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  • #31
    an update would be appreciated !
    A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Nikolai
      Too bad about the posts. Hopefully this won't be a new whatever-was-the-league's-name.
      That's exactly what I thought.


      • #33
        No update to give -- status quo as stated before.
        PolyCast Co-Host, Owner and Producer: entertaining | informing civ
        >> PolyCast (Civ strategy), ModCast (Civ modding), TurnCast (Civ multiplay); One More Turn Dramedy


        • #34
          What is (SP),(MP) Democracy Games?

          What is (SP),(MP) Democracy Games? I know its a single player and Multiplayer game, but what is meant by Demo or Democracy games?


          • #35
            Re: What is (SP),(MP) Democracy Games?

            Originally posted by Eclipse4449
            What is (SP),(MP) Democracy Games? I know its a single player and Multiplayer game, but what is meant by Demo or Democracy games?
            Democracy game...............

            Where to begin.

            Ok - lets start with SPDG - Single Player Democracy game.

            This is where in a nut shell - a "team" of people play a single player game - just one "human" team vs the AI.

            The human team is made up of citizens (all the people who join the civ group). Citizens nominate themselves (if they wish too) for positions within the executive.

            The executive - in it's current form here on Aployton consist of:

            The President (or Prime Minister - depending where you live)

            The Minister of Defense (or Minister of War - depending on how you look at it) - MoD

            The Minister of the Interior - MoI - all the internal stuff

            Minister of Finance - MoF - in charge of the commerce and cash

            Minister of State - MoS - handles all the diplomatic stuff - including tech and resource trades.
            I don't know why he saved my life. Maybe in those last moments he loved life more than he ever had before. Not just his life - anybody's life, my life. All he'd wanted were the same answers the rest of us want. Where did I come from? Where am I going? How long have I got? All I could do was sit there and watch him die.


            • #36
              The current SPDG Constitution part 1

              Extract of the Constitution

              No rights can be derived from this extract, check the full Constitution for that. But this should be accurate enough for daily use.

              Article I: Bill of Rights
              - Anyone can join the DG.
              - Anyone can vote and join discussions; votes are private.
              - The Court may punish rule breakers, but they may not permanently ban people from playing.
              - The savegame is available to all, but playing ahead or cheating is forbidden.

              Article II: Executive Branch
              - There is a 1 Month term for all Ministers and President.
              - The President phyically plays the game and is in charge of naming stuff.
              - Vice President is appointed by President, may be replaced mid-term (anyone but a Judge can be Vice President, including other Ministers).
              - Minister of State is responsible for Diplomacy, Religion, Civics, Great People
              - Minister of Finances is responsible for Finances and Science.
              - Minister of the Interior is responsible for all city management, Settlers and Workers.
              - Minister of Defense is responsible for all military units, Spies and war strategy.

              Article III: Judicial Branch
              - There is a Court of 3 Judges.
              - Judges serve for 3 months, the Judge in his final month is Senior Justice.
              - The Court organises elections, enforces the Constitution, solves disputes.
              - The Court may rule on cases immediately if the decision is unanimous. A hearing is held if the Court is not uninanimous or if anyone objects to the Court's decision.
              - Court decisions cannot be appealed after a hearing has been held.
              - The Court can hand out punishments. The Court has the power to force ministers to step down.

              Article IV: Polling Rules
              - There are 3 types of official polls: Election, Resolution, Amendment.
              - Most official polls may be multiple-choice but not multiple-selection (called multiple-choice in vBB).
              - Elections elect government officials. 50% majority required to win. See Article V for details. Only Judges can start election polls.
              - Amendments amend the Constitution. 2/3rd majority required to pass. Anyone can start Amendment polls, they must be open for 5 days and include AMENDMENT in capital letters in the title. They have to be Yes/No polls, multiple choice polls are not allowed.
              - Resolutions must be obeyed by all, Ministers/Presidents/Judges may not ignore them. 50% majority required to pass. Anyone can start Resolution polls, they have to be open for 3 days and include RESOLUTION in capital letters in the title.
              - Any poll not labeled Resolution may be ignored by Ministers/President, it can be used for information gathering but if they deem the outcome undesirable they may ignore it. Resolutions may NOT be ignored.
              - The Court may close polls it deems unconstitutional (i.e. not a valid Election, Amendment or Resolution) if it wants.

