There's a lot of SMAC stuff around. There's the game. There's the story Firaxis made about the journey to Planet. There's novels detailing what happens after the factions land on Planet. There's stories introing the expansion. There's the expansions.
And thats not counting player-made factions, where Morgan and Miriam land on the same planet as the Star Trek cast, Pokemon, and the last surviving AI from the U.E.S.C. Marathon.
So, what do you, personally, consider your own personal Alpha Centauri canon, and why? How does Faction A act? Is Leader B as constantly prone to war as a book or game says? If someone told you to write the SMAC/X story, how would you?
I'll start, since I made the thread and all. I'm trying to do it chronologically.
Before Unity Done Broke Up - I use a combination of the game and that Journey To Alpha Centauri thing - some minor asteroid damaged the Unity, and an unknown person killed Garland in the chaos. Faction leaders were what the Faction Profiles tell us - Deirdre Skye was the Lt Commander, Yang was head of security, etc. Morgan was a stowaway, though.
General Way Factions Act - Maybe because I'm idealistic, but I don't see as much direct conflict between factions, more "Cold War" like things than anything. I think that the whole "we're all that is left of humanity" thing would make every faction be very worried about war. Dunno.
Gaians - I can see them being pacifistic, but I can also see them using their control of mindworms as combat units. Depending on how, specifically, mind worms are 'controlled', it might be easy to disguise the fact that the units are actually controlled by humans, and written off as "oh, the base was lost to mindworms". I see them as being defensive in terms of war, not offensive.
Hive - I see them as being non-committal, but not entirely isolationist. I can see them being an aggressive faction, but only if attacked first. The way I see it, the Hive has a "don't screw with us, because if you do, our counterattack will destroy you" attitude to it.
University - I see them as being one of the larger targets in conflict, because word would inevitably get out of some horrible science experiments being done. Frankenstein had villagers with torches storming the castle, I can see one or more factions working together to stop and/or prevent certain immoral or unethical experiments. I can see rioting happening with them a lot. Also, I can see them being a powerful trading partner - they would have the statest-of-the-artest stuff.
Spartans - I can see them being extremely aggressive, but only when they're sure they can win it. In the way I see things, the Hive will bury you if you attack them, but the Spartans seem like they'd justify taking of an enemy's bases by "we won, didn't we?" IMO, a "might makes right" attitude. In my canon, the Spartans are the Faction to be most worried about.
Believers - For me, very different from the game. The game has a more fundamentalist tone to the Believers, whereas my own personal canon has them a bit more accepting of science. They're ok with most of it, but the sciences that tend to bleed into what they feel is "God's Area" they have problems with. I can see them sending people out to convert people, but not much of a military aspect to it.
Morganites - Morgan is a trader, so I don't see him getting into wars too often. If anything, his combat would be in the economical arena - Morgan products would be everywhere, and everyone in every faction would want some of them. I can see Morgan being a central faction, because he's the only one with the desire to build luxuries and stuff. He'd be the one with the Items That Each Faction Needs To Survive And Nobody Else Has The Cash To Make Them. The only attacking I can see him doing is taking massive territory, but I think his negotiating skills could help there. I think the Gaians would be the obvious most angry with the Morganites, but the others, I think, would be happy to have an industrial giant next door.
Peacekeepers In my canon, Lal's PKs see the other factions as colonies of his own - after all, only *he* is doing the original Unity mission. I like Bush, but I see Lal's PKs as an extreme version of that.
Expansion and Expansion Factions - Don't exist. Most likely because I don't own the expansion, but also I don't like the idea of the factions. A group of hackers? Pirates? The only one I see possibly being a faction would be the Free Drones, but I dunno. And the Aliens... me, I've never been a fan of "Part 1, Discover Ancient Ruins of Some People Who Left Long Ago, Part 2, People Return" idea.
General Plot of SMAC - Peace at first, some border disputes lead to some short-lasting wars. Lal gets the governorship, keeps everyone from massive war. Morgan and Dee get into skirmishes over land. Spartans are wiped out with worms that nobody knew were controlled by the Gaians. Dee begins hearing Planetvoice. Others make fun of her over it, but Yang and Lal appear openminded about it. Yang believes it more, and helps Dee out from Morgan's constant harrassment. Eventually, all the faction leaders can hear The Voice, and do the whole Voice of Planet thing. Planet chooses Dee to become the primary God Person. GodDee later sends the leaders back to Earth to rebuild their home.
So, what is yours? The game? The books? An algamation? What is SMAC?
