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Retirement editting query

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  • Retirement editting query

    I have searched for the way to get rid of the forced retirement that limits game length for Alpha Centauri. What I found was someone's post that said

    Open your Alpha.txt file (located in the directory labeled "Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri") with a tet editor, and in the first subsection called
    #RULES, scroll down towards the bottom of this section till you see the following line:

    2500 ; Normal ending year for highest 3 difficulty levels

    Simply change the 2500 to whatever you feel comfortable with, and re-save the file. FYI.

    My problem is when I open alpha.txt there is no such line. I've not changed the file yet, and I did a Find on all the words in the above "2500 ..." line to find it and got nothing. I even opened the alpha.txt file on my CD and that doesn't contain the line.

    Anyone know how I can actually stop the forced retirement function?


  • #2
    Re: Retirement editting query

    Originally posted by Worth
    Anyone know how I can actually stop the forced retirement function?
    There is no stopping it. But the lengthening suggested to you does work.

    2100 ; Normal starting year
    2600 ; Normal ending year for lowest 3 difficulty levels
    2500 ; Normal ending year for highest 3 difficulty levels

    change these to something reasonable.
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    • #3
      My problem is when I open alpha.txt there is no such line. I've not changed the file yet, and I did a Find on all the words in the above "2500 ..." line to find it and got nothing. I even opened the alpha.txt file on my CD and that doesn't contain the line.

      It's not under #RULES, and not in the file at all.


      • #4
        These are the last five lines of the #RULES section of alpha.txt (I let the copy run on into TERRAFORMING):

        1, 1 ; Numerator/Denominator for frequency of global warming (1,2 would be "half" normal warming).
        2100 ; Normal starting year
        2600 ; Normal ending year for lowest 3 difficulty levels
        2500 ; Normal ending year for highest 3 difficulty levels
        1 ; If non-zero, obliterating a base counts as an atrocity

        Cut and paste the missing lines to your .txt, then alter the last two years from 2600 and 2500 to whatever you want (On my humungous maps, tech-retarded games I have them at 3100 and 3000 as those games take months to play in SP format)


