Originally posted by Maniac
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OMG WePLay Civ really does have the worst moderaters ever
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Originally posted by Maniac View PostIt's a Civ4 mod. Liking SMAC is not required, as the gameplay is completely different."The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "
Originally posted by Asher View Post
VJ has just been on the wrong side of many beat-downs. He came out of nowhere about a year ago and attacked me in one thread, before that he wasn't even on my radar. He seems to have an intense dislike for me and he makes it known -- I've no idea why, nor do I particularly care.“As a lifelong member of the Columbia Business School community, I adhere to the principles of truth, integrity, and respect. I will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.”
"Capitalism ho!"
Have to say that the convo with the WPC regulars and Felch is pretty enlightening.
Zoid is repeatedly talking about how they have civil conversations at WPC, unlike Poly.
Just for fun, I'll recap Zoid's posts in my friendly welcome thread:
Originally Posted by Asher
How is everyone?
VJ insisted I start posting here to avoid the forum drama ripe at the other site.
You mean the forum drama that you usually are at the center at and the forum drama that was the reason this site was created? Isn't it enough you've destroyed Poly? Do you have to bring your foul presence here?
Come on, you thrive at conflict and get off on people disliking you. I'm amazed you didn't come here sooner...
If your idea of fun is to piss all over a site that many people enjoy and try to have civil conversation in you should stay the **** away IMO.
Felch, you guys are so ruined by the crap flying around Poly OT that you wouldn't recognize a civil conversation if it bit you in the ass...
ZoidCivil converser
Edit: Also, Locutus is claiming I was warned about a "zero tolerance" policy on any kind of trolling. First of all, this is an unabashed lie. I've received no such "warning" publicly or privately.
And if there is a "zero tolerance" for trolling, why the **** do they have a thread dedicated to trolling?
I'll throw out a sample thesis statement to see if I can offend anyone into arguing with me:
Most rape is not a crime of violence in the sense that it attributes a motive I suspect is usually wrong. Most rape, in my (unresearched) opinion, happens, not because the rapist is out to hurt the victim, but because he (let's face it) is horny.
Ridiculous. It's a thread full of trolls, explicitly so, that even the admins participated in. Not only is it a thread full of trolls, many of them are pretty offensive to a lot of people (like the rape stuff). This is a-okay, but a thread about building a massive compound in the Philippines is such a severe troll it warrants a 3-month ban? My mind just exploded.Last edited by Asher; January 26, 2010, 13:02."The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "
January 26, 2010 - Asher calls Wezil "normal"
btw, I haven't posted at WPC in some time now but I do still play in their arcade on occasion."I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure." - Clarence Darrow
"I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it." - Mark Twain
Originally posted by User Friendly View PostDon't bother BeBro theyll just ban you and not even tell you why
Originally posted by notyoueither View PostYou proclaimed that you troll there, and are just waiting for another chance to do it again.
What is their rule for trolling?Try http://wordforge.net/index.php for discussion and debate.
Originally posted by rah View PostYes dale, probably for the best since it will be hard to justify.Try http://wordforge.net/index.php for discussion and debate.
This is some classic Poly. NB as someone who rarely posts, Asher comes off looking like a saint while notyoueither seems a bit like a mentalist while VJ is clearly lying his face off. I especially like the parts where you might as well be saying, "I'm NOT INSULTING YOU, YOU MORON!", I'm sure we could all learn from such posturing
If the owners of the site wanted Asher banned, they're perfectly allowed to do so. But to have co-admins welcoming there and telling others not to give him a hard time (i.e. don't encourage him), then ban him, and then pretend that there's valid reasons, that's where you're going wrong.
Originally posted by Asher View PostLancer threw a fit because a lot of people here started telling him to his face his Filipina recruitment stuff was kind of creepy. WPC embraced it (and they even deleted posts critical of the Philippines -- see Lancer's previous thread where he tried to assassinate the character of Aeson). Aeson made a post basically explaining the truth about the Philippines after he got there, that things were not as they were promised in one of Lancer's famous sales pitches. Those posts got deleted from WPC and Aeson hasn't posted since (that I can see)...
VJ has just been on the wrong side of many beat-downs. He came out of nowhere about a year ago and attacked me in one thread, before that he wasn't even on my radar. He seems to have an intense dislike for me and he makes it known -- I've no idea why, nor do I particularly care.
A lot of the posters are there because it's an opportunity to be part of a new clique.
What a bunch of thin-skinned crybabies. I'm surprised it's lasted this long.
Originally posted by Felch View PostI made a deal over there. I switched to my flag avatar until Friday. If Zoid doesn't publicly apologize to Asher by then, the Rescue Rangers avatar comes back.
Honestly, there's something psychologically disturbing about what's going on there. Buster keeps talking about how Zoid's replies to me were "calling a troll a troll", but that clearly makes no sense. My "How is everyone?" can in no way be called a troll, which is what Zoid responded to. In that post, Zoid then said:
You mean the forum drama that you usually are at the center at and the forum drama that was the reason this site was created? Isn't it enough you've destroyed Poly? Do you have to bring your foul presence here?
Which is, in fact, a troll.
If we were to apply the site's rules, Zoid would be gone for 3-months based on that comment alone. The fact that he subsequently insulted me and trolled me even more after the fact is just gravy.
But the interest part is the delusion. I think Buster seriously believes what he's saying, which is disturbing. The fact that virtually no one at the site recognizes that their behaviour was rude and troll-ish when I arrived further adds to the mass delusion.
What WPC has proven itself to be is a small niche/clique of hostile people who happen to like eachother in the small clique, and they ban the people they don't like while, in "Information Minister"-like style propaganda, proclaiming to be taking out the trash/trolls.
As Gibsie said, it's a private site and they can do what they want. They can permaban me because they didn't like me here. It's the posturing and pretending they're some holier-than-thou site that's all about fairness, politeness, and reasonable discussion that drives me crazy. It's clearly nonsense, stop insulting people's intelligence by pretending like you are. It only adds to the shared delusion of the posters there.
WePlayCiv is a lot like FreeFireZone. The only difference is FFZ is at least honest by banning people they simply don't like from elsewhere."The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "