This post is titled so as not to arouse arguments among all those who joined the "When will the next thread about Post Stats?" contest. Rest assured, I've read all of that thread. (BTW, all but 3 of you have now lost.)
Rather, this is to use the occasion of my transition to Emperor to document how that affects my Post Stats. (I know there's some sort of unwritten rule about not posting "I'm an Emperor now" just to get the needed +1, but the following documentation of the semi-mysterious Post Stats should be of sufficient interest to forestall the wrath
of the gods.)
At 2,999 posts, my stats were:
A: 43 | D: 67 | M: 12 | HP: 3
I'll be back in a minute with how this post may have changed that...
Rather, this is to use the occasion of my transition to Emperor to document how that affects my Post Stats. (I know there's some sort of unwritten rule about not posting "I'm an Emperor now" just to get the needed +1, but the following documentation of the semi-mysterious Post Stats should be of sufficient interest to forestall the wrath

At 2,999 posts, my stats were:
A: 43 | D: 67 | M: 12 | HP: 3
I'll be back in a minute with how this post may have changed that...