I have a couple questions about Secret Projects that give you free facilities, so for this thread, let's use the Command Nexus as an example...
Okay, so I built the Command Nexus, and now I get a free command center in every base. If I look on the base screen it shows that the base has a command center, but the color/shade of the text "Command Center" is slightly darker and has an asterik by it. Is this because I built the Command Nexus?
So anyway, is the maintenance free for all of the command centers? Or does the project simply put one in every base (big economy killer)?
However, let's say that I built a command center in a base BEFORE I built the Command Nexus. If, and I don't know for sure, the maintenance is paid for by the Secret Project, then is the maintenance for that command center paid off as well after I build the Command Nexus? Or because it was built before the Command Nexus do I still have to pay for maintenance?
And, if someone takes over the base with the Command Nexus, do all the Command Centers go away? Let's say that I built a command center in a base before I built the project. Does that base lose the command center too?
Can command centers be destroyed by probe teams if I have the Command Nexus.
And lasly, can you scrap and recycle command centers if they are there because of the Command Nexus?
Okay, so I built the Command Nexus, and now I get a free command center in every base. If I look on the base screen it shows that the base has a command center, but the color/shade of the text "Command Center" is slightly darker and has an asterik by it. Is this because I built the Command Nexus?
So anyway, is the maintenance free for all of the command centers? Or does the project simply put one in every base (big economy killer)?
However, let's say that I built a command center in a base BEFORE I built the Command Nexus. If, and I don't know for sure, the maintenance is paid for by the Secret Project, then is the maintenance for that command center paid off as well after I build the Command Nexus? Or because it was built before the Command Nexus do I still have to pay for maintenance?
And, if someone takes over the base with the Command Nexus, do all the Command Centers go away? Let's say that I built a command center in a base before I built the project. Does that base lose the command center too?
Can command centers be destroyed by probe teams if I have the Command Nexus.
And lasly, can you scrap and recycle command centers if they are there because of the Command Nexus?