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Buddy List Problems

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  • Buddy List Problems

    I use my buddy list -- since it's useful for seeing if demogame teammates are online or if a PBEM opponent is online when he hasn't played his save!

    I don't know if this is a known problem, but apparently, for the last entry on your buddy list -- your name/avatar will not show up in that user's profile.

    The following posts show screenshots testing the cause and effect utilizing the account of my very good friend Phillwerner. With his name listed once, but last on my buddy list, I don't show in his profile. When I add another username under Phillwerner, then I'm visible as a buddy on his profile. It can be any username, but for the purposes of this experiment, I just added Phill's name again - listing it twice.

    This screenshot shows Phillwerner's name as the last entry.
    Attached Files
    Haven't been here for ages....

  • #2
    I'm not a buddy on his profile

    Attached Files
    Haven't been here for ages....


    • #3
      I add another entry on the buddy list

      Attached Files
      Haven't been here for ages....


      • #4
        Now I'm visible on the profile

        Attached Files
        Haven't been here for ages....


        • #5
          hehe - you do keep some strange company old chap
          Gurka 17, People of the Valley
          I am of the Horde.


          • #6
            Yes, your name is towards the top, is it not?

            I sure hope you wouldn't be talking about my friend Phillwerner
            Haven't been here for ages....


            • #7
              Exodus Phoenix is still around?
              I'm consitently stupid- Japher
              I think that opinion in the United States is decidedly different from the rest of the world because we have a free press -- by free, I mean a virgorously presented right wing point of view on the air and available to all.- Ned


              • #8
                Most excellent! I had that problem too. Adding the last one twice fixes it. Now if Mark could fix it...
                Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)


                • #9

                  So I guess we are sticking to the workaround then... ?

                  I might have to "Verto" the situation.
                  Haven't been here for ages....


                  • #10
                    using DL's to find Poly's bugs
                    To us, it is the BEAST.


                    • #11
                      Perhaps a DL, but not mine. I noticed mr phillwerner was on a lot of people's buddy list, so he became the subject of the experiment.

                      One could argue there's finally a meaningful use of DLs
                      Haven't been here for ages....


                      • #12
                        PhillWerner has me on his buddy list too.


                        • #13
                          It may be easier if we find out who's not on his list.
                          One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


                          • #14
                            Also check out the first one, you should not be listed on his profile page as well.
                            I went around that problem by adding Mark and Ming as first and last on my buddy list


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by DrSpike
                              PhillWerner has me on his buddy list too.
                              Me too

                              What exactly is this thing good for/

                              I see I am on a few people's buddy list
                              You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo

