normal credit hurrying. For example if you need a strong (and thus expensive) military unit very fast, instead of building and hurrying it the normal way, you could build a cheap 1-1-x "unit shell" and then upgrade it to the desired configuration. Many people even make it a standard tactic to just build a whole bunch of high morale and clean 1-1-x unit shells; and when someone declares war on them, they can just upgrade the shells as desired for an instant elite army.

    Besides the straightforward method of upgrading unit shells, there is also a way to hurry unit production using crawlers, just like you would use them to hurry secret projects: adding their full mineral cost. This method envolves the Skunkworks base facility. That facility has an undocumented advantage besides cancelling the +50% prototype cost: in the base the skunkworks is built, it allows you to switch production between items of the same kind (unit, facility, project) without the usual mineral penalty.

    This feature can be used as follows. Initiate production of a unit prototype. Next cash in a few supply crawlers (upgraded for an even bigger benefit): just like for SPs crawlers add their full cost to prototype hurrying. Thirdly switch production (without any penalty) to the unit you really wanted to build.
    Now your desired unit is under production, with already lots of the required minerals accumulated. Should be very handy if one wants to build expensive units.

    The only catch is that you have to be able to build a unit prototype to use this method. This means denying yourself your best weapon, armour or a chassis type. After researching Orbital Spaceflight (and missiles) this problem is somewhat alleviated though. You could for example always keep the planet buster weapon unprototyped. While an effective weapon against annoying enemies, it has lots of downsides and isn't really crucial to win the game. So after acquiring those you could always use your best convential weapons and armour.

    The ‘Maniac Manoeuvre’ – hurrying ALL production

    The Spartans suffer from a problem though. Probably because they don't have to pay prototype costs, they can't build the Skunkworks facility either. This wouldn't be a problem, if it weren't for the fact that Firaxis (accidentally??) added an undocumented feature to this facility. Because of this the Spartans can't use the method described above and would have an unfair disadvantage towards all the other factions.

    There is a way around this though, called the ‘Maniac Manoeuvre’ or simply crawler-hurrying in Spartan ACDG circles. If you are building a unit in a base, but then go into the unit workshop and retire that design, the base production is switched to "stockpile energy". If you then set production to something else in that base, the minerals you had accumulated before the design retirement still fully stay.

    This can be used in combination with the method described above. Set production to an unprototyped unit design, cash in a few (upgraded) crawlers, go into the unit workshop to retire the design. and then switch the base production to whatever you originally intended to build. For this method you don't need Skunkworks. And what's more, while with Skunkworks you can only switch to a different unit, with this "retire unit design" method you can switch to anything, including facilities. Taken together, this implies - under the condition that you have a unit you can prototype - you could use crawlers to hurry ALL production, and no longer only secret projects. It also negates the 50% production penalty normally connected to switching production. So in theory you could set production in all bases to a unit prototype - allowing you to switch production whenever you want - and only change to your real intended production item the turn before it would be normally finished.
    Last edited by Maniac; January 21, 2006, 22:59.
    Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
    Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)

  • #2
    Re: Treatise on Hurrying

    Originally posted by Maniac
    For secret projects the energy costs for hurrying are as follows:
    • Four credits per remaining mineral if at least four rows of minerals have been accumulated.
    • Eight credits per remaining mineral if less than four rows of minerals, but ten or greater minerals have been accumulated.
    • Sixteen credits per remaining mineral if less than ten minerals have been accumulated.

    For base facilities the equation is even simpler:
    • Two credits per remaining mineral if at least ten minerals have already been accumulated.
    • Four energy per remaining mineral if less than ten minerals have been accumulated.
    I didn't know secret projects were so expensive in comparison to facilities. Would it be acceptable to have a base with Skunkworks hurry an expensive facility (hybrid forest?) only to change production to a secret project?


    • #3
      AFAIK Skunkworks only work if you switch production between the same category (unit, facility, project). So that wouldn't work. The best way to hurry a secret project is by upgraded crawlers. That, and some other interesting stuff regarding Skunkworks will be covered next week. Including a new hurry method not yet discovered by anyone before.

      Sorry for the wait, but I guess The Column should remain the 'scoop' for this.
      Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
      Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


      • #4
        Originally posted by Maniac
        Including a new hurry method not yet discovered by anyone before.
        Mmm, perhaps our turnplayer has discovered the same method. We'll see next week.
        He who knows others is wise.
        He who knows himself is enlightened.
        -- Lao Tsu

        SMAC(X) Marsscenario


        • #5
          Credit Blake for the idea on that one geo although i didnt use blake's method, but my own i came up with on the spot. interested in seeing what it is now. spill the beans maniac
          if you want to stop terrorism; stop participating in it

          ''Oh,Commissar,if we could put the potatoes in one pile,they would reach the foot of God''.But,replied the commissar,''This is the Soviet Union.There is no God''.''Thats all right'' said the worker,''There are no potatoes''


          • #6
            Ah yes, I indeed remember reading some posts by Blake a few weeks or months back that made me wonder if he was aware of this method. Who knows... who knows...

            Now I'm curious as well. The Powers From On High have told that we should all look forward with great expectation to next Saturday.
            Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
            Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


            • #7
              Darn! Whhyyyy do we have to wait sooo looongggG?
              -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
              -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Maniac
                Now I'm curious as well. The Powers From On High have told that we should all look forward with great expectation to next Saturday.
                More columns from Maniac.

                Darn! Whhyyyy do we have to wait sooo looongggG?

