Since the change over I've been stumbling around like a blind man whose friends rearranged the furniture on me. I hate the white background and was wondering if there were any darker themes available or in the making. If this has been answered anywhere please direct me and close this thread. I have a limited amount of time on poly the next week or so and I'm asking for a gentle shove in the right direction. I was using the MOO theme before I believe. Blue background and all.
and to those who are responsible for the change, I do appreciate the time and effort put into the site and it's not that I don't like it, but I resist change in most things if it is practical. I'll be a lot happier when I don't have to look at a white background
and to those who are responsible for the change, I do appreciate the time and effort put into the site and it's not that I don't like it, but I resist change in most things if it is practical. I'll be a lot happier when I don't have to look at a white background