              Article V: Government Changes
              - The Court starts elections in time for the start of the new term.
              - Nominations open for 5 days, followed by elections, also open for 5 days.
              - People can only run for 1 office at a time. There are no term limits on any office.
              - If there are no candidates for an office, nominations are extended until there is one. Meanwhile the previous officer in that office stays in power to keep the game going.
              - If there are more than 2 candidates and noone gets more than 50% of the vote, a run-off poll will be held between the two most popular candidates.
              - When there's a tie in an election with 2 participants (whether regular or run-off), the new President has the deciding vote. When there's a tie for the office of President, the Court has the deciding vote.
              - When there's only a single candidate and (s)he's rejected, the new President appoints someone to the position in question. When the only Presidential candidate is rejected, the Court appoints a new President.
              - Any government official can be forced to resign through a special Resolution poll that requires a 2/3rd majority. If passed, the President appoints a replacement. If the President is impeached, the Court appoints a new President.
              - Anyone can always resign voluntarily. The President appoints a replacement. If the President steps down, the Vice President takes over.

              - taken from a post by Locutus, and Paddy the Scot
              Last edited by Nugog; June 30, 2007, 03:50.
              I don't know why he saved my life. Maybe in those last moments he loved life more than he ever had before. Not just his life - anybody's life, my life. All he'd wanted were the same answers the rest of us want. Where did I come from? Where am I going? How long have I got? All I could do was sit there and watch him die.


              • #37
                Constitution Part 2


                Article I: Bill of Rights

                1. Any person who has registered to participate in this Democracy Game in the Civ4 Democracy Game CivGroup is considered a Citizen. No person shall be denied the right to become a Citizen.

                2. No Citizen shall ever be in any poll denied the right to vote and to keep this vote private. No Citizen shall ever be forced to vote in any poll.

                3. Freedom of speech and the right to associate into any form of organization shall not be denied, unless it violates Apolyton rules.

                4. No citizen may be punished in any way without the consent of the Court. No one shall be banned permanently from participating in the Democracy Game, excluding those who are permanently banned from Apolyton. Citizens may still be banned for any amount of time, as long as it is not permanent.

                5. The government may not knowingly hide information or give false information to the people. All citizens shall have access to the saved games. However, no Citizen shall ever 'play ahead' or otherwise 'cheat'.

                Article II: Executive Branch

                1. General Contents

                (a) The members of the Executive Branch are called Ministers and the positions in the Exective Branch are called ministerial offices or executive offices.
                (b) Any Citizen can become a candidate for an executive office by expressing his/her desire to in the thread started by the Court as described in Article V, section 1.
                (c) An elected Minister is charged with the duties explained in this Section 2 of this Article until the end of his/her term, which lasts 1 month, or until (s)he resigns.
                (d) The length of a term in paragrah 1(c) only applies to regular terms. The replacement for a resigned Minister shall serve for the remainder of the term that their predecessor served.

                2. Government Positions

                I. The President
                (a) The President shall physically play the game on a regular and scheduled basis whenever possible and post the save and a complete report of the game events to the forum. (S)he is encouraged to use turnchats, turnthreads, or any other similar method while playing the game.
                (b) The President must follow the instructions of the Court and all passed Resolutions while playing the game and is encouraged but not required to follow the advice of the Ministers.
                (c) The President is responsible for the (re)naming of all nameable items (cities, units, map locations) in the game. A name may be changed by the Citizens through a Resolution (Article IV, Subsection 3-II), after which it may no longer be renamed by any President without support from another Resolution.

                II The Vice President
                (a) The Vice President may replace the President and perform any or all of his/her duties at any time.
                (b) The Vice President is subordinate to the President and the President may overrule any decision by the Vice President.
                (b) The President shall appoint a Vice President at the start of his term and the Vice President may be replaced by the President at any point during his/her term, which should be announced pubically. Any Citizen except members of the Court may become Vice President.