There's a lot of SMAC stuff around. There's the game. There's the story Firaxis made about the journey to Planet. There's novels detailing what happens after the factions land on Planet. There's stories introing the expansion. There's the expansions.
And thats not counting player-made factions, where Morgan and Miriam land on the same planet as the Star Trek cast, Pokemon, and the last surviving AI from the U.E.S.C. Marathon.
So, what do you, personally, consider your own personal Alpha Centauri canon, and why? How does Faction A act? Is Leader B as constantly prone to war as a book or game says? If someone told you to write the SMAC/X story, how would you?
I'll start, since I made the thread and all. I'm trying to do it chronologically.
Before Unity Done Broke Up - I use a combination of the game and that Journey To Alpha Centauri thing - some minor asteroid damaged the Unity, and an unknown person killed Garland in the chaos. Faction leaders were what the Faction Profiles tell us - Deirdre Skye was the Lt Commander, Yang was head of security, etc. Morgan was a stowaway, though.
General Way Factions Act - Maybe because I'm idealistic, but I don't see as much direct conflict between factions, more "Cold War" like things than anything. I think that the whole "we're all that is left of humanity" thing would make every faction be very worried about war. Dunno.
Gaians - I can see them being pacifistic, but I can also see them using their control of mindworms as combat units. Depending on how, specifically, mind worms are 'controlled', it might be easy to disguise the fact that the units are actually controlled by humans, and written off as "oh, the base was lost to mindworms". I see them as being defensive in terms of war, not offensive.
Hive - I see them as being non-committal, but not entirely isolationist. I can see them being an aggressive faction, but only if attacked first. The way I see it, the Hive has a "don't screw with us, because if you do, our counterattack will destroy you" attitude to it.
University - I see them as being one of the larger targets in conflict, because word would inevitably get out of some horrible science experiments being done. Frankenstein had villagers with torches storming the castle, I can see one or more factions working together to stop and/or prevent certain immoral or unethical experiments. I can see rioting happening with them a lot. Also, I can see them being a powerful trading partner - they would have the statest-of-the-artest stuff.
Spartans - I can see them being extremely aggressive, but only when they're sure they can win it. In the way I see things, the Hive will bury you if you attack them, but the Spartans seem like they'd justify taking of an enemy's bases by "we won, didn't we?" IMO, a "might makes right" attitude. In my canon, the Spartans are the Faction to be most worried about.
Believers - For me, very different from the game. The game has a more fundamentalist tone to the Believers, whereas my own personal canon has them a bit more accepting of science. They're ok with most of it, but the sciences that tend to bleed into what they feel is "God's Area" they have problems with. I can see them sending people out to convert people, but not much of a military aspect to it.
Morganites - Morgan is a trader, so I don't see him getting into wars too often. If anything, his combat would be in the economical arena - Morgan products would be everywhere, and everyone in every faction would want some of them. I can see Morgan being a central faction, because he's the only one with the desire to build luxuries and stuff. He'd be the one with the Items That Each Faction Needs To Survive And Nobody Else Has The Cash To Make Them. The only attacking I can see him doing is taking massive territory, but I think his negotiating skills could help there. I think the Gaians would be the obvious most angry with the Morganites, but the others, I think, would be happy to have an industrial giant next door.
Peacekeepers In my canon, Lal's PKs see the other factions as colonies of his own - after all, only *he* is doing the original Unity mission. I like Bush, but I see Lal's PKs as an extreme version of that.
Expansion and Expansion Factions - Don't exist. Most likely because I don't own the expansion, but also I don't like the idea of the factions. A group of hackers? Pirates? The only one I see possibly being a faction would be the Free Drones, but I dunno. And the Aliens... me, I've never been a fan of "Part 1, Discover Ancient Ruins of Some People Who Left Long Ago, Part 2, People Return" idea.
General Plot of SMAC - Peace at first, some border disputes lead to some short-lasting wars. Lal gets the governorship, keeps everyone from massive war. Morgan and Dee get into skirmishes over land. Spartans are wiped out with worms that nobody knew were controlled by the Gaians. Dee begins hearing Planetvoice. Others make fun of her over it, but Yang and Lal appear openminded about it. Yang believes it more, and helps Dee out from Morgan's constant harrassment. Eventually, all the faction leaders can hear The Voice, and do the whole Voice of Planet thing. Planet chooses Dee to become the primary God Person. GodDee later sends the leaders back to Earth to rebuild their home.
So, what is yours? The game? The books? An algamation? What is SMAC?