Originally posted by Tingkai
Here's a classic statement of someone who doesn't understand the game.
No one expects a d-man to score a point a game.
Here's a classic statement of someone who doesn't understand the game.
No one expects a d-man to score a point a game.
He's supposed to be the QB for the PP and in the past he has done that job extremely well, except for last year.
Like a 0.7 points per game pace was bad or an exception (eg, you expect more?)
Most people realize that the points produced by a d-man on the pp does not count for the =/- which is while +/- does not reflect the true value of a d-man.
Most people realize that my statement was not limited to powerplay points only. It just says for all the goals this man scores, he's on the ice for an awful lot the other team scores...and creates the opportunity for a great many of those.
And anyone who writes off Sundin for being old ignores the fact that he has produces +70 points for 10 season and has 10 points in 5 games this season.
Like shooting fish in a barrel.