this is inspired by serbs thread about rissians being jews
which is not correct because jews are very intelligent
but I have been reading and I have to say
the poor jews. they were persecuted for milenia mileeeeeeeeeeeeenia
pogroms after pogroms.
there was christian rage against them
and that jesus guy (that didn't existed) he was anti jew
actually probably the satan the nbringer of light
I'm greek. very enthralled by my contriy;s history and beaches of course
but i wanted to go and see the eeeend the very beggining of civ before greeks, minoans, mycenaaeans
and there was mesopotamia (another greek word like all, meso=middle potami=river)
and uruk and the fable of girosuri or something
the primal very first gods
zeus of lighting
but el was the first god of the canaaans. the yahweh Γιαχβέ in greek
el got merged with yahweh then there was just yahweh who was a god of storm
that's where the jewish god came from after the 10 tribes of their got assimiliated bu the conquering babyl
that is so enthralling
then el merged with yahweh and there was only yahweh, that is the jewish and that is the christian god
under very heavy influence from paul christianity was forged in the greek speaking world and the roman world
we worshipo a storm god, yahweh
and nothing is original in the bible
(comes from greek AGAIN, biblia, the books.)
actually everything is greek but there are some things even more ancient and it is amzing
we all worship (or not) a storm god of war
which is not correct because jews are very intelligent
but I have been reading and I have to say
the poor jews. they were persecuted for milenia mileeeeeeeeeeeeenia
pogroms after pogroms.
there was christian rage against them
and that jesus guy (that didn't existed) he was anti jew
actually probably the satan the nbringer of light
I'm greek. very enthralled by my contriy;s history and beaches of course
but i wanted to go and see the eeeend the very beggining of civ before greeks, minoans, mycenaaeans
and there was mesopotamia (another greek word like all, meso=middle potami=river)
and uruk and the fable of girosuri or something
the primal very first gods
zeus of lighting
but el was the first god of the canaaans. the yahweh Γιαχβέ in greek
el got merged with yahweh then there was just yahweh who was a god of storm
that's where the jewish god came from after the 10 tribes of their got assimiliated bu the conquering babyl
that is so enthralling
then el merged with yahweh and there was only yahweh, that is the jewish and that is the christian god
under very heavy influence from paul christianity was forged in the greek speaking world and the roman world
we worshipo a storm god, yahweh
and nothing is original in the bible
(comes from greek AGAIN, biblia, the books.)
actually everything is greek but there are some things even more ancient and it is amzing
we all worship (or not) a storm god of war