So what words are currently on the profanity filter?
I suddenly discovered that the harmless word "da-mn" is on it: ****.
This is while crap or turd or poop or bloody isn't.
I think that da-mn is too da.. er.... I mean way too important and casual to be censored.
I mean, what else can I use? "darn"? "drats"? I'd feel like I'm with the Brady Bunch.
I suddenly discovered that the harmless word "da-mn" is on it: ****.
This is while crap or turd or poop or bloody isn't.
I think that da-mn is too da.. er.... I mean way too important and casual to be censored.
I mean, what else can I use? "darn"? "drats"? I'd feel like I'm with the Brady Bunch.
