CDF is a luxery, although I agree it is useful, it is hardly necessary.
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Great starts gone worng
No, it 'just' costs production time to produce a PD in every base...
The CDF does a bit more that count a PD at every base, it gives the PD bonus to and of your units in a friendly base, making it so if your unit is the only on defending at tha base it has better odds, the same is probly true of the Cloudbase, but that's good enough anyways.Are you safe from the dangers of dihydrogen monoxide? Learn more at
If you ask me, the CDF's greatest advantage is the instant PD you get when taking a base. Send in your probe to take the enemy PD down, kill defenders, take base, base defense doubles in the same turn. Now that is what I call turn advantage.Not to mention your PD can never be probed away. I'd say that is a rather major SP.
"They’re lazy troublemakers, and they all carry weapons." - SMAC Manual, Page 59 Regarding Drones
"Without music, life would be a mistake." -- Friedrich Nietzsche
"If fascism came to America it would be on a program of Americanism." -- Huey Long
"Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to greater danger. It works the same in any country." -- Hermann Goering
I finally tried another time warp game. As the spartans- I need to practice with them more since I'm on a spartan team.
I had 3 bases. 2 of the bases had no facilities. Although I was quite please Sparta command had many facilities built. And 1 wonder.
Spartans (me): weather paradigm
Believers: Human Genome project. I quickly took this project over and many believer cities after I had finished my expansion in my limited space. And then forced them to surrender. I probably should have finished booting them off my continent. It's not like they can contribute research.
University: command Nexus. Interesting SP for them to get.
U.N. Peacekeepers- Merchant Exchange
Planet Cult- Citizens Defense Force
Pirates- Virtual World
Hive- Planet Transitory System
Anyways after forcing the believers to submit, I built some transports and am now currently stomping on the Hive. Who was #2 in this game after I finished stomping the believers. I didn't want them to get too powerful. It hasn't been easy with impact weapons though. They got defense of 3 on their units (I can never remember the names of the armour). And their inherant base perimenter defense. It hasn't been easy. But I have been using infantry for that addition 25%. I've had to sacrifice some, but I'm getting the job done. I'm not sure if they will surrender. If not, I may just annhilate them.
the University was on too small a continent/island. they aren't doing much. the Pirates have some amazing research. They are #1 in research.
As for my start. I started next to last on the bar graph. The Believers were last.Last edited by Dis; July 6, 2004, 21:36.
Dissident - sounds like a good Spartan Blood Makes Grass Grow philosophy.
Yes, the Hive is a challenge behind their perimeter defenses. Do they have synthmetal (level 2 armor) or plasma (level 3)? If plasma then you'll take really nasty losses since they'll have defense 7.5 (3 armor x 2 for perimeter defense x 1.25 for base bonus) vs your attack 4.
Good luck!
Hive + PTS is also a great early game combination for them.
Pirates + VW = lots of Net Node building. Good for them!
Sounds enjoyable. Miriam might not make much of a submissive, but it's fun to 'sick her' on the other factions come airpower.
-SAldebaran 2.1 for Smax is in Beta Testing. Join us for our first Succession Game
Originally posted by Hydro
Dissident - sounds like a good Spartan Blood Makes Grass Grow philosophy.
Yes, the Hive is a challenge behind their perimeter defenses. Do they have synthmetal (level 2 armor) or plasma (level 3)? If plasma then you'll take really nasty losses since they'll have defense 7.5 (3 armor x 2 for perimeter defense x 1.25 for base bonus) vs your attack 4.
Good luck!
I managed to get missile weapons for taking over their last few bases. Good thing, I was running out of sacrificial rovers and infantry (I had converted production in my military producing cities). The war is over, and I have switched to democratic. This should help keep me on good terms with the peacekeepers. I could attack them. but everyone is about even on tech except for the believers. I'll wait until I amass a little more upgraded firepower. I don't have the spare cash right now to upgrade everything.