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Your own personal AC canon

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  • Your own personal AC canon


    There's a lot of SMAC stuff around. There's the game. There's the story Firaxis made about the journey to Planet. There's novels detailing what happens after the factions land on Planet. There's stories introing the expansion. There's the expansions.

    And thats not counting player-made factions, where Morgan and Miriam land on the same planet as the Star Trek cast, Pokemon, and the last surviving AI from the U.E.S.C. Marathon.

    So, what do you, personally, consider your own personal Alpha Centauri canon, and why? How does Faction A act? Is Leader B as constantly prone to war as a book or game says? If someone told you to write the SMAC/X story, how would you?

    I'll start, since I made the thread and all. I'm trying to do it chronologically.

    Before Unity Done Broke Up - I use a combination of the game and that Journey To Alpha Centauri thing - some minor asteroid damaged the Unity, and an unknown person killed Garland in the chaos. Faction leaders were what the Faction Profiles tell us - Deirdre Skye was the Lt Commander, Yang was head of security, etc. Morgan was a stowaway, though.

    General Way Factions Act - Maybe because I'm idealistic, but I don't see as much direct conflict between factions, more "Cold War" like things than anything. I think that the whole "we're all that is left of humanity" thing would make every faction be very worried about war. Dunno.

    Gaians - I can see them being pacifistic, but I can also see them using their control of mindworms as combat units. Depending on how, specifically, mind worms are 'controlled', it might be easy to disguise the fact that the units are actually controlled by humans, and written off as "oh, the base was lost to mindworms". I see them as being defensive in terms of war, not offensive.

    Hive - I see them as being non-committal, but not entirely isolationist. I can see them being an aggressive faction, but only if attacked first. The way I see it, the Hive has a "don't screw with us, because if you do, our counterattack will destroy you" attitude to it.

    University - I see them as being one of the larger targets in conflict, because word would inevitably get out of some horrible science experiments being done. Frankenstein had villagers with torches storming the castle, I can see one or more factions working together to stop and/or prevent certain immoral or unethical experiments. I can see rioting happening with them a lot. Also, I can see them being a powerful trading partner - they would have the statest-of-the-artest stuff.

    Spartans - I can see them being extremely aggressive, but only when they're sure they can win it. In the way I see things, the Hive will bury you if you attack them, but the Spartans seem like they'd justify taking of an enemy's bases by "we won, didn't we?" IMO, a "might makes right" attitude. In my canon, the Spartans are the Faction to be most worried about.

    Believers - For me, very different from the game. The game has a more fundamentalist tone to the Believers, whereas my own personal canon has them a bit more accepting of science. They're ok with most of it, but the sciences that tend to bleed into what they feel is "God's Area" they have problems with. I can see them sending people out to convert people, but not much of a military aspect to it.

    Morganites - Morgan is a trader, so I don't see him getting into wars too often. If anything, his combat would be in the economical arena - Morgan products would be everywhere, and everyone in every faction would want some of them. I can see Morgan being a central faction, because he's the only one with the desire to build luxuries and stuff. He'd be the one with the Items That Each Faction Needs To Survive And Nobody Else Has The Cash To Make Them. The only attacking I can see him doing is taking massive territory, but I think his negotiating skills could help there. I think the Gaians would be the obvious most angry with the Morganites, but the others, I think, would be happy to have an industrial giant next door.

    Peacekeepers In my canon, Lal's PKs see the other factions as colonies of his own - after all, only *he* is doing the original Unity mission. I like Bush, but I see Lal's PKs as an extreme version of that.

    Expansion and Expansion Factions - Don't exist. Most likely because I don't own the expansion, but also I don't like the idea of the factions. A group of hackers? Pirates? The only one I see possibly being a faction would be the Free Drones, but I dunno. And the Aliens... me, I've never been a fan of "Part 1, Discover Ancient Ruins of Some People Who Left Long Ago, Part 2, People Return" idea.

