US is a gun tottin hitler society based on race. It doesn't gas inferior races but it operates on the basis that they exist.
That's facts.
Ming can delete my thread since I'm not "badmouthing russia" in this case it's ok
If by chance this thread stays I want someone to explain to me how are there american laws in that brazilian rainforest you call the US that allow people that are stopped for traficking ciolations or whatever to have their indeintity sawn. Or people in courts for that matter.
if you tried this here you'd be slapped with a lawsuit your grandchildren would have a hard time pahying off
that's ebcause respect of the indivindual 9that includes free health and education) are paramound
what land of the free worms are you when you can't even protect basic human freedoms?
maybe geronimo the most clueless of all can give it a shot
That's facts.
Ming can delete my thread since I'm not "badmouthing russia" in this case it's ok
If by chance this thread stays I want someone to explain to me how are there american laws in that brazilian rainforest you call the US that allow people that are stopped for traficking ciolations or whatever to have their indeintity sawn. Or people in courts for that matter.
if you tried this here you'd be slapped with a lawsuit your grandchildren would have a hard time pahying off
that's ebcause respect of the indivindual 9that includes free health and education) are paramound
what land of the free worms are you when you can't even protect basic human freedoms?
maybe geronimo the most clueless of all can give it a shot