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  • #31
    Originally posted by Serb View Post

    First of all, we have a new generation "Angara" now, secondly none of our Soyuz rockets are fifty years old, unlike your ICBMs!

    Soyuz is not reversible vehicle his lifetime equals to just one single launch. Which means one year in terms of metal fatigue, not an half of a century!

    So, no! None of our spaceship have a fatigue of metal equals to an half of a century like your ICBMs have or 80 years like your B-52 bombers have.​

    Serb have you ever heard of the Ship of Theseus? every company I have ever worked with has a very proactive elastomer change out and metal inspection and maintenance schedule. WTH would you assume things would be different for US ICBMs or B-52s?


    • #32
      Tell that to Boeing QA engineer who had suddenly "commited suicide" before being a witness in the court.


      • #33
        Tell that to your railroad people, who had witnessed three train crashes on average every f*cking day in 2023!!!
        We are talking about three derailment EVERY DAY!!!

        And now you want to convince me that your ICBMS, the newest of wich was build in 1988 (the majority was build in 1970's) or your bombers, the newest of which was build in 1962 (and majority of which were build in 1950's) are absolutely ok?!!!

        Tell that to your grandma!​


        • #34
          Originally posted by Geronimo View Post

          truth is the first casualty of war. If the patriots were totally ineffective I doubt Ukraine would be so keen on getting more of them.
          Sure they want more, because you have nothing better!

          But ask yourself, WHY DO THEY BEGGING FOR MORE?
          Isn't it because they ones you have already gave them are already destroyed by the Russians?
          The sinking of the Moskva, a major Russian naval SAM asset suggests Russian ABM may leave something to be desired.
          Moskva haven't had serious SAM defenses onboard. It is a cruiser build in 70's.
          It's loss was due to stupidity of command. Such a big ship should have never appear in range of coastal anti-ship missiles of the enemy without a serious anti-air support. We simply didn't expect Ukaine has such capabilities. Our bad. Period.​
          It was not Peter the Great Kirov class with all its sofisticated anti-air defenses.
          Moskva was an attack cruiser, with a long range anti-ship missiles, designed to sink your aircraft carriers.

          Having said all of that we may have to wait several years to have any confidence in publicly available ABM data for either Russia or the US.
          Tactical ballistic missiles and strategis ones are absolutely different things.

          You don't know the hypersounds, period!
          The best missile you are trying to learn to fly ihas a speed of about 5 Machs and you still fail there.

          While our tactical missiles are flying at 12 Machs and our strategic missiles (ICBMS) are flying at 25 Mach while meneuvering, which makes then something different than a ballisic missile. Something that is not possible to intercept!

          Same with our ABM capabilities!
          You are 10-15 years behind us!​


          • #35
            All of you!!!

            If you won't come to sense!


            • #36
              Have a good night!


              • #37

                of 50 megatonns!


                • #38


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Serb View Post

                    Sure they want more, because you have nothing better!

                    But ask yourself, WHY DO THEY BEGGING FOR MORE?
                    Isn't it because they ones you have already gave them are already destroyed by the Russians?
                    Meh, they work fine and they shoot down the hypersonic missiles without any problem.

                    And then there are your question - why do they want more ? The problem isn't that they have lost any, but a more simple thing. The system has obviously a range they work within, so to cover all of Ukraine they simply need seven more.

                    Then you start to talk about a very interesting subject - metal fatigue. My father was quite keen about old steam engines and knew a bit of the railways problems with that - as part of my education I also had some metallurgic lessons, and yes, they also included metal fatigue. It's a problem that involves railways, shipping, flight and any kind of machinery that moves. The problem is that to get metal fatigue, the metal has to move/vibrate, the faster, the worse. If metal are kept stable, doesn't move/vibrate, it can hold forever. That is probably a good description of an ICBM - they don't move and are build for the harsh conditions when they are fired, which only happens once in their lifetime.

                    Last, your hypersonic rockets are both detectable and shootdowable

                    With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.

                    Steven Weinberg


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by BlackCat View Post

                      Meh, they work fine and they shoot down the hypersonic missiles without any problem.

                      Didn't read the further bullsh!t, sorry!

                      You've made my day with a copy/past of Ukranian propaganda!



                      • #41
                        Meh, totally forgot this. Drones aren't shot down with patriots, that's done by the Gepards
                        With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.

                        Steven Weinberg


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Serb View Post

                          Didn't read the further bullsh!t, sorry!

                          You've made my day with a copy/past of Ukranian propaganda!

                          Ah, you are a firm believer of the "facts" that the russian MOD says - bet the real clown is you
                          With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.

                          Steven Weinberg


                          • #43
                            I wanted to make excuses for Serb being stuck in a web of lies spun by the dictator controlling his country but the truth is Serb speaks English, he knows how to use a VPN, and he has every opportunity to educate himself on the falsehoods the dictator's propaganda tells. I still like you and consider you an internet friend, Serb, but you really can do better
                            Try for discussion and debate.


                            • #44
                              good thing we have both amerkcan patriots and russian s-300. at least one of them is bound to work

                              I bet both will work

                              anyway as pekka was nearing all his operations, of course there was toxicity here but he never partook in that and always stayed clean of that


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by BlackCat View Post
                                Meh, totally forgot this. Drones aren't shot down with patriots, that's done by the Gepards
                                Do have any basic understanding of physics?

                                If your SAM are designed to track and shoot down missiles traveling at Mach 3, they will never be able to track and shoot down missiles traveling at Mach 12, dummy!

                                No matter what your Ukranian whores like to talk you about!​

