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Russian crimes against humanity

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  • Russian crimes against humanity

    Russia bombed a children's hospital in Kiev and killed children.

    There is no low for that joke of a country

  • #2
    reall we're talking these primitive nazi fcks killed small children and it is all over the news


    • #3
      I admit that there is a logical dissonance that I am not as outraged at palestine/israel...



      • #4
        Do you realize that Ukranians are DAILY killing civilins and childrens by INTENTIONLY bombing, shelling and missile striking civilan targets in Russia?

        (Your media would never show you that though, because you have a "Democracy" and no "Censorship").


        • -Jrabbit
          -Jrabbit commented
          Editing a comment
          So your response is just to say "whatabout Ukraine?"
          I will take that as your tacit admission that the OP is factually correct: Russia bombed a children's hospital.

      • #5
        As well as they will never show you how they shoot and torture to death Russian pows.

        You are free of that knowledge!

        Just like you are free of the knowledge of swastikas tatooed on their chests and on their banners.

        Enjoy your freedom, idiot!


        • #6
          I do not discard what you say as easily as you'd think.



          • #7
            Ukraine is a whole country with mothers fathers sons kids

            that you have slayed

            and they were not nazis

            and we all know that

            dinner said that biden administaration was soft and that the europeans said fkc the russians

            I believe that

            I also believe that if trump is elected it's over

            there will be a european / russian war


            • #8
              Their loses among civilians for a two years are several times less than Palestinian loses of Israelis genocide in Gaza within one year, but you support Israel and condemt Russia.

              You have no brains!


              • #9
                Indeed I am morally compromised

                still I dont give a damn becasue I know that after UK france results european democracy is strong

                and even though there are different opoinions about palestine there is only one against russia


                • #10
                  Originally posted by Bereta_Eder View Post
                  Russia bombed a children's hospital in Kiev and killed children.

                  There is no low for that joke of a country
                  1) Do you realize that Russia has no single reason to strike a hospital?

                  2) Do you realize that Russian "Calibre " missile has a payload of 450kg and Russian X-101 missile has a 800 kg of trotill equvalent in its warhead, and that if it was a Russian missile that hit that building, it would only left a crater instead of a building?

                  3) Do you realize that five X-101 missiles have hit their MILITARY targets in Kiev at exactly the same time and none of them have been intercepted by Ukranian anti-air defences?

                  4) Do you realize that Ukrainians are hiding their SAMs batteries inside the city limits between the civilian blocks,
                  which a WAR CRIME?

                  5) Do you realize that it is not the first time, when a failure of Ukranian SAM missile is portrayed as a Russian attack on Ukranian civilian objects?

                  6) And Finally!
                  Do you realize that there is a video of attack (shoot by Ukrainians themselves), which clearly shows that is was the Ukranian surface to air NASSAM missile?​

                  Click image for larger version  Name:	image.png Views:	1 Size:	141.8 KB ID:	9472899​



                  • #11
                    Originally posted by Bereta_Eder View Post
                    Indeed I am morally compromised
                    You are just a brainwashed idiot! Nothing more.