    General Plot of SMAC - Peace at first, some border disputes lead to some short-lasting wars. Lal gets the governorship, keeps everyone from massive war. Morgan and Dee get into skirmishes over land. Spartans are wiped out with worms that nobody knew were controlled by the Gaians. Dee begins hearing Planetvoice. Others make fun of her over it, but Yang and Lal appear openminded about it. Yang believes it more, and helps Dee out from Morgan's constant harrassment. Eventually, all the faction leaders can hear The Voice, and do the whole Voice of Planet thing. Planet chooses Dee to become the primary God Person. GodDee later sends the leaders back to Earth to rebuild their home.

    So, what is yours? The game? The books? An algamation? What is SMAC?
    It's a CB.
    SteamID: rampant_scumbag

  • #2
    ES – interesting ideas.

    One nice thing about AC is the rich indirect dialog in the datalinks associated with the technological advances and Projects. It helps round out the sterile biographical sketches, giving the factions leaders a literal voice. Each faction’s philosophy is also crafted, too. Personally, even after all these years I still enjoy listening to a favorite quote by Dee, or the sinister and amoral quotes by Yang or Morgan. These are a way into each faction leader’s head, as envisioned by B.R.

    Through the years various people have tried to back out a history from these quotes. As you’ve noted, a few general trends can be noted:

    Santiago, true to form, is blunt and militaristic. She to be a linear Blood-Makes-Grass-Grow type. In the end Sparta seems to be conquered and overrun by a combination of mindworms (Assassin’s Redoubt) and high technology (Sparta Command falls to Dee’s hover tanks).

    Zak seems to have a significant issue with worms (destruction of Lab One), probably because of FM and rampant eco damage, and relishes technological advance; he also has little (initial) interest or sympathy with Planet (“Let the Gaians practice their silly religion…”)

    Miriam distrusts all but the most basic technology. Her quotes are uniformly dubious of these advances, and the implications for human society. Here I disagree with you ES. Although some or even many Christians are open minded, our Miriam seems to veer more toward fundamentalism than other forms. Here default government is Fundamentalism, with a Knowledge aversion. ‘Nuf said.

    Most of Dee’s quotes relate directly to Planet, its ecology, and history. Obviously, she would be the most open to Planetmind and most concerned about damage inflicted on it by others (read that ‘Morganites’). I can see an increasingly militant Dee if she is pushed far enough.

    Yang pursues his collectivists People’s Utopia, free from the constraints of Western-style ethics or morals (gene jacks, virtual world). Being amoral I don’t see him as following any specific creed or naturally aligned with any other faction, and would not be shy about his methods.

    Morgan is greedy (surprise!) and seemingly could care less about others, other than as markets to exploit; he also isn’t reticent about straying into ethically gray areas either (research hospital quote about human experimentation and nerve stapling)

    Lal is true to his vision, and upholds his Charter. Most of the quotes give little insight into his character besides this, the tragedy of Earth, and his lost love.

    Where does this lead? The good news is that there is no real linear answer, which gives the game so many ways to unfold. Toward the end there is a strong suggestion that Dee and finally Zak ‘see the light’ and understand Planet, Planetmind and its spasms, and the implications of this transition for humanity. Whether this results in human transcendence (likely if Dee comes out on top), a Supreme Leader (if Lal dominates) or a military conquest is an open question.

    All of these are terrific fodder for storytelling, and these interactions are one of the reason that SMAC has a devoted following long after the game itself became obsolete.



    • #3
      This kind of reminds me of the idea of writing a SMAC movie. Man, would that be cool! Wouldn't probably ever happen though...
      Civ IV is digital crack. If you are a college student in the middle of the semester, don't touch it with a 10-foot pole. I'm serious.


      • #4
        One thing that always surprised me about the SMAC plot (and of the books too) was that Captain Garland's murder was never solved.

        It remids me of the Mars series, where the leader of the First One-Hundred is murdered during the time between 11:59 and midnight (there's like 8 minutes on Mars) during a huge party (don't worry, it's not a spoiler.. it happens first thing in the books). Several time throughout the book's 300 yr history, the characters come back to try and solve it. I can't remember if they do or not.

        But I would have liked to see Garland's murder solved as part of the plot.

