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I am Russian!

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  • #31
    It's not very epic. Despite the whole of the civilized world advancing and bettering itself despite overwhelming odds, Russia has remained a little dictatcorship and its people scared and trapped under the boot of their dictator and licking it so he doesn't poison them or execute them.

    What's so great about that?

    And you have fairy bear serb here drinking himself to death trapped inside his russian frozen prison threatening with foam at the mouth like a deranged monkey with nuclear war like even one person would take him seriously.
    Meanwhile the free world thata includes the baltics and many other countries, progress and live in flourishing democracies, free to travel the world over, free to speak and free not to get killed be a dictatro which seems is the only reason russia ever existed.


    • #32
      And since Geronimo continues cxontributing with his cute clueless american unintended humour, the eurozone is an agreed upon by all system of monetary union. In my opinion and the oninion of every sane person it has helped Greece and many other countries tremendously. Inflation, before the eurozone was in the double digits, money devaluations happened suddendly and every now and then. And that's despite the previous crisis.
      You have to be dumb not to realize but also admire how a country than not so long ago brought down the biggest autocratic islamic empire in the world equipped solely with butter knives, just some decades afterwards finds itself at the core of monetary, democratic and all other european institutions (which after all it founded).

      What's not to admire?


      • #33
        Plus we have cheap russian hookers.
        It doesn't get much better than that


        • #34
          Originally posted by Bereta_Eder View Post
          And since Geronimo continues cxontributing with his cute clueless american unintended humour, the eurozone is an agreed upon by all system of monetary union. In my opinion and the oninion of every sane person it has helped Greece and many other countries tremendously. Inflation, before the eurozone was in the double digits, money devaluations happened suddendly and every now and then. And that's despite the previous crisis.
          You have to be dumb not to realize but also admire how a country than not so long ago brought down the biggest autocratic islamic empire in the world equipped solely with butter knives, just some decades afterwards finds itself at the core of monetary, democratic and all other european institutions (which after all it founded).

          What's not to admire?
          The fact that it is in monetary union is what makes it fit for comparison. Greece literally surrendered monetary independence to a system that it could now be argued in some limited sense to be enslaved to. The bloc competes with the US and other outside national economies in a way that almost entirely precludes any of its constituent states from being thought of as financially or even generally economically enslaved to any of them. So what are you objecting to from my post?


          • #35
            "at almost entirely precludes any of its constituent states from being thought of as financially or even generally economically enslaved to any of them"


            I don't udnerstand your american.

            jsut a quick lesson in basic european

            all member states willingly entered the union. The union's policies are decided by the council of ministers (in this case financial ministers).
            So what's the ensalvement?


            • #36
              Limited. You don't have to call the multilateral interdependence enslavement. Serb can do that. But Russia has *sovereignty* and total control at the state level of monetary policy. My point wasn't that monetary union was bad. Just that his notion that Greece was somehow enslaved to the United States was laughable. If Greece is "enslaved" to anything it's a relationship it entered freely has proportionate influence over and has theoretical freedom to leave.


              • #37
                Comparison seems odd and without purpose. You could ask if any constituent part of an economic or political system is 'enslaved' because it doesn't have the ability for unilateral action. Why single out Greece as a member of the Euro or EU? Why not the US as part of NAFTA? Or Texas as part of the US? Or Volgograd as part of Russia?
                One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Dauphin View Post
                  Comparison seems odd and without purpose. You could ask if any constituent part of an economic or political system is 'enslaved' because it doesn't have the ability for unilateral action. Why single out Greece as a member of the Euro or EU? Why not the US as part of NAFTA? Or Texas as part of the US? Or Volgograd as part of Russia?
                  Yes but when an accusation is made that any country is "enslaved" it seems helpful to step back and see what if anything makes the target of accusation any less free than the accusers paragon of non-enslavement. Russia. I maintain that Greece being part of the Eurozone makes the notion that it is enslaved to the US absurd. But feel free to keep pretending that I entered this conversation to make the case that Greece is enslaved rather than with the post below:

                  Greece is considerably ahead of Russia on nominal income per capita ($24k vs $15K) and even ahead of Russia in PPP comparison per capita ($41k vs $40k). Doesn't really look like slave economics to me. *maybe* Greece could be thought of as "enslaved" to the eurozone but no way in hell to the US. The US and the eurozone have been stepping on each other's toes for trade gains for almost as long as there has been a eurozone. Just what is Greece supposed to be "enslaved" to Serb?


                  • #39
                    But feel free to keep pretending that I entered this conversation to make the case that Greece is enslaved rather than with the post below:

                    I never said you did. I was commenting on the notion. And the notion was clearly raised by Serb. Why you think I am pretending anything confuses me.

                    Normally when I see people talk about enslavement in this fashion, it's usually driven by nationalistic tripe. During Brexit the term 'vassal state' to describe the UK vis a vis the EU was bandied about by some of the more privately educated Brexit supporters.
                    One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


                    • #40
                      I Am Canadian!
                      I am not delusional! Now if you'll excuse me, i'm gonna go dance with the purple wombat who's playing show-tunes in my coffee cup!
                      Rules are like Egg's. They're fun when thrown out the window!
                      Difference is irrelevant when dosage is higher than recommended!


                      • #41
                        I'm Brian


                        • #42
                          That would mean something if anyone else's influence was unlimited which it isn't. Even if France and Germany go together on a matter that means a lot to other member states a mediocre small coalatin of other much smaller states can block the resolution. This has never happened IIRC because the interests on big issues are almost identical.

                          Greece is a slave to its own idiocy noone else.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Dinner View Post
                            You should stop denying your Mongolian ancestors, man.
                            And you should f yourself, really!

                            We are the ancestors of Scandinavian tribe "Rus" (back then "Rus" was just another name for another tribe like Norwes or Swedes). We are a mix of Vikings and Slavs originally, then Tatars, Bashkirs, Chechens - you name it!
                            And what is so wrong if we have a drop of Mongol blood?
                            Monglos f-up everyone else back then and created one of the greatest Empires ever.
                            And Russia was multicultural and multi confessional Empire from the beginning and still is.​

                            That's why now we have 26 STATE languages and 16 official languages in our country.

                            Because we always have been a family of equal peoples, not the "master and servant" in your colonial World.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Bereta_Eder View Post
                              we all know you're as gay as barbie is pink serb and you hide it because if putin finds out he will send you to dhte gulags.

                              Your "hatred" for the west is simply jealousy for all those people that are free to be what they want.

                              you occupy less than 5% of the media and you are already in the same league as north korea.

                              From the free democratic pluralistic humane west we salute you repressed russian gaylord

                              Why should I care what percentage of Media Putin gets in your pathetic village of redneck imbeciles known as Greece?

                              You are nothing!

                              And your masters would never ever even find you on the map!

                              An absolute and perfect meaningless sh!thole, nobody cares or even heard about in most of the cases!​


                              • #45
                                I know about your existence only because I loved history since being a child.
                                But since the 15th century you have became an absolutely enslaved NOTHING!!!
                                Live with that!​

