Welcome back. Oh I'm no writer and have much to learn from Finbar I'll admit. 
But we both have to fit our stereotypes I guess - my teasing you (and it is normally teasing rather than baiting) and you being tiresomely dismissive of all things English. I only wish I could realitically see us troubling New Zealand (sorry I mean the All Blacks tm, copyright et al)
The bait about our fitenss is getting a bit old and stinky though - our lads routinely play more games a year than your primas and they are not easy games that fatties could coast through - and I assume you are being obtuse about Tom C deliberately. Nothing special about a flanker who commands the line out and can out sprint many wingers? Yeah right...and Finbars emergent concerns about his bread and butter duties are not shared by the Welford road faithful I can assure you.
Don't normally hold much time for what the taffy hack writes. Don't normally hold much time for the haka either - and sadly Jones is correct that it is these days blatantly a tool for disrupting the oppositions mental preparation pre kick off and "tradition" is used as a smokescreen, as is "challenge". My observation would be something is not a challenge if the opposition are not allowed to respond to it.
And the version with the throat slit gesture - well that simply has no place on a rugby field does it? It's a gentlemans game not a psychotics game. I thought they had canned that version though - which one have they been "performing" this year?
I applaud Jones use of the word toadying though - that simply doesn't get used enough and it does seem to encapsulate the relationship betwixt NZ and the IRB very nicely. You know the way the tail (one of the least populace rugby playing countries in the world) wags the dog (everyone else who plays the game).
He was a bit off saying that the double spear tackle that injured BOD so badly was a direct response to his throwing grass though. It was surely just careless stupidity from two players who should have looked after a fellow Professional better?
Oh god I'm partly agreeing with Jones - that is all Andydogs fault for linking it. I'm off to wash my mouth out with soap....

But we both have to fit our stereotypes I guess - my teasing you (and it is normally teasing rather than baiting) and you being tiresomely dismissive of all things English. I only wish I could realitically see us troubling New Zealand (sorry I mean the All Blacks tm, copyright et al)
The bait about our fitenss is getting a bit old and stinky though - our lads routinely play more games a year than your primas and they are not easy games that fatties could coast through - and I assume you are being obtuse about Tom C deliberately. Nothing special about a flanker who commands the line out and can out sprint many wingers? Yeah right...and Finbars emergent concerns about his bread and butter duties are not shared by the Welford road faithful I can assure you.

Don't normally hold much time for what the taffy hack writes. Don't normally hold much time for the haka either - and sadly Jones is correct that it is these days blatantly a tool for disrupting the oppositions mental preparation pre kick off and "tradition" is used as a smokescreen, as is "challenge". My observation would be something is not a challenge if the opposition are not allowed to respond to it.
And the version with the throat slit gesture - well that simply has no place on a rugby field does it? It's a gentlemans game not a psychotics game. I thought they had canned that version though - which one have they been "performing" this year?
I applaud Jones use of the word toadying though - that simply doesn't get used enough and it does seem to encapsulate the relationship betwixt NZ and the IRB very nicely. You know the way the tail (one of the least populace rugby playing countries in the world) wags the dog (everyone else who plays the game).
He was a bit off saying that the double spear tackle that injured BOD so badly was a direct response to his throwing grass though. It was surely just careless stupidity from two players who should have looked after a fellow Professional better?
Oh god I'm partly agreeing with Jones - that is all Andydogs fault for linking it. I'm off to wash my mouth out with soap....