                Heard of Apolyton birthday contest?
                SMAC/X FAQ | Chiron Archives
                The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Illuminatus
                  Heard of Apolyton birthday contest?
                  Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                  Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                  • #10
                    Ah yes, I indeed remember reading some posts by Blake a few weeks or months back that made me wonder if he was aware of this method. Who knows... who knows...
                    My experiance is that no matter how knowledge i accumulate about something, there is someone else with new, even more amazing insights [as a addition to my cryptic post] i mean in reference to obtaining orginial knowledge;IE columbus ''finding'' americas when people already lived there-nothing new at all, even if it dosnt matter or you dont know about it.
                    Last edited by Kataphraktoi; January 21, 2006, 18:23.
                    if you want to stop terrorism; stop participating in it

                    ''Oh,Commissar,if we could put the potatoes in one pile,they would reach the foot of God''.But,replied the commissar,''This is the Soviet Union.There is no God''.''Thats all right'' said the worker,''There are no potatoes''


                    • #11
                      Leon: in alpha(x).txt there's the option to change the conditions for the hurrying penalty. You can zero it if you wish. For a more ironman experience you can impose the penalty for every switch.
                      Zoe Trope


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Zoetrope
                        Leon: in alpha(x).txt there's the option to change the conditions for the hurrying penalty. You can zero it if you wish. For a more ironman experience you can impose the penalty for every switch.
                        I am aware of that, but thanks anyway. It is also in the good old alpha.txt (no expansion is needed). However, I meant to elude the production penalty by having a Skunkworks, no editing involved. Maniac pointed that it wouldn't work.
                        I agree that setting the restrictions to any change in production would be useful when making a greater challenge scenario.


                        • #13
                          The second and final part of the two-hundred-and-twenty-sixth edition of "The Column" is now online. Written by Apolyton Civilization Site`s forum user `Maniac`, it is the end of his "Treatise on Hurrying" in Alpha Centauri. Being in a hurry can have its vantages on planet Chiron, so Maniac comes to the end of this line in SMAC.

                          The article was originally published in full on October 13, 2004.

                          Originally posted by binTravkin
                          Darn! Whhyyyy do we have to wait sooo looongggG?
                          Because.... hmmmm....

                          Dan; Apolyton CS
                          PolyCast Co-Host, Owner and Producer: entertaining | informing civ
                          >> PolyCast (Civ strategy), ModCast (Civ modding), TurnCast (Civ multiplay); One More Turn Dramedy


                          • #14
                            Mmm... no. We (the ACDG DA's) didn't discover the Maniac Manoeuvre as well. At first glance this method does sound like an abuse tho.
                            He who knows others is wise.
                            He who knows himself is enlightened.
                            -- Lao Tsu

                            SMAC(X) Marsscenario


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by GeoModder
                              Mmm... no. We (the ACDG DA's) didn't discover the Maniac Manoeuvre as well.
                              Then what is it? Or is it something top secret?

                              At first glance this method does sound like an abuse tho.
                              Ah yes, I expected some people would start to shout "Abuse! Exploit!" If you mean by "abuse" that the game designers didn't intend this, then that is certainly true. But that counts for half the tactics currently common among SMAC veterans. First and foremost using upgraded crawlers for hurrying secret projects very cheap. When you look past the rather complex method, what I discovered is simply an extension to also allow this for base facilities and units.

                              Besides, personally I feel it makes the game more fun, and also a little more balanced. Some initial thoughts about this:

                              1) Because of the Maniac Manoeuvre units and facilities can be hurried with crawlers. Previously this could only be done with energy credits. So the biggest effect is that there is now an alternative method for credit-hurrying. I’d say this makes life a lot easier for energy-poor factions. Base facilities cost a lot of minerals to build. So without hurrying it takes many turns to build up a base. Free marketeers have a significant comparative turn advantage here, more than what can be expressed by the mere quantitive increase of credit production. Now, once you have crawlers, it’s possible for everyone to build up bases quickly for eg popbooming. You can build crawlers in many bases and send them all to one base. In my opinion this really better gives the feeling you’re playing with an interconnected empire instead of a collection of separate bases.
                              Though of course crawler-hurrying also gives an advantage to energy-rich factions. The more energy, the more you can use upgraded crawlers instead of standard 3-row crawlers.

                              2) Because you can upgrade crawlers (as a rule of thumb: beneficial for anything of eighty minerals and higher) it is less bad when you have a SE Industry penalty. This slightly benefits the Cult and Spartans, who are commonly considered to be among the weakest factions.

                              3) Once your bases start producing lots and lots of minerals, it becomes really annoying that only ten minerals can be forwarded to the next production item. Often there’s nothing useful to build of the ‘right’ cost and you sometimes waste minerals. Crawler-hurrying can partly circumvent this. Just put a couple crawler designs with 5, 6, 7, 8… rows in the unit workshop and build whatever one fits with the base’s production. Then send them to one of your less developed bases for some quick infrastructure construction. No reason to artificially hold back on mineral production now!

                              Since there was lots of commotion about all kinds of exploits in ACDG2, in case anyone would still consider this an unfair exploit which benefited the Spartans in ACDG3, I’d like to mention that crawler-hurrying of units or buildings was first used around MY 2150. By that date the forces which would conquer the University of Planet and then proceed to lay waste to Morgan Industries had already been built. These two events and above all the lack of cooperation between the other factions (or lack of much diplomacy in general) are IMHO the three most important foundations for the Spartan success.

                              Oh yes, for any SMAniaC player reading this, I kept crawler-hurrying in mind when designing the tech tree. In SMAniaC you can use the not so useful tectonic missile as a prototype model for crawler-hurring. You just need to research Long Range Missiles. Granted, not one of the most useful techs, but still you’ll usually research it earlier than you would get planet busters in a standard game. And of course, using the tectonic missile for crawler-hurrying means you can always use your best weapon and armour, including planet busters.
                              Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                              Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)