                III. The Minister of State
                (a) The Minister of State is responsible for all diplomatic contact with other civilizations, including treaties, trades, gifts and tribute. The decision to go to war has to be evaluated by the Citizens through a Resolution (Article IV, Subsection 3-II).
                (b) The Minister of State is responsible for choosing state religion, what civics to adopt and how to use great people.

                IV. The Minister of Finances
                (a) The Minister of Finances is responsible for the treasury and tax sliders. Decisions directly affecting the treasury such as gold rushing, spy actions and diplomactic gifts or tribute should have the Minister of Finances's approval.
                (b) The Minister of Finances is responsible for all research.

                V. The Minister of the Interior
                (a) The Minister of Domestic Affairs is responsible for managing all cities. This includes their distribution of specialists and worked tiles, production queues, rushing production and the disbanding/razing of cities.
                (b) The Minister of Domestic Affairs is responsible for managing all Workers and Settlers, for deciding where to found cities and what tiles to improve.
                (c) The action of rushing with gold can only be perfomed with the Minister of Finances's approval.

                VI. The Minister of Defense
                (a) The Minister of Defense is responsible for all military units and their orders, for exploration, war strategy and espionage.
                (b) Any action which would result in a declaration of war has to be evaluated by the Citizens through a Resolution (Article IV, Subsection 3-II).

                Article III: Judicial Branch

                1. Purpose:

                The Court is constituted to rule upon: contested disputes involving legal interpretation, validity of Resolutions and Elections, violations of the Constitution, or any other legal dispute involving the game. The Court also organises Elections and maintains the Constitution.

                2. Construct of the Court

                (a) The Court is composed of 3 Judges who each serve a three month term of office. There is no limit to the number of terms a Judge may serve.
                (b) Any Citizen can become a candidate for a judicial office by expressing his/her desire to in the thread started by the Court as described in Article V, section 1.
                (c) Each Judge is elected by the Citizens in a separate Election poll. Every month one of the Judge positions shall be open for Election. This position shall be the one of the Judge who has reached the end of his term.
                (d) When the Election of new a Judge position starts, the Judge who enters the last month of his/her term becomes the Senior Justice.
                (e) An elected Judge shall serve in the Court for the duration of her/his term or until (s)he resigns. The length of a term in paragraph 1(a) only applies to regular terms. The replacement for a resigned Judge shall serve for the remainder of the term that their predecessor served.
                (f) A Judge may not serve in other governmental posts.

                3. Cases

                (a) The Court can only rule on cases publicly filed by any Citizen, including Judges. Cases must involve a dispute that the Court is empowered to rule upon.
                (b) The Senior Justice will either accept or deny the case. This decision cannot be appealed. If the case is denied, the Senior Justice will inform the filer of the case, explaining the reason for the denial.
                (c) The Court may make an immediate ruling without the use of a public hearing if all the Judges unanimously agree with the ruling. If the ruling is not unanimous or if anyone objects to the decision, a public hearing will commence to discuss the case.
                (d) When a public hearing is commenced, the Court will open a discussion thread with a description of the case. This thread will be remain open for at least 72 hours (three days). This may be extended by the Court for as long as the Court deems necessary.
                (e) When a public hearing is closed, the Senior Justice will organize the Court's ruling. Any ruling is immediately official and final as soon as two Judges have voted in favour of it. This ruling cannot be appealed.

                4. Rights and responsibilities

                (a) The Court may make its own rules of procedure and enforce them upon Citizens who are before it, so long as such rules are in accordance with the Constitution.
                (b) If the Court rules that the actions of certain Citizens are in violation with the Constitution or other rules of the Democracy Game, it may hand out punishments fitting the crime if it deems this appropriate. However, no punishments may permanently affect a Citizen's participation in the Democracy Game and may not alter the Constitution. Active members of government may be dismissed. The President shall appoint a replacement for the office in question for the remainder of the term. If the President is dismissed, the Court shall appoint a replacement.
                (c) The Court is empowered to declare Resolutions or Elections void, to close threads or polls or to delete or editing posts or threads.
                (d) Any action or ruling by the Court which requires action from a Democracy Game or Apolyton moderator must have the approval of this moderator, who shall offer an explanation to the Court if approval is not given.
                (e) The Court is responsible for organizing Elections, as described in Article V.

