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wow racist america

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Berzerker View Post
    Ah, the story of Icarus. But that couldn't be just a local legend, sounds like a fireball. Maybe even the same event that gave us the story of Sodom and Gomorrah in the Bible. The documentary I saw on the idea showed it traversing the Dead Sea region to the northwest exploding over the Alps. That would put Ikaria on its path. New world peoples may not have seen it or at least had a much different experience. Okinawa south of Japan produces long lives.
    I'm positive that Greece owes some of its mythology to the east. But not all. And what is eastern is crude and unrefined. What is Greek is on another level of sophistication depth and character. I hope I don't come out as cocky. But it is the truth. East is fascinating I love it. But Greece is something else


    • #32
      Originally posted by Berzerker View Post
      didn't the cia install right wing governments in Greece during the cold war?
      There was a dictatorship in Greece for 7 years and the US (and the UK) said that it was the best gov Greece could have.

      There probably was US involvment not that we didn't have our share of fascists

      I remember walking the Sceine and finding old french gravours in support of Greek democracy and condemning the junta. And great soviet posters doing the same

      Lots of americans were assascinated alongside greek junta torturers when the dictatorship was over. By 17 Noevember

      and each year there is a march to the US embassy (largely orchastrated by the communist party of Greece)

      I went once and then wen to the greek fast food chain with friends

      not very revolutionary but what can you do


      • #33
        but yeah we don't forget we don't forgive

        we don't forget that we have our share of fascists either

        and that democracy is something sacred and worth protecting

        and that the US probably supported the junta

        now they are our sweet democractic friend pie but it was not always like this


        • #34
          I firmly believe that Greece is and belongs to Europe

          that's why I get angry when american bred pieces of sh!t rise to power and try to make us into US venezuela

          Like the ones we have now

          not that I particularly trust the wisdom or dignity of the greek people

          I think we are some of the most immoral and selfish people on earth


          • #35
            I am very close to making my own Thrade soon. It is taking great self-control and effort NOT to. Let's say this one is moar DIRECTED than others I've made... (don't worry not at you)

            But they say power is impressive, but even moar impressive is one who CONTAINS that power. We'll see.
            Order of the Fly
            Those that cannot curse, cannot heal.


            • #36
              What did the Egyptian priest tell Solon in ~590 bc? "You Greeks are as children" referring to history and myth. Course when the priest said that everyone was children, he dated Atlantis to ~9600 bc. The Mesopotamian mythology shows where just about everyone in the region got their stories, the hero with 1000 faces. But now with Karahan Tepe we can see the same cosmology that showed up in Greece as the 12 Olympians in Plato's time more than 9000 years earlier in the foothills of Noah's mountain.

              How would a flood and deluge deposit a boat in southern Turkey from a city on the plain to the south? Must have been a tsunami along with a release of water vapor.


              • #37
                My Thrade is also not going to be about you. You don't annoy me; moar of an eyeroll and a chuckle.
                Order of the Fly
                Those that cannot curse, cannot heal.


                • #38
                  satan worshiper... be gone BE GONE!


                  • #39
                    I do not worship Satan, though we have a "good" relationship. I am a servant of Archangel Samael the Demiurge.
                    Order of the Fly
                    Those that cannot curse, cannot heal.


                    • #40
                      thats starting to sound like Satan's relationship with God when they were screwing Job over a bet

                      Is Samael the angel you have for an avatar? I figured the red eyes for the evil one


                      • #41
                        No my avatar is Abezethibou; possibly a statue, as I've seen the same picture from different angles. I do not feel like re-telling his tale so I will leave others to do a quick google.

                        I'm a sucker for tragedy.
                        Order of the Fly
                        Those that cannot curse, cannot heal.


                        • #42
                          IM ACTUALLY A LOUSY WARLOCK; I JUST SERVE GOD.
                          Order of the Fly
                          Those that cannot curse, cannot heal.


                          • #43
                            To clarify I am actually a very proficient warlock. I am just extremely forgetful and lazy.

                            I figured it was simpler to go with Archangel Samael in all things. NONE STAND BEFORE.
                            Order of the Fly
                            Those that cannot curse, cannot heal.


                            • #44
                              And lastly this topic is not what my Thrade was going to be about. That will be moar... personal. I was just doin' some Thradejackin.'

                              LIVIN UP TO MY NAME
                              Order of the Fly
                              Those that cannot curse, cannot heal.

