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I am Russian!

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Bereta_Eder View Post
    The poor undeducated sod has confused communism with orthodoxy a common disease but not so far fetched seeing as both are religions
    And you an "educated" one, have long forgot about your religion and became a whore of your Western masters!
    You could be proud of yourselves!
    Pathetic....... let's say - "slaves".
    You are being robbed, raped and humiliated on a daily basis by your masters, but keep licking their asses with pleasure!
    What a pathetic ... you have become!​


    • #17
      Πήγαινε να μετανοήσεις, άθεη αδερφή!


      • #18
        It's so funny that in your language a .... let's say a "homosexual" and a "sister" is the same word!

        That tells a lot about you, sister!


        • #19
          Originally posted by Serb View Post

          And you an "educated" one, have long forgot about your religion and became a whore of your Western masters!
          You could be proud of yourselves!
          Pathetic....... let's say - "slaves".
          You are being robbed, raped and humiliated on a daily basis by your masters, but keep licking their asses with pleasure!
          What a pathetic ... you have become!​
          what possible evidence do you have of them being robbed raped and humiliated by their masters?


          • #20
            Look at their economy!
            Greece is a sh!thole, robbed by Germany, who is in turn being robbed by USA.


            • #21
              Every single PM they "elect" is nothing but a puppet.


              • #22
                And Paiktis is just a clown who refuses to see the truth.


                • #23
                  Greece is considerably ahead of Russia on nominal income per capita ($24k vs $15K) and even ahead of Russia in PPP comparison per capita ($41k vs $40k). Doesn't really look like slave economics to me. *maybe* Greece could be thought of as "enslaved" to the eurozone but no way in hell to the US. The US and the eurozone have been stepping on each other's toes for trade gains for almost as long as there has been a eurozone. Just what is Greece supposed to be "enslaved" to Serb?


                  • #24
                    Eurozone is your slave.


                    • #25
                      Your numbers by PPP is BS!
                      Thank you!


                      • #26
                        And I am sure Luxemburg or Kuwait is ahead of everyone else by per capita.
                        So what?
                        Do they have any spaceships or nuclear power plants or nuclear ships? Any science? Any input into the World's culture?
                        Per capita means nothing.​

                        Same with Greece they had their olives and cognac industry, then EU has killed it and left them only a tourism.
                        They are not even agrarian country, but just a sh!thole with a fancy nature and an history of the former glory.

                        And by the the way, they owe their independence from Ottomans to Russians, like most of the Balkan states.​
                        Last edited by Serb; June 14, 2024, 18:51.


                        • #27
                          You should stop denying your Mongolian ancestors, man.
                          Try for discussion and debate.


                          • #28
                            we all know you're as gay as barbie is pink serb and you hide it because if putin finds out he will send you to dhte gulags.

                            Your "hatred" for the west is simply jealousy for all those people that are free to be what they want.

                            you occupy less than 5% of the media and you are already in the same league as north korea.

                            From the free democratic pluralistic humane west we salute you repressed russian gaylord


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Dauphin View Post
                              Serb is proud of his country. It is good to see his Pride celebrations.

                              The Russian bear is famous. And I am sure he and his fellow bears will have a lot of fun.

                              Keep waving that flag with pride, you bear!
                              that went right over your peasent little repressed homosexual head russian gaylord, didn't it?


                              • #30
                                I haven't noticed that Russians (including Serb) are any more sensitive about their ancestry than anybody else, although they may be a bit more proud of the epic history of their country than you'll find in most of the rest of the world. Whenever people start hauling the supposed ancestry of an online acquaintance into a conversation it gets distasteful pretty quick.