                Article IV: Polling Rules

                1. Definition and validity:

                (a) Ministers are encouraged to make use polls in their decision making, in which Citizens can express their opinion on issues. A poll is the standard vBB poll feature in which people can anonymously vote for one of a list of options. Any Citizen may start polls to affect the decisions of a minister.
                (b) There are 3 types of polls: Elections, Resolutions and Amendments.
                (c) The Court has the right to rule over the validity of polls. A Poll that violates any of the rules specified in this Article is considered invalid. Invalid polls may still be used for information gathering and can as such be tolerated, but the Court is empowered to close any invalid poll if it deems this desirable.

                2. Poll Organization:

                (a) The first post of all polls must contain the following elements:
                * A clear and unbiased explanation of the question and the answers, if needed;
                * Expiration date, if applicable;
                * Links to related threads or other information sources, if any;
                * Type (see Section 3) of the poll
                (b) Two types of poll organization are allowed: Yes/No polls and multiple choice polls.
                (c) Yes/No polls must have three options of which only one can be chosen. The three options must be:
                * Yes, meaning that the voter agrees with what was stated in the poll;
                * No, meaning that the voter does not agree with what was stated in the poll;
                * Abstain or Banana, meaning that the voter does not have a specific opinion on what was stated in the poll or does not wish to express it. Abstain votes may not be considered to say anything about what was stated in the poll.
                (d) Alternative terms for 'Yes' and 'No' may be used in a Yes/No poll, as long as their meaning is along the same lines as 'Yes' and 'No' (examples: 'I agree'/'I don't agree' or 'In favour'/'Against'). Terms are along the same lines as 'Yes' and 'No' when the question in the poll can be rephrased so that it can be answered with 'Yes' or 'No'.
                (e) Multiple choice polls must have at least three options, including an Abstain option as defined in paragraph 2(c). All other options are open for the poll creator to fill in as (s)he wishes, as long as they are clear and unbiased.
                (f) All polls must allow only a single option to be chosen. Multiple selection polls (which are described in the vBB poll system as 'multiple choice') will be considered invalid.

                3. Poll Types:

                I. Election polls:
                (a) These polls may only be started by the Court. They serve to elect the persons who will fulfill the official positions of the executive and judicial branches of the government, as defined in Article II and Article III.
                (b) The subject line must contain the word 'ELECTION', written in capital letters, and the name of the office for which the Election is held.
                (c) They have to be multiple choice polls with only the names of the candidates as options, unless there is only one candidate. See Article V Section I.
                (d) Election polls in accordance with Article V Section 1 shall expire in 120 hours (5 days) and the Court must include the expiration time in the first post of the poll.

                II. Resolutions:
                (a) These polls can be started by any Citizen, including members of the government, and must be used to propose Resolutions. Resolutions, if passed, affect the course of the game or the policy of the executive branch of the government (as defined in Article II). Ministers, Judges and all other Citizens are required to follow the outcome of passed Resolutions.
                (b) The subject line must contain the word 'RESOLUTION', written in capital letters.
                (c) Resolution polls may be either Yes/No or multiple choice polls.
                (d) Resolutions may not violate or amend the Constitution. Resolutions may change, amend or overrule any existing Resolutions or judicial decisions regarding Resolutions.
                (e) If there are more votes in favour of one option than any other and the Court does not declare the poll invalid, then the Resolution is considered passed. All Citizens must from that time on obey it.
                (f) The Court will resolve all conflicts of Resolutions. The Court’s ruling on an interpretation of a Resolution is of the same power and authority as that Resolution.
                (g) Resolution polls shall expire in 72 hours (three days) and the Citizen who started the poll must include the expiring day in its first post.