        In fact, if there is a miracle and SMAC2 comes into existance, I'd like to see a mission-based kind of game (which would not be required to play to win). Like having to infiltrate a base, or capture a landmark, or be the first to launch a sattelite. It would be like the story pop-ups like there are now, but they would further the story of how Garland was murdered and who did it. In fact, I'd probably make the story partially random and with different endings for each faction (each game might have a different murderer). There would be rewards for completing different missions, like free support-free units, an enemy who becomes a friend, money, or tech. Some would have time limits, other just a race. It would certainly not be required to win, but it would make the mid-game much more interesting.

        I'd also randomly add different SMACX factions to be introduced into the game. Wouldn't that be cool? Help out the Angels to break away from Morgan. Help the Drones break away from the Hive. Help Aki break away from the University. The faction you rescue might become your ally (and they wouldn't be weak, either, they'd have all the tech of their former faction, plus one or two more, of a particular type). I'd allow the player the decide where any free bases go, so that the new faction doesn't get in the way, or stuck somewhere horrible.

        I think it would be fun to do more roleplaying in a game like this, especially in a game that is allows a lot of free-form roleplaying.
        It's really Synthetic God... I guess I didn't notice my own typo.


        • #5
          I think the murder in the Mars Series was solved, IIRC it was sort of arranged by another of the first one hundred. Anything more would be excessively spoilerish.

          I think the Believers are too aggressive. For a start they make a superb builder faction, with flexible SE. (+2 Econ & Popboom are both easy). They have no industry or economy penalty, and the support allows lots of formers, or running Demo and continuing rapid expansion.

          I quite like making the Believers pacifist with the BUILD priority added, Miriam becomes much more sociable and doesn't end up with a continent or ocean full of rubbish bases, actually investing in infrastructure and getting some commerce income.

          And it does feel better too, with the Believers building a paradise in their promised land rather than going on a crusade against everything that moves.

          I don't find the SMAX factions particularly offensive... although the Drones and Angels are IMO the most possible.

          The Angels aren’t just Hackers, I think of them as a motley collection of Hackers, Anarchists and anyone who wants no man as their master. I actually think the Angels would be a logical choice for citizens of any faction that are dissatisfied with their leaders agenda (or just the swathes of red tape). Especially those citizens of Morgan, University and Peacekeepers.

          The Drones seem quite possible. They strike me as the kind of faction that would like to build everywhere and breed like rabbits, probably not terribly interested in war until they are actually threatened, or perhaps to liberate fellow drones from particularly brutal regimes. However I also think they would be one of the least "empathic" factions, and things could probably get quite brutal sometimes in the Drones empire.

          The Planet Cult also seem quite plausible, with Believers thinking "The old gods are so far away, and there’s a god right here", and the Gaians "Gee I wish I could spend more time in the fungus". Incidentally I think of the Gaians as the 3rd most religious faction, after the Cult and Believers, for some reason I envision a strong "New-Pagan" movement of planet worship within the Gaians (somewhere between 10 and 40% of the population).
          Back to the Cult, it seems to be suggested that Dawn is actually the Child of Planet, as if Planet inseminated some Gaian who got a bit too close to the fungus. Or perhaps Mindworms captured a baby for Planet, who then somehow raised it or at least formed very strong empathic bonds.

          The Pirates suffer from the Sea Base problem - Sea Bases wouldn't really be possible/practical on planetfall, so nor are the pirates. I also think their society would be the most likely to fall apart, they seem every bit as Anarchist in nature as the Angels, but without an all-pervasive computer network to hold the faction together. Perhaps that’s why Sven is so obsessed with Power.

          The Cyborgs seem to be too technologically advanced for their time, sure the story says the technology came from The Unity... but I wouldn't have thought Earth quite had the MMI technology required for the Electronic Implants. And there’s also the problem of convincing enough colonists to have the procedure done - like that’s a bit more extreme than joining a bunch of hackers who just want to use computers all the time but where you can get away from the machine if you want. Perhaps Aki can be very persuasive....


