I have searched for the way to get rid of the forced retirement that limits game length for Alpha Centauri. What I found was someone's post that said
Open your Alpha.txt file (located in the directory labeled "Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri") with a tet editor, and in the first subsection called
#RULES, scroll down towards the bottom of this section till you see the following line:
2500 ; Normal ending year for highest 3 difficulty levels
Simply change the 2500 to whatever you feel comfortable with, and re-save the file. FYI.
My problem is when I open alpha.txt there is no such line. I've not changed the file yet, and I did a Find on all the words in the above "2500 ..." line to find it and got nothing. I even opened the alpha.txt file on my CD and that doesn't contain the line.
Anyone know how I can actually stop the forced retirement function?
Open your Alpha.txt file (located in the directory labeled "Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri") with a tet editor, and in the first subsection called
#RULES, scroll down towards the bottom of this section till you see the following line:
2500 ; Normal ending year for highest 3 difficulty levels
Simply change the 2500 to whatever you feel comfortable with, and re-save the file. FYI.
My problem is when I open alpha.txt there is no such line. I've not changed the file yet, and I did a Find on all the words in the above "2500 ..." line to find it and got nothing. I even opened the alpha.txt file on my CD and that doesn't contain the line.
Anyone know how I can actually stop the forced retirement function?