                III. Amendments:
                (a) These polls can be started by any Citizen, including members of the government, and must be used to propose Amendments to the Constitution.
                (b) The subject line must contain the word 'AMENDMENT', written in capital letters.
                (c) They have to be Yes/No polls. Multiple choice polls are not allowed as Amendments.
                (d) Amendments may change/append/override any existing Laws, judicial decisions regarding Laws or any part of the Constitution.
                (e) If more than 2/3 of the votes are in favour of the proposed Amendment and the Court does not declare the poll invalid, then the Amendment is considered passed. All Citizens must from that time on obey it.
                (f) Amendment polls shall expire in 120 hours (five days) and the Citizen who started the poll must include the expiring day in its first post.

                Article V: Government Changes

                1. Elections.

                (a) The Court is responsible for overseeing all Elections and is empowered to resolve any Election disputes according to the rules in this Constitution.
                (b) The election process must be initiated by the Court before the end of any government position's term. The previous officer will remain in office until the end of the term or until a new candidate is elected, whichever is later.
                (c) At the start of the election process, the Court must start a nomination thread. All citizens who wish to be candidates for an office must themselves publicly express their nomination in this thread. For this they have 120 hours (5 days).
                (d) Citizens can only nominate themselves, a Citizen cannot be nominated for any position by someone else without their consent.
                (e) No citizen may be a candidate for an elected office if such candidacy might cause this citizen to be in more than one elected office simultaneously.
                (f) If no candidate is nominated for a position the Court shall extend the nomination for that position for as long as the Court deems necessary.
                (g) Once the nomination period has expired, the Court will create an Election poll (see Article IV, Subsection 3-I) for the office, with the names of the candidates as options. If only one candidate is available, a Yes/No poll shall be held to decide if this person may serve in this office. These polls shall expire in 120 hours (five days).
                (h) If a candidate has received more than 50% of the votes when the Election expires will be declared the new holder of the office for which he was a candidate.
                (i) In case of a tied Election between exactly two candidates (whether a regular Election or a Run Off Election) for any other post than that of President, the President shall have the deciding vote. In case this occurs for the post of President, the Court (including the newly elected Judge if his/her Election was not tied, the outgoing Judge otherwise) shall have the deciding vote instead.
                (j) In case there is only a single candidate for any post other than that of President and (s)he is rejected by more than 50% of the voters, the President may appoint someone to the office in question. In case this happens for the office of President, the Court shall reopen nominations and the Election process for that position shall restart.
                (m) In the case no candidate gets a majority of voters, the Court shall hold a run off election which shall consist of the top two candidates in the original election poll, this poll shall last for 72 hours (three days), the candidate with the majority of votes in this poll shall be declared the new holder of the office for which he was a candidate.

                2. Resignation

                (a) Any officer may announce his/her desire to resign at any time.
                (b) When this happens for any other position of that of President, the President shall appoint a replacement.
                (c) When this happens for the office of President, the Vice President shall become the President and will appoint a new Vice President.
                (d) When the President and Vice President both resign simultaneously without appointing a replacement, the Court shall appoint a new President. It is at the Court's discretion what procedure to use for this.

                3. Impeachment

                (a) Any Citizen may start a Resolution requesting any government official to step down. If 2/3 of the votes are in favour and the Court does not declare it invalid, the official must step down.
                (b) When this happens for any position other than that of President, the President shall appoint a replacement.
                (c) When this happens for the office of President, the Court shall appoint a new President. It is at the Court's discretion what procedure to use for this.

                - taken from a post by Locutus, and Paddy the Scot
                I don't know why he saved my life. Maybe in those last moments he loved life more than he ever had before. Not just his life - anybody's life, my life. All he'd wanted were the same answers the rest of us want. Where did I come from? Where am I going? How long have I got? All I could do was sit there and watch him die.


                • #38
                  Frequently Asked Questions

                  Welcome to the Civlization IV Single Player Democracy Game! If you're new to Democracy Games, this thread should tell you all you need to know to be able to play. Read this FAQ, read the extract of the Constitution below, or even the entire Constitution below that if you have the time and patience, join the CivGroup and start playing!