          • #6
            Miriam's personality is one of the most interesting. If you delve a little further, her quotes are actually quite coherent and actually, and make you think a bit further. Her quote in quantum machinery is especially hard hitting, if you actually understand what quantum physics is.

            The principle of being fundamentally, random, with no underlying mechanism to ascertain the result. Fundamentally random. Now besides the fact that fundamentally and fundamentalist have the same root word, not even the best scientists can predict the results of a quantum reaction.

            Quantum Mechanics' blurb is: "Men in their arrogance claim to understand the nature of creation and devise elaborate theories to describe its behaviour. But always they discover in the end that God was a bit more clever then they thought." (From of course, "we must dissent")

            "God was a bit more clever than they thought", and indeed, we have come to an end in our arrogance. I dismissed it the first time, but then I read about Feinmann and his works, the second time it saw me, it hit me like a knife.

            Miriam isn't stupid or narrow minded at all. If you read Nineteen-Eighty-Four....knowledge becomes weakness and death. In Brave New World, knowledge is sadness. In Ecclesiastes, knowledge is a burden, it is in fact, "meaningless!" How one should shun knowledge like a plague! (and yes, knowledge isn't wisdom either)

            Miriam isn't stupid or narrow minded, or ignorant. She's simply cautious and suspicious, and would not place her higher values and virtues (such as stability and morale of society) at risk.

            Then there's the Bulk Matter Transmitter. Her question about the soul "being attached" is the most evoking. if you think about sentience a little bit. You could be destroyed and another person like you will replace you, but it won't be you. I mean, there is transcendent thought (existence of sentience outside the physical structure) and surely a careful review of such introduction of such contradictory and chaotic values is worth the slightly slower research rate?

            Well maybe I'm pointing out the obvious, but the first time I knew Miriam I hated her, but now, I have a soft spot for her, hehe.

            She doesn't distrust the technology, she distrusts the improper use of such technology, and make sure each concept and principle is carefully reviewed and defined, which has a cost, of course.

            "Evil lurks in the datalinks as it did in the streets of yesteryear. But it was never the streets that were evil."

            You have things like Homo Superior, thought control, displacement and unemployment from cybernetic society, breakdown in principles from rash adoption of technology...would not even the rational researcher of today squeam at such things? (Besides the other fact that a religious researcher would dislike exploring and defining and researching a philosophy inspired by a strong athiest like Nietszche:P)
            Last edited by Natalinasmpf; July 14, 2004, 14:29.
            Arise ye starvelings from your slumbers; arise ye prisoners of want
            The reason for revolt now thunders; and at last ends the age of "can't"
            Away with all your superstitions -servile masses, arise, arise!
            We'll change forthwith the old conditions And spurn the dust to win the prize


            • #7
              I agree that Miriam has been misrepresented in the game. If you look at Ely's original story, she is much more thoughtful and insightful, as well as clearly very well-informed about science. She doesn't fear it, but she does believe in a higher power than what humanity can observe and control (vide the discussion with Zakh in the cafeteria).

              Yang is the other way around. Ely seems to have drawn a blank as to how to portray him in Journey, so he doesn't. Then in the following novels, Ely loses all dimensions past the first by portraying Yang as the archtype of brutal communist thug. The game, however, has him very deep and thoughtful.

              I like to think the best of all the characters, so I tend to hold their more lucid portrayals as canon, except for smelly Lal ^_^
              "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


              • #8
                Most all of the faction leaders in original SMAC are very deep and thoughtful, excepting maybe Morgan and his greediness and capitalist whoredom.

                I'd like to know more of the quotes from alien crossfire, though. I have a handy book that was given to me listing all the quotes from the original Alpha Centauri, but no such luck with Alien Crossfire =(.


                • #9
                  There aren't that many new quotes in SMAX, unfortunately.
                  "Cutlery confused Stalin"
                  -BBC news


                  • #10
                    There's a new quote for every new tech, project, and building, I'm pretty sure.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by redazncommieDXP
                      Most all of the faction leaders in original SMAC are very deep and thoughtful, excepting maybe Morgan and his greediness and capitalist whoredom.
                      Just because Morgan is a capitalist doesn't mean he doesn't say thought-provoking things. Methinks you do not exactly provide objective analysis.
                      Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by redazncommieDXP
                        There's a new quote for every new tech, project, and building, I'm pretty sure.
                        But, on the whole, there aren't many new techs, projects or buildings, and most of the quotes (maybe all of them) come from the new leaders.

                        Let's see...


                        ##Progenitor Psych
                        And I stood before him, and I sang unto her, and it appeared to
                        listen. His very countenance rippled like the sea, and the sound
                        of my own voice came back to me, distorted. For a moment I thought
                        she was mocking me, or it was nonsapient and mimicking me. Then I
                        understood: the sounds were not important; it was how I affected
                        his sounds and how she affected mine that transmitted the message.
                        ^ -- Prime Function Aki Zeta-Five
                        ^ "One Future"

                        ##Field Modulation
                        The Progenitor race appears to sense, and possibly even manipulate,
                        local fields an untrained human cannot perceive without mechanical aid,
                        including at the very least electricity and magnetism. This sensitivity
                        creates entirely new worlds of artistic endeavors for the race-or it may
                        be developed into a powerful combat awareness that can foil any attempt
                        at surprise.
                        ^ -- Prime Function Aki Zeta-Five
                        ^ "Alien Analysis"

                        ##Adaptive Doctrine
                        War is war; destruction is destruction. You think this is obvious.
                        But war is not destruction, it is victory. To achieve victory, simply
                        appear to give the opponent what he wants and he will go away, or join
                        you in your quest for additional power.
                        ^ -- Datatech Sinder Roze
                        ^ "Information Burns"

                        ##Adaptive Economics
                        Humans : correct in making the leap from wealth as currency to wealth as
                        energy. But logic failure : wealth ultimately is extension of desire, fluctuating
                        with emotions and state of mind. Desires : when all are supported in purely adaptable
                        system, true wealth is achieved.
                        ^ -- Usurper Judaa Marr
                        ^ "Human : Nature"

                        ##Bioadaptive Resonance
                        I saw the alien phalanx coming toward us, and I calmed my mind as Kri'lan had taught
                        me. And what I saw next to the phalanx was a shadow regiment, half-formed from the
                        resonance around them. I cursed the aliens...with power like that, each one could fight
                        as many, and I thanked Planet for sending us the betrayer.
                        ^ -- Prophet Cha Dawn
                        ^ "The Betrayer and I"

                        ##Sentient Resonance
                        And here we tinker with metal, to try to give it a kind of life, and suffer those who
                        would scoff at our efforts. But who's to say that, if intelligence had evolved in some
                        other form in past millennia, the ancestors of these beings would not now scoff at the
                        idea of intelligence residing within meat?
                        ^ -- Prime Function Aki Zeta-Five
                        ^ "The Fallacies of Self-Awareness"

                        ##Secrets of the Manifolds
                        Kri'lan taught me of the resonance and how to feel it. After much training, I could
                        see -- the very surface under our feet, Planet itself -- is a living, fluctuating nexus
                        of energy, violent, beautiful and quite unstable. And I could also feel its
                        cousins -- distant mirrors on the other side of the space-time continuum -- the
                        far-flung Manifolds.
                        ^ -- Prophet Cha Dawn
                        ^ "The Betrayer and I"

                        ##N-Space Compression
                        Humans : there is no space inside rocket. Progenitor : space exists around all things
                        with mass. Space : "here". Inside rocket : "there". Secret: bring here to there.
                        ^ -- Caretaker Lular H'minee
                        ^ "Secret : Space"

                        ##String Resonance
                        To understand a thing is to know the manner by which it might be destroyed. A fundamental
                        understanding of the basic building-blocks of the Universe is essential, then, to the total
                        destruction of everything.
                        ^ -- Foreman Domai
                        ^ "One Tool, One Thought"


