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  • #16
    Where can we find this tidbit, and thus become as disappointed as you?


    • #17
      SMAC/X FAQ | Chiron Archives
      The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw


      • #18
        Originally posted by Ka Plewy
        Where can we find this tidbit, and thus become as disappointed as you?
        Allow me to try to answer.

        I think... it is can be viewed transparently enough.., taking in account, that game is philosophical. All that has figurative meaning.

        Unity, that was tearing apart from inside in the end of it's jorney is like Earth. Earth, in game history, was "teared apart" by wars.. teared apart from inside - by irresponsability of countrys, selfish, immoral and violent humans that lead them. all the same has repeated on the starship, all the same will be repeated on Planet.. Greedy and selphish Morgan, selphish, violent and blind animal Santiago, selphish dictator Yang, unethical and again achiving only his goals Zakharov...
        In the end of the tale Garland loses his self-orientation completely and frees, gives life to the crew, that has betraid him...... You remember, that if he would not blast himself - pods were not departed. He known, (as it was known to Earth, that there is not all clear there when they prepared starship) that Yang is criminal, that he betrayed UN charter (you remember, that he sent signal on Earth), that Zakharov and Morgan and Santiago...
        It is clear for me why assasin of Garland have no face.. You see? Becouse all best human principles in face of Garland was killed by the shadow(assasin was like a shadow) of all irresponsibility that was left, or not, on Earth. So it was all, who killed Garland. Garland and Unity, as last hope, was teared apart, as it was with earth, by crew officers - selphish(dont know better word) leaders... that will depart to new world..

        "The goals of the group, and the greater rase are..."
        Was embraced only by Garland.( And betraid by Yang).
        Last edited by Sntml; February 27, 2005, 18:04.
        English is not my native language,
        so im sorry if i made any not intertaining mistakes. :)


        • #19
          Whoops. I forgot. Four days late.
          SMAC/X FAQ | Chiron Archives
          The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw

