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Idealogies of Faction Leaders..

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  • #31
    [QUOTE] Originally posted by dacole
    Originally posted by binTravkin

    Nice to see U.S. citizen, who's aware where is his country going!

    If you want to live in a demo/green/knowledge, you should take Scotland ( ) they're going for it!
    Norway could also be an option..

    There are a good many of us actually, only 54% of the country voted for Bush. Have you seen the next jib-jab absolutly hilarious. Especially love Bush writing on the constitution with a crayon. The other 46% of the country absolutly hate him and think the 54% that voted for him are total idiots we are a very very divided country currently which isn't good either last time this happend it lead to a civil war.

    Norway and Scotland though incredibly beautiful I think might be a little to socialist for me. I'm a green but I'm not a socialist green (compaines should be forced to be as clean as possible gas should be taxed incredibly and public transportaion supported but health care and higher education are not rights). So I'm a little odd I know
    As one of the "other" 46% I think you should know that we don't all absolutely hate Bush. Just as many people who voted for Bush held their nose while doing so. They think Bush is an idiot, but they just couldn't vote for another Mass. uber-liberal who wants to be JFK. As for how divided our country is, it's more a matter of perception than a case of imminent civil war. The country was (a lot) more divided in the 1960s and nonetheless civil war was not imminent then either. The fact that your getting the enthusiastic thumbs up from the arch-anti-american BT should give you some pause.
    He's got the Midas touch.
    But he touched it too much!
    Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!