                        ##Manifold Harmonics
                        Manifold harmonic fields : within, the true nature of the universe becomes
                        apparent. Layers : within layers. Worlds : within worlds. Inside : the heart
                        of everything opens, and everything opens to it.
                        ^ -- Caretaker Lular H'minee,
                        ^ "Resonance : Power"

                        ##Nethack Terminus
                        By creating a planetary network, mankind on Planet now has the ability
                        to share information at light-speed. But by creating a single such network,
                        each faction has brought themselves closer to discovery as well. At the speed
                        of light, we will catch your information, tag it like an animal in the wild,
                        and release it unharmed-if such should serve our purposes.
                        ^ -- Datatech Sinder Roze,
                        ^ "The Alpha Codex"

                        ##Cloudbase Academy
                        In one dimension I find existence, in two I find life, but in three, I find freedom.
                        ^ -- Foreman Domai,
                        ^ Cadet Induction Ceremony, Mission Year 2216

                        ##Planetary Energy Grid
                        "The ancient Chinese had a name for it: Feng Shui. We call it energy flow. It is the
                        same thing, the same thought: energy is everywhere, but only a fraction of it is tapped
                        by humans for their purposes. Now the Progenitors have taught us that we can tap not only
                        our own latent abilities, but the latent abilities of the Universe itself."
                        ^ -- Prophet Cha Dawn,
                        ^ "Planet Rising"

                        New facilities aren't listed in the blurbs .txt.


                        • #13
                          There are new quotes for facilities,etc but they screwed them up, look on the cd its all there, even if its never used, or used in the wrong spot.

                          also, Garland was murdered by someone named Sarah Jaydo(in the fiction they released) because the person thought that the unity project was a stupid waste and wanted it to fail. But as far as the game goes, it doesn't matter, how much fun would it be to just have 1 group land with 7 colony pods, and no troubles?


                          • #14
                            The new facilities arn't in the blurbs file because non of the facilities texts are ever used, also there each new factions quote is different from the techs/SPs/facs unlike the old ones who used such quotes Domi's quote is the only new quote or faction quote not from a faction leader.
                            Are you safe from the dangers of dihydrogen monoxide? Learn more at


                            • #15
                              Hey there. I'm new to these forums and also tend to have frequent bouts of SMAC/X obsession, which can then fade again until something triggers it once more.

                              Anyway, I'd just like to share how I view the factions. Prepare to disagree with me.

                              Gaia's Stepdaughters - One of the more pleasant factions to live in, the Gaians, although focused mainly on Planet haven't completely forgotten humanity as well and the faction provides such services as, for example, healthcare for all. Such ideals as freedom of speech are considered to be universal to even the lowliest Drone. They have limited means of entertainment, although their Tree Farms and Centauri Preserves are the most beautiful on Planet (if that's your idea of a good time, that is). They may also have a few temples or libraries about for the more spiritual or intellectual worker. Although the Gaian shopping malls (if it can be called that) offer an eclectic variety of goods, don't expect to see any Morganware.
                              On the inter-faction diplomacy front, the Gaians try to stay out of everybody's way and won't take up arms in a hurry. However, they loathe the Morganites and will most likely try to persuade the other factions to cut all diplomatic ties with them. They may also be suspiscious of the Hive and the Believers.

                              Spartan Federation - From an early age, Spartans are raised to believe in strength and the belief that human survival is paramount above all else. Their society is heavily focused on the military and every citizen will have recieved some combat training. Their law and law enforcement is strict, but not *entirely* unfair. Dissident sounds are tolerated, but quickly suppressed when they get out of hand. Scientists, merchants and, quite frankly, any profession that doesn't include handling weapons is considered to be "lower class", even though people do acknowledge them as essential. Spartan entertainment tends to be crude and often violent and great sport events are often organised to show off the Spartan's physical prowess.
                              On the diplomatic front, the Spartans are not as war-hungry as they may seem. War = casualties and casualties = less chances of survival. However, when they do feel their faction is threatened they will not hesitate to strike. They are suspicious of... well of everybody, but they are most suspicious of Miriam's fanatics and they abhor the decadence of the Morganites. Surprisingly enough, they *may* have a grudging respect for the Gaians since their wussy environmentalism seems to have endeared them to Planet's native life, increasing their chances of survival on the harsh world.

                              Human Hive - Living in the Hive isn't much fun. All citizens save the Chairman are considered expendable so keeping them alive isn't the biggest of priorities. There may be some means of entertainment available, but only enough to keep the people from protesting. Hive citizens are constantly exposed to propaganda proclaiming the glorious nature of sacrifising yourself for the greater good. However, just in case the propaganda isn't quite as effective as it should there is always fear and nerve stapling to fall back on. Hive citizens that show any amount of individuality are in constant danger of... disappearing.
                              On the diplomatic front, the Hive wishes to be left alone. They will not go to war quickly, because their troops may be exposed to unwanted influences in conquered bases. For the exact same reason, trade with the other factions is carefully monitored and regulated. They have no particular antipathy against any of the other factions, though Lal may annoy them.

                              Morgan Industries - Life is good in the cities of Morgan. Glittering metropolises filled with casinos, stores, movie theatres, restaurants and other forms of entertainment for as far as the eye can see. With a bit of cunning and a good business instinct, anyone can make it big with the Morganites. Unfortunately, not everyone has a good business instinct and even people that do may find themselves outmatched against more cunning or ruthless opponents. The Morganite masses aren't *quite* poor, but can only dream of a truly luxurious life, spending ungodly hours working jobs with minimum wages. Because Morganite healthcare is privatised (to promote healthy competition, of course) it is also very expensive.
                              When it comes to diplomacy, the Morganites enjoy being friends with everybody. After all, friends will buy their products, which will make them even richer. They won't go to war with anyone quickly, but will view any war breaking out between any of the other as a marvelous business opportunity to sell arms to both sides. They're not very fond of the Gaians, the Believers or the Hive, though. Mostly because they don't want to buy their products.

                              University of Planet - Zakharov's scientific utopia is nice place to be. Provided you have a bit of brainpower, at least. In their clean, sterile bases research is conducted around the clock and great value is placed on educating the masses. For entertainment, they like "art house" movies or good books. And, for some reason, quiz shows. However, anyone without a bit of brainpower must tread carefully. If you are not considered productive enough you will be volunteered to participate in certain forms of research.
                              The University tends to get along relatively fine with everybody else. They only have gripes with the Believers and the Gaians for clinging on to silly, irrational beliefs, but are confident that a good dose of rational debate will make them see the University's point of view. And if they don't that's fine too, as long as they don't try to press their beliefs on the University. "War" is obviously a word that appears in their vocabulary, but doesn't play a very big role outside of it.

                              Lord's Believers - Jesus is your buddy. The Believers live the blissful life of people who know that God is smiling on them. Constant exposure to the Bible and other Christian values tries to ensure this. People who, for some obscure reason, haven't seen the Light that is the Lord are politely told that they'll be going to Hell and they had better go to Church this Sunday or Hell can break loose a little earlier than planned. The Believers do have such things as libraries and theatres, but their contents are carefully observed to ensure that they don't go against the Good Christian Values.
                              The Believers are bemused by their misguided brethren. However, the Gaian pagan tendencies and the strict atheism of the Hive and the University enrages them and can lead to a good old-fashioned Crusade.

                              Peacekeeping Forces - Personally, I can't get a very good grip on the Peacekeepers, probably because they're not very extreme. They promote democracy, human rights, etc. etc. The state encourages individuality and tries to make sure everybody has a life worth living. Unfortunately, they also place great emphasis on bureacracy so their universal healthcare for example comes with great waiting lists.
                              When it comes to other factions, the Peacekeepers try to be friends with everybody. Well, actually, the Peacekeepers try to unite all the other factions under the UN charter through means of diplomacy. Free trade with the other factions is encouraged since the exchange of ideas is doubtlessly a good step towards said unification. They are appalled, however, by the Hive's oppressive regime. Depending on how open the University is about the way they conduct their research, the Peacekeepers may have one or two issues with them as well.
                              "I'm too young and too male to be the mother of a seventeen year old female me!"

