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  • flowers

    god darn IT


    like plunging into strawberry fields, the best rose wine evah

    try it

    Πολλές θεωρίες έχουν διατυπωθεί ως προς την καταγωγή της ποικιλίας Syrah, με την επικρατέστερη να την τοποθετεί γεωγραφικά στον Βόρειο Ροδανό και την περιοχή Hermitage. Η Αυστραλία θεωρείται η δεύτερη πατρίδα του Syrah (εκεί ονομάζεται Shiraz), όπου ‘’μετανάστευσε’’ μαζί με άλλες ευρωπαϊκές ποικιλίες τον 19ο αιώνα, αλλά ήταν αυτή που προσαρμόστηκε καλύτερα στις θερμές και ξηρές συνθήκες της όμορφης ηπείρου. Πλέον, είναι αποτελεί μία ιδιαίτερα αγαπητή επιλογή για παραγωγούς και καταναλωτές, και είναι δύσκολο να σκεφτεί κανείς μέρος στον κόσμο, όπου δεν καλλιεργείται                 Είναι ένα φυτό ιδιαίτερα ανθεκτικό στην ξηρασία και τις υψηλές θερμοκρασίες, καθώς και στις ασθένειες. Δίνει κρασιά πυκνά, με πλούσια αρώματα κόκκινων και μαύρων φρούτων και χαρακτηριστικούς τόνους μαύρου πιπεριού. Στο στόμα είναι γεμάτο, με έντονες τανίνες και καλή δομή. Πολύ συχνά παλαιώνει σε βαρέλια αποκτώντας αρώματα βανίλιας, καρύδας, δρυός και καπνού. Στην Ελλάδα, οι πρώτες φυτεύσεις πραγματοποιήθηκαν στη Χαλκιδική τη δεκαετία του ’90 κι έκτοτε έχουν επεκταθεί σχεδόν σε όλες τις οινοπαραγωγικές περιοχές της χώρας, από τον Βορρά έως το Νότο. Εξαιρετικά δείγματα ροζέ και ερυθρών οίνων παράγονται από Syrah, ενώ δεν είναι σπάνιες οι αναμείξεις του με άλλες ελληνικές ποικιλίες όπως Ξινόμαυρο, Αγιωργίτικο, Κοτσιφάλι, αλλά και διεθνείς, όπως Cabernet Sauvignon, Viognier κ.ά.. Συμμετέχει στους οίνους Προστατευόμενης Ονομασίας Προέλευσης Μεσενικόλα.

    but only if it comes from naoussa. a city near corinth. all cities are ancient and have stories going back milenia. corinth is even in the bible (and wasl older than that but apparently for some reason jesus disciples had a lot to say to corinthians - maybe about the wine?)

  • #2
    wait. in the municipaly of naoussa webpage it says "welcome to the heroic city of naoussa"

    why is it heroic?

    no idea


    • #3

      so allegendly during the greek revolution the ultan said to the citizens of naussa. become muslims or die. so many dioed because noone chose to become muslims

      f islam

      so the king in 1955 declared the city "heroic:

      the only city to have that tile

      hm nice

      the syrah wine is great too


      • #4
        Flowers from da fields can be used as a gift after some short snip snip.


        • #5
          In February 1822, the region of Vermion and Olympus was shaken by the outbreak of the revolution against the Turks. The center of the uprising was the purely Greek Naoussa, led by Zafirakis Logothetis and Anastasios Karatasos. After the unsuccessful attempt to capture Veria, the revolutionaries huddled in the fortified Naoussa, where populations from the surrounding villages had also gathered. Despite the heroic resistance of the revolutionaries, the city succumbed to the numerically superior Turkish forces towards the end of the week of Diakainisimo and was given over to plunder. Thousands of its inhabitants were then captured or killed. Amidst the chaos, thirteen women with their children were trapped on the western edge of the city in the Stoumbani area, with the foaming waters of Arapitsa in front of them and the hordes of Turks behind them. They preferred the icy embrace of the river to the dishonorable embrace of their enemies. The wives of the leaders of the revolution also met a martyr's death, who were dragged in chains to Thessaloniki. Zafirakis himself was killed trying to escape. On the other hand, Karatasos with the surviving military bodies of the revolutionaries continued their action in Southern Greece. Those of the inhabitants who escaped and remained in Macedonia wandered for several years before being amnestied and returning to the destroyed city. For the heroism of its inhabitants against a powerful opponent and their contribution to the Struggle for Independence from the Turkish yoke, Naoussa is the only city to bear the title "Heroic", by Royal Decree since 1955. The Church, honoring the people of Naoussa who preferred to die rather than convert, declared the dead holy neomartyrs.


          • #6
            Originally posted by BeBMan View Post
            Flowers from da fields can be used as a gift after some short snip snip.
            as long as it's not from the cemetary it's ok


            • #7
              it must be served cool at around 10oC

