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the real pogroms

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  • the real pogroms

    this is inspired by serbs thread about rissians being jews

    which is not correct because jews are very intelligent

    but I have been reading and I have to say
    the poor jews. they were persecuted for milenia mileeeeeeeeeeeeenia

    pogroms after pogroms.

    there was christian rage against them

    and that jesus guy (that didn't existed) he was anti jew

    actually probably the satan the nbringer of light

    I'm greek. very enthralled by my contriy;s history and beaches of course

    but i wanted to go and see the eeeend the very beggining of civ before greeks, minoans, mycenaaeans

    and there was mesopotamia (another greek word like all, meso=middle potami=river)

    and uruk and the fable of girosuri or something

    the primal very first gods


    zeus of lighting

    but el was the first god of the canaaans. the yahweh Γιαχβέ in greek

    el got merged with yahweh then there was just yahweh who was a god of storm

    that's where the jewish god came from after the 10 tribes of their got assimiliated bu the conquering babyl

    that is so enthralling

    then el merged with yahweh and there was only yahweh, that is the jewish and that is the christian god

    under very heavy influence from paul christianity was forged in the greek speaking world and the roman world

    we worshipo a storm god, yahweh

    and nothing is original in the bible

    (comes from greek AGAIN, biblia, the books.)
    actually everything is greek but there are some things even more ancient and it is amzing

    we all worship (or not) a storm god of war

  • #2
    btw by my new avatr I save people the effort of calling me an ass


    • #3
      So hippopotamus means river-horse? That's funny.

      It's also interestingly close to it's name in German, nile-horse
      Indifference is Bliss


      • #4
        yes haha

        it does mean river horse

        actually german is one of the lanmguages that is very close (maybe the closest) to ancient greek gramatically

        no idea if it is influenced by greek vocabulary but I would vendure so much as say: stupedifyingly much


        • #5
          it has a grammar form called dative (which means δοτική - dotiki) that existed in ancient greek but was lost by time in modern greek

          many religious texts use it
          for axample when you say thank you and they reply with an old religious phrase which is τω θεώ which doesn't exactly means "give your thanks to god" but rather like give the (things) that are His to him.

          anyway that's dative that the german language keeps using


          • #6
            I also used to call an ex so called girlfriend an hippopotamus because she was very insenstiive and she just kept senning me hippotamus smilies so we didn't get far


            • #7
              paraphrasing Solon's account about Atlantis told him by an Egyptian priest, "you Greeks are ignorant children, you know nothing of the past"

              otoh that priest (or Solon) credited the Greeks with defeating the Atlanteans.

              The Greeks got much of their religion and science from the Mesopotamians, people were using trig long before Pythagorus showed up.

              If I lived in Greece I'd try to make a trip to Gobekli Tepe and Karahan Tepe


              • #8
                it is a well known phrase

                he said that we were like small children because we had no recollection of what had happened before the last flood, whereas egyptians, allegendly, because they used stonme instead of papyrus (IIRC) had those records and we did not.

                so greeks had not recolation of what had happened before the last flood. Egyptians allgedly did. and for many floods before

                he specifically said that athenians defeated atlantis but only by fate. so, atlantians were reiging terror down on athenians with far superior techology and had decimated all the atheniean men.

                then a huge volcanic erruption happened and "swallowed" atlantis and so athens was saved. by fate

                egyptions knew all this because of the above mentioned durabvle records. greeks did not

                it is interesting

                it is in timeos and kritias


                • #9
                  I understand Atlantis was done in by nature but didn't Solon say the Greeks defeated the Atlantean invasion of the E Mediterranean before the calamity?


                  • #10
                    No IIRC he said the opposite. That athens was about to be overwhelemed and erradicated and then the erruption happened


                    • #11


                      • #12
                        hmmm but maybe you're acctually right

                        (/ˈkrɪtiəs/; Greek: Κριτίας), supposedly one of Plato's late dialogues, recounts the story of the mighty island kingdom Atlantis and its attempt to conquer Athens, which failed due to the ordered society of the Athenians.​


                        • #13
                          Οι Αθηναίοι οδήγησαν μια συμμαχία ενάντια στην αυτοκρατορία της Ατλαντίδας, και καθώς η συμμαχία αδυνατούσε, οι Αθηναίοι επικράτησαν μόνοι και ελευθέρωναν κατακτημένες περιοχές. «Όμως αργότερα έγιναν δυνατοί σεισμοί και πλημμύρες, και σε μια μόνο δεινή ημέρα και νύχτα όλοι οι πολεμιστές βυθίστηκαν μέσα στη γη, και ομοίως η νήσος της Ατλαντίδας χάθηκε στα βάθη της θάλασσας».

                          I remember now. the athenians were indeed advancing and then huge earthquakes and strong floods took place and in only one day atlantis was swallowed by the see along with all the male advancing athenians army


                          • #14
                            it is an allegory of plato's ideal state (athens) and how that led it to win

                            it allegendly took palce in the 9000 BC and biulds on even more ancient lore

                            besides the first premordial gods of the meopotamians (the epic of giramesh) was when men first begun to create civilization that came along agriculture and the start of sedetary life that gave birth to cities

                            that was when gods were worshiped in high altars. some say cities were made in order to worshipo gods

                            in any case concepts like floods, people made of mud/clay/dirt 3 days and god rising, all of that existed long long before christianity and slightly long before the greek dodecathean

                            but yeah the origin of god is to be found in mesopotamia and the dawn of civ as was accomplished by cities as was accimploshed by agriculture and the diversification of labor in the fertile crescent


                            • #15
                              actually the first epic that is not greek nro egyptian but mesopotamian of gilgamesh speaks of men starting to live in cities and the alianation from nature and the wild and what taht did to mens' chacracter.

                              then the canaans that would become the jews after the loss of 10 of their tribes due to assimilation to babylon after it had concqurerd canaa gives birth to yaweh that he was from a cluster of gods,

                              the jewish god was not one god, he had parents and siblings.
                              also probably jesus and joihn the baptist were real people and not al all peaceloving

                              anyway christianity was hugely influenved by greek thought and roman thought but used as its basis yahweh the one god that emerged for the jews after their 10 tribes were lost