                  1. What is a Democracy Game?
                  A Democracy Game (DG) is a game is played by the entire community, either as an SP game with the whole community controlling the a single civ, or as an MP game with the community splitting up in teams which each control one civ. In this forum we're playing a Single Player Civilization IV Democracy game, or either Civ4 SPDG or C4DG SP for intimi.

                  The way it works is that the community elects a President from their midst, who actually physically plays the game, and a cabinet of Ministers, who are each responsible for making the decisions in their area (the Minister of the Interior controls cities, the Minister of Defence units, the Minister of Finances is responsible for the treasury, the Minster of State for diplomacy, religion and civics).

                  These ministers consult the community to make their decisions: they organise debates and start polls, though typically any member can start a discussion or poll on their own as well if they want. Using the British Parliamentary system as analogy, the community equates Parliament and community members are MPs.

                  Once enough instructions have been gathered the Ministers pass their orders to the President who then plays a few turns, usually while holding a chat session in the IRC room so people can provide live feedback on issues that come up during play. There's also a Court of Judges which maintains the Constitution (rules of how the government is organised, how decisions are made, etc), resolves conflicts and periodically organises elections.

                  There's often a some roleplaying involved in Democracy Games, though this is not required to participate. The exact rules of how this particular Democracy Game works, i.e. our Constitution, is listed below.

                  2. Who plays the game?
                  Technically, this is a single player game. Only one player gets to play the game physically: the President (elected every four weeks). Everyone can access his savegame but noone is allowed to "play ahead" on this savegame, meaning acting before the President actually does it on his own computer.

                  But the President will listen to the Ministers (also elected every four weeks) who give detailed orders for each turn. The Ministers will often consult the community via discusison and polls, but they are not necessarily required to follow the advise they get. If as a member of the Democracy Game you want to force the Ministers and President to follow certain guidelines, you can do so by starting a special Resolution poll. A Resolution poll has to have the word RESOLUTION in capital letters in the title of the thread, so everyone can recognize it easily, and has to expire in 3 days. If a resolution is passed, that is if within those 3 days more people vote in favour of it than against it, everyone in the game has to follow the rules set forth in the Resolution. The exact rules of Resolutions and other rules of the Democracy Game are set forth in the Constitution below.

                  3. What are the rules?
                  A Democracy Game is a game, and all games have rules. In case of a DG, these rules are called "the Constitution". The Constitution can be changed through Amendments, that is special polls that require a 2/3rd majority to pass. The rules of the Constitution are enforced by the Court, a group of Judges who have been elected for this purpose for a period of 3 months. If the rules are broken, the Court can punish offenders as it sees fit (but within the bounds set forth by the Constitution).

                  4. Can I form political parties?
                  In a Democracy, you can't hinder people who think the same to unite. So if you want to, you can start your own policial party, or join existing ones. If you want to start a new party, just post the new party's goals and policies, and (hopefully) people will join. It's not necessary to be part of a party though, you can remain independent as well.

                  5. How do I join this Democracy Game?
                  You must register yourself in the CivGroup for this Democracy Game. At the top of every page in this forum you see a section "CivGroups Civ4 SP Democracy Game ([some number]): Not a Member - Join". Click on Join and you're registered. It's also advised that you sign up in this thread. If you don't join officially, you won't be able to vote and other rights may also be restricted. If you do, you become a Citizen of our Democracy Game and can start voting, participating in our discussions or even nominate yourself for a government position. Welcome to the game!

                  6. What is involved in participating in this Democracy Game, what do I have to do for it?
                  You don't have to do anything. The least you can do is just vote in polls and express your views in the various discussions whenever you feel like it. If you want to, you can join a party, run for Judge or President, volunteer to write a news paper, or do all sorts of other things you might be interested in. But none of this is compulsory, you can spend as little or as much time on this Democracy Game as you want.

                  7. Do I have to own a copy of Civ4 to be able to play?
                  No, you don't. As long as you don't run for the office of President you can probably join without owning the game. You may not have the necessary knowledge to vote in some of the polls but you'll probably manage just fine hanging around as a Citizen and you may even be able to serve as Judge.

