I'm playing Dee, it's quite doable using the honorable strategy of RUN AWAY! across the landbridge. Yang is my bestest friend in the whole world I even run Police State Planned so I can be just like him.
Zak has an enourmous burr up his butt, my god it's huge! I'm going to have to proberape him and swarm his bases with missile infantry to extract it so he can stop seething, Zak isn't even aware of the believer menance, he's in his own little world. Yang agrees that Zak is a huge jerk. I love Yang, he's so dreamy.
In other news:
Miriam might be building the PEG. I'm not sure
Zak has an enourmous burr up his butt, my god it's huge! I'm going to have to proberape him and swarm his bases with missile infantry to extract it so he can stop seething, Zak isn't even aware of the believer menance, he's in his own little world. Yang agrees that Zak is a huge jerk. I love Yang, he's so dreamy.
In other news:
Miriam might be building the PEG. I'm not sure