**waves** Hi, I'm Saki, and I've been an admirer of AC ever since I played it on my friend's computer, but with everything that drains my pocket book I had to budget pretty carefully and now that I'm ready to get my own copy, it's impossible to find in the stores. Does anyone know of a place either online or in my area (The Capital District of New York State, Albany, Troy, Schenectady and surrounding environs) where I can try to get either Alpha Centauri or (hopefully) all the Alpha centauri software in one place?
Thank you in advance for your help, and though I haven't looked around that much, I was curious...is there an online tournament going on? I saw mention of different people playing others in ongoing games.
Thank you in advance for your help, and though I haven't looked around that much, I was curious...is there an online tournament going on? I saw mention of different people playing others in ongoing games.
