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  • [QUOTE=Geronimo;n9471671]defeat Russia conventionally? why would it even matter? Do you seriously think they are prepared to occupy a sprawl like Russia? They barely had the patience for a handful for bases in modest sized countries like Iraq or Afghanistan. Nobody is going to put together a vast barbarossa sized occupation force to occupy Russia. If Russia were ever "defeated" conventionally Russia would then have the luxury to wait for an invasion that would never come.


    Your main idea from the day one was to crush Russia economically and military! You have openly creamed your fancy Western pants while screaming that soon you will have a strategic victory over Russia (using Ukraine a cannon fodder).

    Now, something's went wrong for ya!
    In 2022 Russia was 6th largest economy in World, now it's 4th (according to the World bank) after unprecedented number of sanctions she faced (over 19 000).
    In 2023 Russian GDP grew with 3.6% - faster than any of G7 country.
    For the first six months of 2024 the Russian GDP growth is 5.4%.

    Any of your G7 country can swallow again!

    You have created a coalition of 56 countries to provide your Ukranian cannon fodder with everything it needs to defeat Russia military, but failed too.

    Russia outproduces your whole holy Nazi West by 3 to 1 at every field of military equpment and ammo.

    Your plan was to crush us both economically and military, but now you failed so low that are desperately trying to buy ammo for Ukraine in every sh!thole of the World and your Ukraninan puppet keeps forcibly mobilizing more and more of cannon fodder, but still is running out of manpower.

    Your initial wet dreams were to blitzkrieg us, to easily crush us and then enjoy the spolis of war - to pillage us, like you did in 1991 after the fall of the Soviet Union.

    You don't need to military occupy the territory to pillage it. You have already did so with us once.

    But,this time, it is not gonna happen, suckers!

    We will ... brake you!

    Your time is over and it is you who brought it on yourselves, not us!

    A nuclear response on the other hand would surely lead to the death of most Russians and the nuclear winter de-agriculturalization of what's left of Russia afterward would probably lead to the enslavement of most of the surviving Russian refugees in the starvation exodus into new post-apocalyptic civilizations beyond the nuclear winter no growth zones, assuming appreciable numbers of Russian survivors even made it that.far.
    Your rusty missiles just do not fly.

    The absolute majority of yours and your allies recent test launches of strategic missiles has ended-up in complete failure.
    Unlike you, we have invested A SH!TLOADS of money and effort to create a whole new generation of missiles and subs. Our strategic nuclear forces are one generation more advanced than yours and absolutely new on 90% as a pieces of metal, unlike your rusty 60 years old crap.

    We have a saying: "Напугал ежа голой жопой" which means - "to try to scare a hedgehog with a naked as$".

    This is EXACTLY what you are trying to do!!!​


    • Originally posted by Thorn View Post
      Serb, please, please, please, if you are being held to rant at us against your will, just say I hate America, we'll know.
      I am trying to save your American lives by telling yout the truth.


      • You idiots, should understand one thing for your own good - that you have fooled us in 1991, not defeated us military or whatsoever.
        And since we know what a predator you really are, that will NEVER EVER HAPPEN AGAIN!

        You fooled us once, you'll never fool us again.

        We will just kill all of you in self-defense.

        Simple as that!


        • Originally posted by Geronimo View Post

          excuse me??? you're going to "stealth" a flying nuclear reactor?
          Yep! That was it designed and build for.

          Try to catch it!

          When a sub's nuclear reactor is shielded there is an incredible asset in its buoyancy that can allow all of that weight to minimally encumber the submarine. Without the substantial extra shielding these subs would be about as stealthy as a leaky oil tanker. The inevitable gamma radiation of the reactor is one of the most difficult things to absorb so physics doesn't really leave a lightweight low bulk solution to block it. if you don't block it, your delivery vehicle lights up to gamma ray detectors like a flashing sign.
          Nuclear propulsion gives unlimited range and therefore an ability to fly at any trajectory avoiding any of your ABM defences (which are well knownw to us). And since a cruise missile flies at extremely low altitude - good luck to detect it flying from Florida, before it hits your Washington D.C. and other strategic places to paralize your chain of command.

          The sky is a really big place and the PRC had some huge balloons seemingly unnoticed up there for a while but if your vehicle emits gamma rays how long will it be able to hide once anyone suspects gamaa ray emitting platforms might be loitering up there? If it is detected before the order to strike what then?
          Who told you our nuclear propulsion technology emits anything?
          It's a classified tech and nobody, but its authors know anything about it.
          But if it already commissioned by the Russian army, I can ASSUME, that your dreams to detect it and intercept is are wet!

          As for Zeus what good really is a nuclear space engine for nuclear attack? it's ideal for reusable interplanetary trips but it's going to be absurdly inefficient for dropping nuclear warheads. If you build any of those the last thing you'd want to do is leave them hanging around low earth orbit waiting for apocalypse day idling their nuclear engines
          Sure its main purpose is civilian, but it can also be used military. It has nearly a limitless range and can change its orbit​ as much as it likes, while your sattelites are limited to the surplus of chemical fuel the have (which is VERY limited).
          A sattelite with an unlimited power source with an attack weapon onboard and an ability to avoid (by outmaneuvering by changing its orbit) a rethaliation strike is a perfect killer of your sattelites.