                  8. What settings is the game played on?



                  barbarians: normal

                  country name: Atlantians

                  sea level: high

                  how many ai should we face: 14, randomly chosen

                  victory conditions: all

                  climate: temperate

                  map size: huge

                  difficulty: emperor

                  style of map: archipelago

                  map issue: cylindrical

                  civ group icon:

                  Blakes ai: yes

                  Era: Ancient

                  Leader: Ragnar

                  wait for expansion: no

                  game speed: epic


                  - taken from a post by Locutus, and Paddy the Scot
                  I don't know why he saved my life. Maybe in those last moments he loved life more than he ever had before. Not just his life - anybody's life, my life. All he'd wanted were the same answers the rest of us want. Where did I come from? Where am I going? How long have I got? All I could do was sit there and watch him die.


                  • #39
                    For the full monty - check here:


                    Credit to RobWorham for this thread.
                    Last edited by Nugog; June 30, 2007, 04:01.
                    I don't know why he saved my life. Maybe in those last moments he loved life more than he ever had before. Not just his life - anybody's life, my life. All he'd wanted were the same answers the rest of us want. Where did I come from? Where am I going? How long have I got? All I could do was sit there and watch him die.


                    • #40
                      If that all seems very complicated - trust me it is not.

                      Hell if I can do it anyone can - trust me on that one.

                      Effectively - a SPDG is a group of people whi get together and play a normal human ve AI game together - deciding as as group what to build, when to attack, when to help etc etc

                      It is a huge amount of fun - plus you can learn a huge amount about Civ by doing so - I know I did.

                      Also - inexperienced players are most welcome.

                      I know this all seems very complicated - in reality - it is far from it.

                      PM me with any questions - I'd be very happy to help - and would like to see you in the SPDG!
                      I don't know why he saved my life. Maybe in those last moments he loved life more than he ever had before. Not just his life - anybody's life, my life. All he'd wanted were the same answers the rest of us want. Where did I come from? Where am I going? How long have I got? All I could do was sit there and watch him die.


                      • #41
                        MPDG - sorta the same except human teams play against each other - usually with no AI.
                        I don't know why he saved my life. Maybe in those last moments he loved life more than he ever had before. Not just his life - anybody's life, my life. All he'd wanted were the same answers the rest of us want. Where did I come from? Where am I going? How long have I got? All I could do was sit there and watch him die.


                        • #42
                          This MPDG is a Civ 4 original game:


                          This game is played sinilar to a PBEM.
                          I don't know why he saved my life. Maybe in those last moments he loved life more than he ever had before. Not just his life - anybody's life, my life. All he'd wanted were the same answers the rest of us want. Where did I come from? Where am I going? How long have I got? All I could do was sit there and watch him die.


                          • #43
                            This MPDG is a Warlords game:


                            This game is being played on (via?) PitBoss.

                            Effectively this means we are playing on a set timer and someone (Elucidus ) is very kindly hosting this game (on a multiplayer format) for us.
                            I don't know why he saved my life. Maybe in those last moments he loved life more than he ever had before. Not just his life - anybody's life, my life. All he'd wanted were the same answers the rest of us want. Where did I come from? Where am I going? How long have I got? All I could do was sit there and watch him die.


                            • #44
                              Ok - having read what I have just posted - probably way too much info - PM me with questions - I am more than happy to help - another player in the DG's would be great.

                              I don't know why he saved my life. Maybe in those last moments he loved life more than he ever had before. Not just his life - anybody's life, my life. All he'd wanted were the same answers the rest of us want. Where did I come from? Where am I going? How long have I got? All I could do was sit there and watch him die.


                              • #45
                                You took the words right out of my mouth Nugog!!!

                                Jump in Eclipse4449, it's a blast!!!
                                Let your every day be full of joy, love the child that holds your hand, let your wife delight in your embrace, for these alone are the concerns of humanity.
                                The BtS Pitboss Team Democracy Game has just started!!!
                                Come and test your metal in the Apolyton Civ4 Beyond the Sword Tri-League Tournament
                                Tohunga o kairākau of Southern Cross in the Warlords Pitboss Team Democracy Game, and Member of the Great Council and Curator of The Khan's Compendium for The Horde in the Civ4 Team Democracy Game

